A Mexican border town has "declared war" on the United States, vowing to clog the U.S. court system with illegal immigrants, because, city officials say, the U.S. Border Patrol is dumping in their town Mexican nationals caught crossing the border illegally.

Officials from Agua Prieta, a Mexican city of about 130,000, are also claiming that the U.S. government has repeatedly neglected to inform them about new waves of immigrants before they are routed there from points in the U.S. after capture.

Consequently, Agua Prieta leaders are teaching Mexican nationals how to cross into the U.S. and stay there, by instructing them to request a court hearing -- a tactic sure to clog the judicial system with possibly thousands of illegal immigrants who want their day in court.

Every day, Mexican officials complain, U.S. Border Patrol officials round up thousands of illegals who have crossed the border, then send them right back home, through gates opening into Agua Prieta. In fact, an estimated 2 million Mexicans jumped the fence and entered the U.S. illegally at Agua Pietra in the past two years, according to a Fox News report yesterday.

Ironically, city officials from Agua Prieta complain that the horde of illegals is causing inordinate amounts of crime, drug abuse and homelessness -- complaints also lodged by U.S. landowners and ranchers who live on the U.S. side of the border, where illegals are attempting to gain access to the states.

The difference, say U.S. residents, is that the illegal aliens don't belong in the United States -- they belong to Mexico, if they have not entered by legal means.

Nevertheless, Agua Prieta officials are advertising offers of free legal advice on radio and in newspapers to help those that get caught remain in the U.S. "Our plan is to let people know the rights they have," Agua Prieta Mayor Daniel Noriega told Fox.

Experts say that if only a small portion of illegal immigrants request court appearances, the system could be hopelessly clogged and the Border Patrol similarly overwhelmed.

The Mexican government, however, appears to be making an effort to complement U.S. Border Patrol efforts to stem the tide of illegal aliens flowing across the border. A new Mexico-based counterpart to the U.S. Border Patrol, called Patrulla Fronteriza, has been formed to interdict Mexican nationals on Mexico's side of the border, before they cross into the U.S.

This latest development comes on the heels of other incidents that have seen increasing tensions between Washington and Mexico City in regards to how best to deal with the problem of increasing illegal immigration.

Earlier last month, Mexican government officials came to Washington to complain about "vigilantism" being practiced by U.S. landowners who own property along the vast southwestern border.

Mexican Foreign Minister Rosario Green complained to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and other U.S. officials that some illegal immigrants had received poor treatment while traversing private land. She alleged that the detention of illegals by private U.S. ranchers -- mostly in Arizona -- had resulted in two deaths and seven injuries since January 1999.

"The issue of the Mexicans and the Arizona ranchers is seen, without a doubt, as a red alert that could generate a relatively tense situation," Green said in Mexico City.

Meanwhile -- against a sinister backdrop of possible bounty hunting by Mexican soldiers -- U.S. Border Patrol officials say they are increasingly worried about "armed incursions" into U.S. territory by heavily armed Mexican army units. Officials cited a recent incident in which Mexican soldiers chased -- then fired shots at -- Border Patrol agents.

On Mar. 14, shortly after 10 p.m. local time, "two Mexican army Humvees carrying about 16 armed soldiers drove across the international boundary and into the United States near Santa Teresa, New Mexico," said officials with the National Border Patrol Council, a nationwide union that represents all 8,250 non-supervisory Border Patrol employees.

The Mexican troops pursued a Border Patrol vehicle, which was "outfitted with decals and emergency lights (that were activated for much of the pursuit) over a mile into the United States."

Mexican anti-drug police and specialized anti-narcotic army troops make routine "incursions" into U.S. territory, the council said.

INS Confirms thas U.S. Border patrol Agent fired upon by Mexican Military five miles inside the U.S. Border, increasing the calls for citizens to take direct action to halt what a U.S. Border Patrol agent called "an act of war."

According to a U.S. Border Patrol Agent, the Tohono O'odham Police Department encountered a Mexican military incursion on Friday, May 17, 2002 at approximately 8:30 PM along the Santa Cruz trail inside the Papago Farms border patrol area, just south of Forest Road 21.

The unnamed agent spotted three Mexican soldiers in a Mexican Humvee on U.S. soil and was attempting to leave the area when the rear window of his vehicle was apparently shattered by gunfire. "The agent was leaving the area in an effort to avoid a confrontation" with the Mexicans, according to Lori Haley, and INS spokeswoman.

"I cannot in good conscience stand by and watch another incursion along our border take place," said U.S. Rep Tancredo (R-CO). "Unless we open our eyes and recognize that what's happening along the U.S. Mexico border is real, one of our guys is going to get killed.

The U.S. Border Patrol Agent, who wishes to remain anonymous, informed Rep. Tancredo during a phone conversation that approximately five miles north of the U.S./Mexico border, one the "GS-11" agents out of the Ajo border patrol station noticed a military helicopter flying overhead, heading south towards Mexico. Shortly thereafter, he came upon a humvee, which not only began to approach him, but to fire upon his vehicle. According to the agent's testimony, the vehicles rear window and back driver's side windows were destroyed. Fortunately, the agent was able to flee the incursion unharmed and concluded the conversation by stating, "As far as I am concerned, that [incursion] should be an act of war."

With the increase in hostilities now confirmed by the U.S. government, it's reported that Private citizens are making preparations to deal directly with such incursions in the future.

The General Accounting Office's report for 1997 reveals that in FY 1995, about $1.1 billion in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamp benefits were provided to households with an illegal alien parent for the use of her (or his) "citizen child." This is not only an outrageous constitutional loophole allowing illegal aliens to pick the pockets of U.S. taxpayers but also a huge incentive for more and more pregnant aliens to sneak into the United States just in time to give birth

Republican President George W. Bush and Democrat Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle are desperately trying to outbid each other on how many millions of illegal aliens can be legalized and given U.S. citizenship. Because Clinton's political operatives legalized and registered about one million immigrants (legal and illegal) in order to steal victory from almost certain defeat in the 1996 presidential election, both parties are now salivating at the thought of using immigrants to win elections. It appears that the leadership of both political parties is more than willing to sacrifice America's heritage, culture, customs, and language in this almighty quest for immigrant votes.

Bush's advisors seem convinced that the Republicans will win a majority of the Latino vote in America if the three to five million illegal Mexicans in the U.S. are given green cards and citizenship. As if that isn't disastrous enough, Democrat Tom Daschle has upped the ante – he wants to give legal status to all illegal aliens in the U.S. – 10 million or more.

In this bidding war to sell-out America, the politicians have ignored the plight of the American people. The Democrat/Republican sellout to illegal immigrants is pure insanity. Racial tension in the Southwest is already at an extreme high, and it must never be forgotten that it was a couple of illegal alien Hispanics who helped some of the Islamic terrorists fraudulently obtain Virginia driver's licenses.

The explosive racial situation in El Paso, Texas is but one tragic example of the fruits of this political insanity. El Paso, in the far western corner of Texas just across the border from Juarez, Mexico, has a population of roughly 800,000 (including the surrounding suburbs). The Hispanic population, which was about 30 percent three decades ago, has more than doubled.

According to a life-long citizen of the area, the Tex/Mex border at El Paso is virtually wide open. This El Paso businessman (who insists on anonymity for fear of reprisals), has recently informed us that "wealthy Mexicans in Cadillacs from Juarez drive their children to elementary schools in El Paso."

We are told that a new breed of "militant" Hispanics in El Paso hates all other races – not just Anglo-Americans. In March of 2001, after weeks of repeated minor racial incidents at Andress High School, a major race riot involving over 400 students broke out between Hispanic and black students. (Many of the Mexican students are illegal aliens who receive a free education courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers.) The situation was so volatile that about 100 police cars with two to three officers in each car responded to try to keep order. AIC has learned that the police, concerned about the possibility that the riot might spread, asked the military at nearby Ft. Bliss for stand-by help, and the army went on full alert – an emergency status which received no media coverage!

AIC's source in Texas explained that some of his Hispanic friends who are second or third generation Mexican-Americans are afraid of these newly-arrived "militant" Mexicans because of their intense hatred of Americans and America. These older Mexican-Americans who truly love America fear a full scale racial revolution (which they believe will happen sooner rather than later) and are leaving El Paso for Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, where they believe they can live in peace

Our El Paso contact is frequently in various city government offices to process forms for his business operations. Waiting in line, he has overheard many conversations in English and in Spanish (his second language) by Hispanics venting their hatred of America. Based on what he has heard, he estimates that eight to ten percent of the Mexicans are reporting any information they can gather about the U.S. government or military to the Mexican Marxist parties. If our contact's estimates of the number of Mexican radicals are even half-correct, then legalizing three to five million Mexicans will ultimately provide U.S. citizenship for tens of thousands of potential revolutionaries. The Texas businessman voted for Bush as "the lesser of two evils" and thinks, "Bush is totally naive about the threat from Mexican immigration."

This is political insanity at its worst. We are sending American troops to fight Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan; the FBI and INS are trying to track down several hundred Muslim terrorist cells believed to be in America already; and our politicians want to give citizenship to millions of illegal Mexicans, thousands of whom are potential Marxist revolutionaries. Buying immigrant votes is un-American, unethical, and totally unacceptable!

By Robert H. Goldsborough, President, AIC
http://www.immigrationcontrol.com/newsletter.htm#fortolerance .

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