Calico Quilt

HTML Puzzles

Graphics Files

96 x 96

185 x 114

Note: solid color blocks are bgcolor="white" and bgcolor="black"


The basic cell code for the center blocks is

<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=66>

These blocks are rectangular to use the upper left corner of the red calico print as the basic block. The gray marble and solid color blocks are made the same size to fit in with them.

Since most of this quilt puzzle uses Copy-and-Paste again, I changed the borders a bit to make it more interesting. The basic cell code for the border strips is

<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=55>

That makes the side strips the same width as the center blocks, and the top and bottom strips will match them in height. Also note that the top and bottom strips went on first on this quilt, and the side strips went on last. Count the center blocks and you'll find that the top strip and bottom strip need to be nine columns wide. Start with this for both top and bottom rows.

<td bgcolor="black" colspan=9>
<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=55>

That's all you'll need for the bottom row. The top row has to have the two long side strips added to it. Count the center blocks and the top and bottom strips and you'll find that the side strips have to be eleven rows long, one on each side of the top strip. This gives the code

<td bgcolor="black" rowspan=11>
<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=55>
<td bgcolor="black" colspan=9>
<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=55>
<td bgcolor="black" rowspan=11>
<img src="../graphics/1x1.gif" width=55 height=55>

Last update: January 15, 2000

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