~*Ashley* ~My Web Page~
Amy's page
Ok,Hey I'm Ashley. I live in Cranberry,Pa....DUH!!!!Well all i gotta say is this stuff is bout me....I have a lil sis....NO!!!!!!!Well theres not much to say bout me......I have a boyfriend........And he's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!I love him, Bobby is the best boyfriend!!!And theres nuttin else to say sept sign my guestbook,......please!!!!!!
And you can im me on SvSassy12, which is aol/im!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hope ya like my page people....
We Stand UniteAnd
hese Colors Don't Run!!!! They only look like it !!!!
Some of the things I enjoy is jumping on my trampoline and swimming. I enjoy very much playing my clarinet. I like to run,swim,and be on the computer. All the good times and the gr8 places are  the bomb!!!!!!!LOL all the insiderz lol lets not go there!!
STS the ppl that it happened!!!!!!!
I would like to say to all my friends out there I'm not sure what I would do without you guys.XOXO!!!!To all my cousins and other family members out there I love all of you so much!XOXO!!!! Really none of my family members really do anything that I'm sure of. My cousin Julie did go in the army but thats it. My dad does like to fish and hunt,same with other people. I think it would be a cool experience to do that. I already go fishing with my dad at Lake Erie. It's really an awesome place to go. Sometimes when he fishes with people I go swimming!My sister Becky she don't like to wear makeup but she does like other things. I guess because she is only 9.She might be a pain but i gotta say I could of got it worse! Everyone (family and friends) I'm not sure what I'd do without all of you because without you in my life I'd be lost if I never met you guys!
This is my dad's fishing guide service for steelhead in Erie!Take a look!!!!!
They might not all be friends. They always will be my friends forever! Atleast at the time they were!!!!!!!This is the order of the people in the pic.
*Jessica Schreckengost*Torri Hoppe *Ashley Hilf *Kayla Morin * Caitlin O'Connor then you can kinda see *Shannon's head. They all are not friends still  but they are my friends only 2 of them. I'll let you guess who!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Lake Erie. My dad, Becky(my sister), Kim(my moms friend),and me were fishing at night. My dad and I were atleast. The nice thing about Walnut creek is the tide and the sunset. I think it's a beautiful sunset. I always change my mind about the sunset because it's always changing. It's a really cool place to be!
This is the shore of Erie. This is where most people swim. This is one of the 14 beaches at Erie. That spot there is somewhere you can't swim but in that area most people swim there.It's a pretty cool place!!!!!!!!!!!!
My AOL info/extra room!~
Hey ppl.....I love Bobby!!!!!!I'm sry u didn't make hockey...Thats ok, I guess?!?!?!The phone chats are awesome and sooo funny!Hope we stay together forever, ur the best b/f a gurl could eva have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cass~The movies....sooo many insiderz lol they're soo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!Britt~all the jokes and stuff are so funny.Mostly in the mornin......All the phone chats and everything else!!If you want in here or in my real aol info lemme no kk, cuz i'll put ya in!!!!!!!!:-)

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