Elspeth's Index

Fanfiction and assorted other obsessiveness by Elspethdixon

Tales of Suspense
Captain America/Iron Man archive run by seanchai and co-modded by me. Most of my more recent Marvel-verse fic can be found there.

Arizona Nightingale
Gen and slash fic for Tombstone, Lonesome Dove, and (eventually) Magnificent Seven.

Shiny Pirate Goodness
Home of Elspeth's Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic, plus some PotC related odds-and-ends and that one Captain Blood fic she did for a Yuletide challenge.

Miscellaneous Fic
More of Elspethdixon's fanfiction (mostly slash) in a variety of fandoms.

Once Upon a Time in Curtis Wells
The Lonesome Dove: The Series virtual third season, produced by the Curtis Wells RPG group and hosted here. Currently thirteen multi-part episodes and growing. (Contains no slash in any way, shape, or form. Not written by Elspethdixon).

Older Sites
(no longer updated)

The Werewolf's Den, the Convict's Cell, & the Serpent's Lair
Slash and het Harry Potter fanfiction, most of it written pre-Order of the Phoenix and focusing on Sirius, Remus, and/or Snape.

Deep Space Planet Future Metaphor Action!
Trigun fanfic, plus a few extras.

Elspethdixon's Fanfiction Recommendations
Exactly what it sounds like--fanfic in a variety of genres and ratings (G through NC-17), both slash and het. Fandoms represented include Harry Potter, X-Men, Weiss Kreuz, Trigun, and miscellaneous anime. Most of the recs are a couple of years old, though, so watch for broken links, and keep in mind that these are fics I liked when I was about nineteen - quality is not guaranteed.



2/21/09. Added link to Tales of Suspense.
1/31/07. Added two post-DMC fics to Shiney Pirate Goodness.
11/7/06. Added Magnificent Seven fic, "Another Fine Mess," to Arizona Nightingale and a Last of the Mohicans ficlet to Miscellaneous Fic.
10/17/06. Added one fic, "Broken, Battered, & Bent," to Miscellaneous Fic.
3/11/06. Added pixel dolls of Lonesome Dove characters to Arizona Nightingale.
2/17/06. Added a page for Tombstone and Lonesome Dove fic, Arizona Nightingale.
2/15/06. Site maintenance done, added a links page to Shiny Pirate Goodness.
Past Updates


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