December, 1996

Table of Contents

The Front Page
From Calculation to Conduct (Phil 4:8,9)
"We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight"
(2 Cor 5:7)
God's Choice of You (I Thess 1:1-5)
Dire Warnings (Mark 9:38-50)
Special Topic "Modern Controversies Facing the Christian": Final Installment
The Plan of Salvation
Florida College 1997 Lectures
Plans for 1997
The Final Page

From the Publisher

I'd like to welcome first time visitors to The Expository Files home page, and say "thanks." November saw a significant increase in the number of readers, from a norm of under 300, to some number over 500. (The counter had problems, so I can't be sure of the exact number.)

Two things I know of helped. First was GeoCities selecting us as a "Featured Athens Homesite," which I very much appreciate. Second was finally being added to the "Yahoo!" index. (Have patience if you are trying to add your page there, it takes months.) The GeoCities event occurred first, and had an immediate, noticable impact.

I am very curious how people find us. If you care to, drop me a note and let me know how you found us, and what you think.

In this issue, Jon and Warren describe their plans for the Volume 4, EF for 1997. Be sure and have a look at that, as well.

I sincerely hope that you find the things taught here to be the truth, and that they help you in your life. More importantly, I hope they help you to make plans for the next life.

As always, if an Email address is listed for the author of any article, you may Email the author if you wish to ask them about it, or make comments. Otherwise, the editors will be glad to discuss with you any question you might have.

Again, I appreciate your reading our magazine, and I hope you will come back next month. Alan LaRue

Editors: Warren Berkley and Jon Quinn
World Wide Web Edition: Alan LaRue

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