January, 1999

Table of Contents

The Front Page
Continuing the Lord's Work in the Face of Fear
(Nehemiah 4)
Human Judgement
(1 Corinthians 4:3-4)
We Are of Good Courage
(2 Corinthians 5:7)
Understanding Matthew 24
Speculation and The Second Coming
(The Second Coming of Christ series, #1)
The Plan of Salvation
The Final Page
Welcome to Volume #6

It's 1999!

Welcome to a new volume of Expository Files. This issue begins our sixth year of publication. It is hard to believe that its been that long since I received an E-Mail from my friend, brother and co-editor, Warren E. Berkley suggesting that maybe we ought to consider a monthly electronic publication of expository based articles to be made available on the Internet.

That was in the fall of 1993. We decided to begin publication in January of the following year. Things went far better than we had thought they would. In those early days, we were available on AOL and Compuserve, as well as a site on the Internet. We were surprised at the number of downloads of our early issues, as well as the favorable comments made by brethren from all over. With such encouragement, we continued publishing an issue every month to the present. We added special study series, topical in nature, in our second year.

The beginning of a new year also brings us to a new series. With the year 2000 A.D. rapidly approaching, there is a heightened interest in millenial theories and our Lord's second coming.

Many are thinking that the year 2000 will mark some fantastic changes and goings on in association with the end of time, or at least the end of this age. There is a lot of speculation about the year 2000 computer glitch, Iraq and the Middle East, economic crises, and Bible prophecy. Warren and I have decided to devote this year's special series to the study these prophetic speculations in light of the Bible and its truths. The series will be called "The Second Coming of Christ."

We promise to jump on no one's band wagon. We are only interested in discovering what the Bible actually says. You'll find no wild predictions here; for that you should pick up the latest issue of the National Enquirer or turn on the television and listen to the latest headline being meshed with Scripture (whether the Scripture likes it or not, it seems). We hope you'll find this years; special topic helpful, and enjoy our staple of expository articles as well.

Thanks for reading!

Jon and Warren

Editors: Warren Berkley and Jon Quinn
World Wide Web Edition: Alan LaRue

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