My Schools

TK Kartika Kayuagung
SDN 14 Kayuagung
SMPN 6 Kayuagung
SMAN Sumatera Selatan ( Sampoerna Academy )



                     My Education Do you know SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan or Sampoerna Academy. Yes, that’s right . the best school ever in my mind . hheheh Now, I am XI graders in Science 3 or we called Extraordinary science 3, ventree, or secenti . In here I got knowledge from people around me especially teachers . I have done many things during 2 years in this school . I choose science because I want to be doctor which can help evertbody. My favorite subject are biology and IT lesson . It can make me feel balance in academic and non-academic . From bilogy I can make observation from our daily life and IT I can develop my idea for photoshop, make story , etc

                        In the school, I have big responsible . The first one as a news club leader in broadcasting. So, this is the first time I become leader in my school. So, I should do the best for my members and also as secretary, I should manage my class, cooperation with class captain , submit homewok or task from teacher . so far I have do my best. “ don’t afraid to give your opinion suggestion to everyone. Belief your self guys .

                       That’s all about my education. Thankyou for reading my article . :D