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Knights of the Old Republic Game Review

This is my page for the review of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. In the following paragraphs I will tell you what I think about this game and how i score them. Here is my review.Again I will use a strict scoring system.
I will make my final score as an average of the three different categories I use to score the game. I will score the game on its immersion factor, replay value, and how it fits into its genre.As I considered the immersion factor I found this game to be very intersting but as all RPG's it takes time and as a product of that many won't be "immersed" in the game. As a loyal RPG fan I have to give immersion a 7.
For replay value this game is great because of the fact that the paths you can take are nearly endless thanks to the way you can go light or dark side and choose what to say to people so I give replay value a 10. The genre this game is in is role playing games which are known for great storyline and battles where you choose your actions along with the ability to level up charcaters, weapons, and armour. KOTOR fits almost perfectly into its genre but as a STar Wars game its new to the genre so it doesn't do it as well as others. For genre I give KOTOR a 9. My final score for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is an 8.7.
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