Check this out! We will be having a Blender Art Contest in April, with Prizes (Gift Certificates) so E-Mail us for more details

WE ARE MOVING TO In two weeks. Bye Bye Yahoo Geocities. 


What is a Blender Ball?






This is called WOODY


"Don't slap the monkey!"


The monkey is good, the monkey is wise.

Now gimme a friggin banana



Remember These!

so long........


Here you can see the progress of the movie EYE Project Page

Please send us some work because it would be a shame not to show all the good work that has been done in blender. We want to show most of all, Blender used in real world situations like how you made money using it! We will finance this website and all the server/band-with out of our own pocket. We have a little help from a few people who will be mentioned later. 

Also we would like to add that blender is getting better and better every year. 

Thanks blender programmers you make all this possible. 




Blender Projects is here to showcase art from all Blender users. The gallery is open and you are

welcome to submit artwork. You can catch us on ICQ #Blenderchat or e-mail us

[email protected]






All artwork is copyrighted on this website. If you like what you see contact us and we can 

put you in touch with the artist. If not, please do not copy anything you see here.

we also do original logo design, flyers and one of a kind tattoo design. Showcase coming soon!

©2004 Blender Projects

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