T  h  e   T  w  o   T  o  w  e  r  s
   If you've already read the first book, you know that it left off with Frodo and Sam departing the fellowship to continue the mission alone. Back with the others, an army of orcs race in to capter the halflings/hobbits under Saruman's command. They are also ordered to kill the rest of the fellowship. The orcs only manage to capture Merry and Pippen and Boromir was killed during his attempt to protect the halflings. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli decide rather than chase after Frodo and Sam, to save Merry and Pippen from Saruman's orcs. THey go through many adventures and in time they meet the Riders of Rohan. the Riders question them and after they realize that Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli are friends, rather than enemies, they give them two horses and wish them luck in finding the hobbits. The remaining fellowship, travel on through the wilderness in hope's of finding Merry and Pippen. Meanwhile, Merry and Pippen are being dragged along by Orcs. One night, the Orcs are ambushed by many riders and killed or driven off. That's right, the Riders of Rohan had saved Merry and Pippen subconsciously before they met up with our Elf, Dwarf and Man. The Riders didn't even notice the two small hobbits among the Orcs. Merry and Piipen escape unhurt and while in Fangorn Forest, they meet treebeard, and Ent. Later they find themselves destroying Isenguard and guarding Saruman's tower so that he can't escape.
    Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas meet a strange old wizard clothed in white that looks astonishly a lot like Saruman. The wizard's snow white hair doesn't fool them for long. Gandalf had returned and was declared "Gandalf the White" by the White Council. So with Gandalf at their side, they return their horses to the Riders in Rohan. Gandalf convinces their king, Theoden, that war is startign between good and evil. Theoden looked old and tired. He was being fed words of Saruman through his servent Wormtongue. Gandalf knew this and helped heal Theoden. When Theoden realized what had happened, he banished Theoden and began to journey with his city to Helm's Deep to prepare for battle and protect his people. The fight the battle of Helm's Deep and are outnumbered by thousands of Orcs, wolves and evil creatures. Gandalf shows up with an army and they scare off the remaining Orcs. Legolas and Gimli try to kill more orcs than one another. Surprisingly, Gimli wins, but only by one orc. As they go to confront Saruman, they find Isenguard in ruins. As they journey closer, they find a taller Merry and Pippen, sitting on a rock, smoking their pipes merrily. Gandalf confronts Saruman. He breaks his staff and declares himself white. Saruman now has few powers, if any.
  Sam and Frodo are climbing down some moutains and decide to get some rest. They find Gollum sneaking down after them. They capture him with a struggle and they demand Smeagol(A.K.A. Gollum) to show them the way to Mordor. Golumm must promise(on the ring) not to bring harm to Frodo. They journey through many lands such as the dead marshes but finally reach the gates. Gates are usually to keep things in or out. Well, I don't think Frodo and Sam realized that 'cause they were pretty surprised to see that the Black Gates were closed. They decide to journey a different way, Smeagol at their side. They are met by the men of Gondor. their leader Faramir(Boromir's younger brother) tells them of the fate of Boromir. Faramir guides them to where they are staying, though the hobbits must be blindfolded. The hobbits forget of Smeagol still wandering around in search of food.
   Faramir discovers what the fellowship's true mission was and assures Frodo and Sam that he would not take the ring if it was offered to him on a silver plate. The guards of Faramir's home notice something lurking in the shadows around the pond n search of fish. They are ordered to kill the creature, but Frodo stops them. Frodo catches Smeagol and shows the men that he is of no threat.
   So Sam, Frodo and Smeagol continue on a different route into Mordor. They are lead up stairs and down, through mountains and caves that seem to never end. They notice, one day, that Smeagol had disappeared. Something evil was about, in their presence though was afraid of light. Using the viel of light that Galadriel gave to Frodo, they make their way out of the cave. They both sprint across what used to be a field in better days, Sam holding onto the light.The spider-like creature bolts in front of Sam and dashes after Frodo. She brings Frodo back to her cave with her. Sam, positive that this was Gollum's doings that put this fate upon them, runs after the giant creature(Shelob). First Sam wrestles with Smeagol and frightens him away, then he chases afer Shelob. With incredible force, Sam grabs Frodo's elven sword and fiercely battles with the spider. Finally, after Shelob is stabbed in the eye and up through te stomach, Shelob runs away.
   Sam finds Frodo without a heart beat. After much grieving, Sam decides that he must continue Frodo's quest alone. He takes the ring, the elven sword and the light of Galadriel. Orcs storm into the cave not long after Sam is well hidden. They take Frodo. Sam overhears them talking about how injured Shelob was and that it most likely was a powerful elf to hurt the creature that badly. He then hears that Frodo wasn't dead. The orcs discuss how the poison of the spider only slows down the heard and knocks you unconscious for a few days. Sam panics. He chases after the orcs. They were gone with Frodo.
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