My Progz

These are my current filez

Kickass encryption from the people for the people. Hey Big Brother, try to crack this shit!

Ever get sick of going through so much shit to set the system attribute for a file? This prog helpz u set and strip properties from progz.

Chat Prog

I have recently updated this chat program to include Seamless encryption.  All you have to do is connect to your friend, and it will do all the encryption automatically, great when you have something to keep hidden.:)

Amerika Encrypt Line

This prog lets you chat in AOL chat rooms with strong encryption :)  VERY fun and very kewl.

Online Yet?

Use this program to help you figure out when your connection to the internet has been restored, good for DSL/Cable users.

This is a little game that's kinda fun :)  Use the arrow keys to move, and make sure to tell me what u think.

Fast Food

Stupid software so that you can choose randomly which fast food place to go eat at. U can DL it or check it here


Better Respect this one. Give quote when run.  And for Win9x users it will put itself in StartUP.  This prog currently contains 240 quotes, which is better than when I first made it with only 25

Alarm Program

Made a kewl Alarm clock program for ya'll, if you don't have the OCX's tell me and I'll post em.  BTW, click on HS to close it, people sometimes can't figure that out.

  Hacking Progz written by Iconoclast

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