Medical Clinics Laboratory IVF In Vitro Fertility Clinic Hospital Work Office Areas Air Filtration System

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

Medical Clinics Laboratory IVF In Vitro Fertility Clinic Hospital Work Office Areas Air Filtration System

Medical Clinics Laboratory IVF In Vitro Fertility Clinic Hospital Work Office Areas Air Filtration System

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair  & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

Medical Clinics Laboratory IVF- In Vitro Fertility Clinic Hospital 
Work Office Area Air Filtration SystemElectrocorp I-6500 Gel/HO, gel sealed, isolation room, clean room, hospital room, clinic, in-vitro fertility clinic

clean indoor air for waiting rooms, smoking rooms, clinics, examination rooms, cafeterias

Enjoy the Benefits of Clean Indoor Air in All Parts of Your Work / Office Areas

Improve Productivity

Improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and increase employee morale by maintaining a high standard of indoor air quality.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?Allerair AirMedic, DOP tested hepa filter, filters odors, chemical fumes, airborne particle

  • Most people spend up to 90% of their time indoors and many spend most of their working hours in an office / work environment. Studies conducted by the U.S. EPA and others show that indoor air environments sometimes can have levels of pollutants that are actually higher than levels found outdoors.
  • Help protect your staff and patients from harmful airborne pathogens, contaminants, pollutants- Avian (bird) Flu, Seasonal (human) Flu, Pandemic Flu, Tuberculosis, SARS, etc.

A Choice of Models of Air Filtration System, Air Purifier, Cleaner, Scrubber Models from "Allerair- Home & Office" & "Electrocorp- Industrial & Commercial" to Suit Your Needs:Electrocorp Wall Mounted Air Filtration System, Air Purifier, Cleaner for Dental Laboratories (Monomer Lab Unit)


Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

| How the AllerAir air purifier, air cleaner and air scrubber High Efficiency air cleaning system works. |
| The Power of Activated Carbon |

| Main page | Air purifier models | Replacement filters | FAQs | Features | Compare
| Colors | About HEPA | Contact | Order | Letters | Q&A Message board |

Air purifier, air filter, air cleaner, air scrubber for residential, commercial, medical, industrial, military use. 
True HEPA and carbon filters to eliminate dust, odors, smoke, mold, allergens.

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� 1996-2004 Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) All Rights Reserved. All pages and their content are provided as information only. This is not a substitute for medical care or your doctor's attention. Please seek the advice of your doctor. Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) presents this data as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. It is impossible to cover every eventuality in any answer, which makes direct contact with your health care provider imperative. Information presented at Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) Sites is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions.

January 27, 2009

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

Medical Clinics Laboratory IVF In Vitro Fertility Clinic Hospital Work Office Areas Air Filtration System

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