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Weapon Attack Attack%
Revolver 11 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly March 100
Items Required Acquired from
2 Screws
6 M-stone pieces
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexuar, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid, Gesper, Blitz, Death Claw, Abyss Worm, Gayla, Armadodo (level 1-19)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Shear Trigger 14 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly April 200
Items Required Acquired from
4 Screws
1 Steel Pipe
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Mug from Wendigo, GIM47N (level 1-29)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Cutting Trigger 18 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly May 400
Items Required Acquired from
8 Screws
1 Mesmerize Blade
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Mesmerize (Trabia Snowfields)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Flame Saber 20 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly June 600
Items Required Acquired from
4 Screws
1 Betrayal Sword
1 Turtle Shell
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Forbidden, Blitz
Armadodo (Brother's Tomb), Adamantoise (level 1-29)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Twin Lance 22 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly July 800
Items Required Acquired from
12 Screws
1 Dino Bone
2 Red Fangs
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Mug from T-Rexaur (Training Center)
Mug from Hexadragon (Near Hell), Chimera


Weapon Attack Attack%
Punishment 24 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly August 1000
Items Required Acquired from
8 Screws
1 Chef's Knife
2 Star Fragments
1 Turtle Shell
Geezard (G-Area), GIM47N
Mug from Tonberry (Centra Ruins)
Iron Giant, T-Rexaur (rare), Tri-Face (rare, level 30-100), Chimera (Level 20-100, rare), Hexadragon (level 30-100), Red Dragon (level 1-44, rare)
Armadodo (Brother's Tomb), Adamantoise (level 1-29)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Lionheart 30 255
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly 1st Edition 2000
Items Required Acquired from
1 Adamantine
4 Dragon Fangs
12 Pulse Ammos

Adamantine (Long Horn Isle)
Blue Dragon, Hexadragon (level 1-29), Grendel (level 1-29), BGH251F2
Via Make Ammo (2x Energy Crystal)

Squall's Gunblade list


A Gunblade is a combined sword and gun weapon. In battle, when Squall strikes, it can be triggered on a right moment enable to do more damage.

In the middle portion of this window, you'll see the list of all of Squall's gunblades to be remodeled throughout the game. Squall's gunblades are arranged from his original weapon which is the weakest to the most powerful. Each gunblade show it's name, attack power, attack rating, it's required magazine, remodeling price and items requirements also the enemies carrying them.


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