Computers are 'EXCEL'lent
An Internet Web Quest on EXCEL

Created by Jolianne Chaffee

6th Grade Computer Applications Teacher at
Plymouth Community Intermediate School


Wow! It can take a lot of work to write and record information by hand. Spreadsheets were designed to help you organize your information especially when dealing with numbers.

In this web quest, you will learn what a spreadsheet is, when it was created, how to enter information, and how to enter basic formulas! You will work with two other group members to help you find information to complete the Quest.

Complete each section in the menu to the left one at a time. Upon completion you will create a letter to the 6th Grade explaining the importance of spreadsheets. Also, you will create a grade book to record your grades and final average for this class. Have fun!

This site was last updated July 2002.

Contact the author at [email protected]


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