Anna's Trip to Thailand
Details of my year long trip teaching Biology at Global English School
All is well

So I am sorry I have not been writting faithfully but please do not worry. Everything is great! I have been so busy with writting lesson plans and creating tests and quizes that by the end of the day all I want to do is sleep or hang out with my group and relax.

My class is doing okay. We had a few problems with attitudes and lack of sleep on both our parts but I know it will all be okay. Last Saturday I got to ride an elephant and sit in its tusks. It was a lot of fun. I also got my picture taken with a live tiger! It was chained up but still a little scary. It only cost $2.50 which is not bad. On Sunday we had a church service for the students at which time I gave my testimony. I pray that it touched someones life a bit.

Then this past Wednessday we had another service and we could really feel the Holy Spirit working. We have not had any students come forward yet to say they have recieved Christ as their savior but I know God is working in their hearts. I have been able to share the gospel a few times through different Bible verses they are memorizing. Although this has been a tough week and a half I am learning a lot about myself and what God can do through me. I continue to thank you all for your prayers. My health has been good except for a couple days this week when I had a really upset stomach. I am getting to know the city more and more and feel almost normal here....except for the fact that I am very pale with blond hair and blue eyes which is exactly opposite of the Thai people.

So we have eaten a lot of different things. We have squid quite a bit which isn't too bad. I actually ate a small one whole with the tentacles and everything. It was rather bland but had a weird texture. But the weirdest thing I can think of is that we have had hot dogs for breakfast on more than one occasion but the kids don't seem to mind...go figure. I'm sure we will be experiencing more strange things soon! We do eat a lot of spicy things which I am getting used to. We also have rice or noodles with every meal.

Tomorrow we are going to an ammusment park with kids. Please pray for our safety and that we will have a great time. Our patience is running thing with some of the kids because of behavior and attitude issues but I haven't given up on them. I know they can improve if we give them a chance.

2007-07-27 12:38:04 GMT
Comments (4 total)
Sounds fun! I'm glad you are trying new foods. It can be scary, but interesting at the same time. I'm sure the kid's attitudes will change as they get to know you. I'm sorry you were sick... maybe it was that whole squid! Ha, ha! :) P.S. I'm having issues with bridesmaids. You shouldn't have left me!! No, just kidding! I'm very glad you are doing what you are doing and having fun. I know this is where God wants you right now!
2007-07-27 14:33:18 GMT
I don't think I want to hear about squid texture or riding tusks. Spooky stuff!

We're praying for you back at Graceway and can't wait to see you again.

--Randy Fry
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-07-28 03:21:25 GMT
Anna, Be assured of oru great love and appreciation for you as one we have known for all of your life. Now we see you as a servant of the Savior, spreading the gospel and teaching the Word.
Love, Faffa Combs
2007-07-28 18:41:14 GMT
Blessed Anna,
My heart swells within me when I read about your service and your joy in serving the Lord. I remember this precious little thing standing at my side at church and with my finger tracing the lines of the hymn as you wanted to learn to read and recognizing the words you knew as we sang them, and here you are teaching, and preaching the Gospel as I did when I was your age at the Kansas rural Bible Crusade, between each of my years at college. I don't know what you are being paid, but I was paid $5.00 a week with free room and board. My room was sleeping in the farmers bed or sleeping on cots in the school house with bugs and snakes. My students had white faces and could speak English. Proud of you sweetheart. God bless you and keep you well and safe is my constant prayer for you. Will be glad to see your face. Love you now and always will.

Your Fammo Combs
2007-07-28 18:52:53 GMT
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