About me !


    This is My Profil :D

                Hi, my name is Eugene Aprillia Feranza . Everyone has own opinion . How the way to call me, for example Eugene, Igen, Egen, Ojan, Yujin (western) , Igin, etc. It’s mean my name special for the them and now I am 16 years old ( this year I can make KTP ) . hhehhe
                I am in SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan or more familiar we called Sampoerna Academy . I am IX Science 3(crazy class) . I have some list to share with you . Enjoy it .
• About my family
                 I come from Kayuagung . I lived with my parents and brothers . They are a part of my life . My parents as a teacher in Kayuagung . I am proud of that because we know that teacher is a hero . They can make everyone is smart ( education ). I have 2 brothers . The first one is M.Andrew Ferare . I called him abang Andre . He is study in IAIN faculty as Islam Economic major . He can play anything music instrument, but he is expert in gitar . The second is M. Sultan Ferenz called him adek feren . He is study in Junior high school in Kayuagung . I like him because he can make me feel as a real sister . We are happy family 
• About my ambition
                  My ambition is become child doctor . why I choose become doctor . because I like to help somebody else with my knowledge, feeling and careness . so , I will put my effort on it . I will do the best to rich my dreams .
• About my hobby
                  Recently, teenagers life has big volume in the world . Everyone has own activity or hobby including myself . Do you know what is my hobby ? I’ll tell you .
1. Reading a book , such as biology book, novel, short story, love story, or horor .
2. Watching movie , such as bioskop movie, education movie or love movie .
3. Hang out , to refresh my mind .
4. Shoping,
5. Take a nap
6. Make essay or story
7. I stiil have many things to do it .

That’s all about me . I would like to see your commant, you can visit my website everytime . thankyou so much :D