Practice theory test, especially for students who are learning we recommend that you take time out to do this test; we also believe the results, would be favorable.


20 multiple choice question, which based wholly on the highway you are allotted 45

minuet to complete this test. Follow all carefully.


(1) When turning our car in the road you should make on answer.


(a) Overhang the kerb

(b) Use a driveway if possible

(c) Check all around for road users

(d) Keep your hand on the handbrakes throughout



(2) Before you make a U-turn on the road you should: mark one answer.


(a) Look over your shoulder for the final check

(b) Signal so others drivers can slow down for you

(c) Give an arm signal as well as using your indicators

(d) Select a higher gear than normal


(3) Objects hanging from our interior mirror may: mark two answer


(a) Restrict your view

(b) Improve your driving

(c) Distract your attention

(d) Help your concentration


(4) As a driver what does the term Blind Spot means: mark one answer


(a) An area cover by your right hand mirror

(b) An area not cover by your head lamps

(c) An area cover by your left hand mirror

(d) An area not seen in your mirror


(5) To move off safely from a parked position you should: mark one answer


(a) Signal if other driver will need to slow down

(b) Not look around if there is a parked vehicle close in front of you

(c) Give a hand signal as well as using your indicators

(d) Use all mirror and look over your shoulder for the final check.





(6) The rear view mirror in your vehicle should be adjusted so that you can see: mark on answers


(a) Through the rear window especially to the nearside.

(b) Straight through the rear side window

(c) The rear window and what is happening on the rear seat.

(d) Through the rear window especially on the off side


(7) What according to the height way code do the term MSM means? Mark: one answer


(a) Mirrors, Signal, Manoeuver

(b) Manoeuver, Signal, Mirrors

(c) Mirrors, Speed, Manoeuver

(d) Manoeuver, Speed, Mirrors


 (8) You are driving on a wet road. You have to stop your vehicle in and emergency. You should: Mark one answer.


(a) Apply the hand brake and foot brake together

(b) Keep both hands on the wheel

(c) Select reverse gear

(d) Give an arm signal


(9) When following a large vehicle you should keep well back because: mark one answer


(a) To allows the driver to see you in the mirror

(b) To help the large vehicle to stop more easily

(c) To allow you to corner more quickly

(d) To help you to keep out of the wind


(10) You wish to over take a long slow-moving vehicle on a busy road. You should: mark one answer


(a) Wait behind until the driver waves you past

(b) Flash your headlights for the on coming vehicle

(c) Follow it closely and keep moving out to see the road is clear

(d) Keep well back until you can that it is clear


(11) In which of these situations should you avoid overtaking? Mark two answer.


(a) Just after a bend

(b) In a one way street

(c) On a 30 mph road

(d) Approaching a dip in the road


(12) Which of the following may cause loss of concentration on a long journey?: Mark four answers.


(a) Loud music

(b) Arguing with a passenger

(c) Using a mobile phone

(d) Stopping regularly to rest

(e) Putting a cassette in the tape deck.


(13) What does the term DEFENSIVE DRIVING mean?: Mark one answer.


(a) Being alert and thinking ahead

(b) Always driving slowly and gently

(c) Always letting others go first

(d) Pulling over for faster traffic


(14) You are following a vehicle on a wet road. You should leave a time gap of at least. Mark one answer.


(a) One second

(b) Two second

(c) Three second

(d) Four second


(15) You should only make a U turn on a …..


(a) Motorway

(b) One way street

(c) Narrow road

(d) Wide and quit road


(16) When may you reverse from a side road into a main road?: Mark one answer.


(a) Only if both roads are clear of traffic

(b) Not at any time

(c) At any time

(d) Only if the main road is clear of traffic


(17) At a scene of an accident you must………………


(a) Not put your self at risk

(b) Go to those casualties who are screaming.

(c) Leave vehicle engines switched on

(d) Put everybody out of their vehicles


(18) Which of these items should you carry in your vehicle for use in the event of an accident: mark three answers.


(a) Jump lead

(b) First Aid Kit

(c) Fire Extinguisher

(d) Road Map

(e) Warning Triangle


(19) What should you do if your tyre burst while driving? Mark two answers.


(a) Stop the vehicle at once

(b) Grip the steering wheel

(c) Call the ambulance

(d) Let your vehicle roll to a stop


(20) Overloading your vehicle can seriously affect what: mark two answers.


(a) Gearbox

(b) The steering

(c) The handling

(d) The Battery life

(e) The journey


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