February, 1997

Table of Contents

The Front Page
Salvation To Those That Obey Him
Hebrews 5:5-10
A Righteous Fear -- Mark 9:30-31
Expository Comments On Romans 9-11, In Three Parts
Part #1, Introduction & Romans 9
All These Things shall be Dissolved
2 Peter 3:11-14
Mantras of the 90's
The Minor Prophets:
Obadiah's Prophecy
Florida College 1997 Lectures
The Plan of Salvation
The Final Page

From the Publisher

As I write this, it's February 2nd, and Warren and Jon should be in Florida at the lectures. Florida College holds a series of lectures each February, inviting different gospel preachers to speak on certain subjects. The topic this year is "The Biblical Doctrine of Sin."

I haven't personally made the 1000 mile trek to Temple Terrace (near Tampa) for this week of Bible study, but many who have gone tell me it's well worth the effort, and I know that it is. Of course, it's too late for most of you as you read this, unless you can quickly and easily take time off and jet out there; but if you live nearby and aren't familiar with this annual event, I'd encourage you to try to attend.

As it turns out, two of the preachers this year were involved in my wedding in 1981. Ardie Brown served as one of the ministers (we had two, the other being Jack Thompson, my father-in-law), and R.J. Stevens directed the singing and performed a solo. Jacquelyn and I got off to an excellent start, having three ministers in our wedding ;-)

Thanks again to all of you who come to this spot on the web every month. I don't know whether I'd be willing to keep up the effort if the counter only rolled to 25 each month, but the 400 to 600 is extremely encouraging. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact the author of the article in question (if it is listed), or Jon, Warren, or myself. And come back to visit often!

Alan LaRue

Editors: Warren Berkley and Jon Quinn
World Wide Web Edition: Alan LaRue

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