Ashley Hilf
steelhead guides
My name is Ashley. I'm 11 years old and go to Haine school. Next year I will be in 7th grade. I have strawberry/sandy blonde hair and I'm 5'2. I have two pets a kitten and a puppy. I live in Cranberry with both of my parents and a little sister. 
Some of the things I enjoy is jumping on my trampoline and swimming. I enjoy very much playing my clarinet. I like to run,swim,and be on the computer. I like animals a lot. So when I grow up I'd like to be a vet or maybe do something with science. I also like to read books about mysteries.
I would like to sat to all my friends out there I'm not sure what I would do without you guys.XOXO!!!!To all my cousins and other family members out there I love all of you so much!XOXO!!!! My dad likes to hunt and fish. I like to fish too. He hunts and I think I'd like to experience that. It seems a bad thing to do but if you see it in my case it's a good thing. I would hate to see animals dieing from hunger or getting hit by a car. I'd  just glad that your all apart of my life because I'm not sure what I would do without you all!
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