Current London Cast :
from May 3rd 1999

Glenn Carter Laura-Michelle Kelly
Dean Collinson Veronica Hart James Graeme Walter Herron Reynolds III

Ensemble : Ann Adlem, Anthony Cable (The Minister, Sheriff understudy), Vikki Coote (Swallow understudy), Mogan Deare, Carole Duffy, Christopher Howard (Snake Preacher) Rosalind James (Elizabeth, Candy understudy), Holly Lambert, John Langley, Alistair Lee, Paul Lowe (Earl), Jason McCann (The Man alternate), James Pearson, Karen Rapps, Jean Reeve (Ma Jepsom), Alan Ruscoe (Deputy), Michael Samuels (Edward understudy), Andrew Spillett (Amos understudy), Rohan Tickell (Sheriff, Boone understudy) James Wren and the children.

Last update: 11 June 1999


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