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Knights of the Old Republic Screenshots

This is my page for screenshots from this game. The following screenshots are the 3 screenshots that I believe are the best to show what the game is like. Screenshots are the best I can show you of the game unfortunately. If I could I would get the loyal Star Wars fans a demo of the game on my site but I have not been able to get permission from Lucasarts to put that kind of thing on my site.
Sadly screenshots are a far cry from the true experience of this game. You will have to purchase the game to experience it fully. This game has make the Xbox Platinum Hits so it is at a reduced price right now so go out and buy it at the video game retailer near you.
It hurts me to have to do a final page for this game. This is one of my favorite Star Wars games and it really hurt to have to finish the game. Well I'll stop blabbering on now so I hope you enjoy the screenshots, enjoy.
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