Translations of E. Phillips Oppenheim

  1. Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss, The
    German - "Millionaer ohne geld"
    1926: Leipzig, E. Keils

  2. Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss, The
    French - "Les tribulations d'Ernest Bliss"
    1938: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Genevieve Caille

  3. Ask Miss Mott
    French - "Miss Nell, detective"
    1939: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Geneieve Caille

  4. Ex-Duke, The
    French - "Le nouveau duc"
    1936: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Maurice Remon

  5. False Evidence
    French - "Le faux temoin"
    1937: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Genevieve Caille

  6. Gallows of Chance
    French - "Un homme d'honneur"
    1935: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Pierre Francois Caille

  7. Game of Liberty, The
    Italian - "L'inafferrabile Parker"
    1945: Rome, D. de Luigi
    tr: Lidia Battisti

  8. Golden Beast, The
    German - "Das goldene kalb"
    1930: Berlin, Neufeld & Henius
    tr: Heilmouth Wetzel

  9. Great Impersonation, The
    Frence - "L'imposteur"
    1932: Paris, Hachette
    tr: M.L.M. Didier

  10. Great Impersonation, The
    Italian - "Il Grande Impostore"
    19xx: Rome, Gruppo Newton
    tr: ??

  11. Harvey Garrard's Crime
    Italian - "Il Delitto di Harvey Garrard"
    19xx: Rome, Gruppo Newton

  12. Harvey Garrard's Crime
    French - "Le crime d'Harvey Garrard"
    1933: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Maurice Remon

  13. Inevitable Millionaires, The
    French - "Millionnaires malgre tout"
    1936: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Jeanne Fournier-Pargoire

  14. Jacob's Ladder
    Russian - "Prikliaucheniiaa IAakova Pretta"
    198?: Moscow, Proletarii

  15. Jeremiah and the Princess
    Swedish -- "Jeremias och prinsessan"
    1934: Stockholm, Hugo Gebers Forlag

  16. Lighted Way, The
    Danish - "Det Mystiske Mord"
    1934: Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel
    tr. Carla Hoff

  17. Michael's Evil Deeds
    French - "Les forfaits de Michael"
    1947: Paris, Hachette

  18. Million Pound Deposit, The
    Danish - "Fem Om En Million"
    1934: Copenhagen, Gyldendalske Boghandel
    tr. Merete Haupt

  19. Million Pound Deposit, The
    French - "Six hommes et cent millions"
    1935: Paris, Hachette
    Pierre Francois Caille

  20. Murder at Monte Carlo
    Danish - "Mord I Monte Carlo"
    1934: Copenhagen, Jespersen og Pios Forlag
    tr: Ebba Grunbaum

  21. Mysteries of the Riviera
    French - "Les bandits de la Riviera"
    1933: Paris, Hachette
    tr: M.L. Chaulin

  22. Mysterious Mr. Sabin
    Danish - "Hvem er Mr. Sabin?"
    1918: Chicago, John Anderson Publishing

  23. Nicholas Goade, Detective
    German - "Nicholas Goade, der Detektiv"
    1928: Leipzig, W. Goldmann

  24. Ostrekoff Jewels
    French - "Les bijoux des Ostrekov"
    1934: Paris, Hachette tr: Louise Dominque Gillet

  25. Passionate Quest, The
    French - "Les trois pupilles de Benjamin Stone"
    1937: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Genevieve Caille

  26. Plunderers, The
    German - "Der Klub Der Ghosts"
    1931: Vienna, Gloeckner Verlag
    tr: Hans Hillebrand

  27. Prodigals of Monte Carlo
    German - "Die Verschwender von Monte Carlo"
    19xx: Leipzig, Wilhelm Goldman Verlag

  28. Up the Ladder of Gold
    Esperanto - "La ora s^tuparo"
    1935: London, Esperanto Publishing Co.
    tr: E-ista Societo de Romford

  29. Vanished Messenger, The
    Italian - "Il Corriere Scomparso"
    19xx: Rome, Gruppo Newton
    tr: ??

  30. Wicked Marquis, The
    French - "Oeil pour oeil"
    1934: Paris, Hachette
    tr: Maurice Remon

  31. ???
    Italian - "L'Ombra del Delitto"
    19xx7: Rome, Gruppo Newton
    tr: ??

  32. ???
    Italian - "L'Enigmatico Brasiliano"
    19xx: Rome, Gruppo Newton
    tr: ??

  33. ???
    French - "Le rendez-vous avec la mort"
    1934: Paris, Hachette

  34. ???
    Italian - "Il Documento Segreto"
    1997: Rome, Gruppo Newton
    tr: anonymous

  35. ???
    Esperanto - "Ric^a kaj sen mono"
    19nd: London, Esperanto Publishing Co.
    tr: E-ista Societo de Romford
    [title translates: The Rich and the Poor]

  36. ???
    Russian - "Rokovoi vystriel"
    19nd: Riga, Renaissance
    [Title translates: The Fateful Shot]

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