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Republic Commando Storyline

On this page I will cover the basic storyline for Republic Commando in order to let you know what is going on in the game. I will not go into very deep detail on it as not to ruin your gaming experience. This will merely be a small introduction as to what the game will be like.
In Star Wars Republic Commando you will play the role of an ARC Trooper in the Grand Republic Army. You will go on various dangerous missions to insure that valuable information doesn't leak to the enemy and to stop the enemies battle droids among other things. You will be in command of many different weapons on your quest to fulfill your objectives.
You will have command of 3 other commandos to make up your squad. You will want to keep them at full health using the bacta stations spread around the levels because even with all of the weapons in the game your squad is still your greatest weapon. All throughout this game you will be mowing your way through droids and trandoshan slavers, remember to take cover and give your squad the proper commands, and have fun.
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