November, 1996

Table of Contents

The Front Page
The Apostle Paul Did Not Confer With "Flesh & Blood" (Galatians 1 & 2)
"What Doest Thou Here, Elijah?"
(I Kings 19)
Who Made You Boss? (Mark 11:27-33)
The Purpose of God's Word (1 Timothy 1:5-16)
Special Topic "Modern Controversies Facing the Christian": Social Reform
The Plan of Salvation
Florida College 1997 Lectures
The Final Page

I would like to thank GeoCities for choosing The Expository Files as an "Athens Featured Homestead," and to welcome those of you visiting for the first time. It is our intent to give Bible answers for today's questions.

And, if you are here as a result of the GeoCities description of The Expository Files, you may be very curious. They described us as follows: "The Expository Files, a monthly e-zine by those darn bigot born-agains (they hate it when you call them that)."

This is a reference to the October "Front Page" article that mentioned a sign carried by a protester reading "Away with all born-again bigots!" If you would like to read an article about how the Bible views racism, see September's Special Topics article. And, of course, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to Email the author of the article, if it is listed at the bottom of the article you are interested in. Otherwise the editors, Jon Quinn and Warren Berkley, would be happy to discuss any questions you might have.

Editors: Warren Berkley and Jon Quinn
World Wide Web Edition: Alan LaRue

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