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Wow, it's been quite a while since I've read this book so I'm just going to write a brief summary and write more after I read the book again. The story of the ring or a brief summary of the Hobbit is told. Bilbo and Frodo are having their Birthday party together. I think Bilbo is going on eleventy-one(111?) and Frodo thirty-three, but I could be wrong. There is something special about both those ages I think. Abyways, Bilbo leaves the party as well as the ring. Gandalf helps him to leave. Frodo, later knows that Blibo is gone for good and finds the ring. Gandalf warns him never to use it and he obeys...for now. Quite a few years later, I think Frodo is now around 50, our little guy's quest begins. Gandalf comes back and tells Frodo the information about the ring and they make a plan to leave the next fall(I think..) which is in a few months. Samwise Gamgee overhears and Gandalf decides that he is to accompany Frodo. Frodo moves to a smaller home so that no one would notice too much when he left. One day as he was walking to his home, he sees the black rider on the road. I can't remeber if he met up with Merry and Pippin before that or after that. They all stay at Frodo's house and Merry and Pippin want to go with Frodo and Sam. Frodo and Sam plan to sneak out but Merry and Pippin catch them and end up going on the journey with them. They meet Tom Bombadil when one of the hobbits is attacked by a tree(they left this out in the movie). Later they find themselves in Bree. They stay at the inn and buy a Bill from an untrustworthy person. They leave just in time, the blackriders do not get them...yet. Only because they meet Strider in the bar and he warns them. Strider goes with them. There is another attack from the wringwraiths and Frodo is hurt. An elf comes and takes Frodo to Rivendell. A few days later is the Concil of Elrond after Frodo is better. The other three hobbits sneak in. Then the fellowship begins their journey. They go up the mountain of Carad hras(???) and then because of the snow turn around and take the way of the mines. In there, Gandalf falls in the battle with a Balrog. The remaining 8 run to Lothlorien where they are awaited by Galadriel and the elves. They tell their story and Galadriel gives them cloaks and gifts after showing Frodo the mirror. They are then on their way again. They make it to where the small battle is, but unlike the movie, the book ends after Frodo leave because Boromir tries to take the ring, the fight doesn't begin until the next book.
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