
Quasimodo loves Esmeralda but the gipsy girl is in love with Phoebus. The young and handsome man is very attracted by her but is engaged to Fleur-de-Lys. Frollo - whose desire has been repressed since his teenage years - realises what is deeply hidden in his heart and soul : he can not help loving Esmeralda. Obsessed by the beautiful young girl, he intends to kill Phoebus to prevent him from loving Esmeralda. She is arrested for the murder attempt. Frollo visits her in jail and proposes love in return for freedom. She refuses. Quasimodo helps Esmeralda to escape from the jail and welcomes her in Notre-Dame. Clopin and his barefoot hordes invade the cathedral to set her free. Phoebus and his soldiers are required to put an end to the revolt. Clopin is killed and Gringoire decides to speak on the barefoot hordes' behalf. Quasimodo looks at Frollo handing Esmeralda over to Phoebus, thinking that the latter is here to save her. On the contrary, Phoebus comes to annouce that Esmeralda will be hanged. Quasimodo pushes Frollo from the top of Notre-Dame and arrives too late to save Esmeralda. He asks the executioner to give him her body so that one last time, Quasimodo can sing his love and despair to his beloved.


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