Anna's Trip to Thailand
Details of my year long trip teaching Biology at Global English School
Still having fun!

So this past week has been very interesting. I don't know if I have written much about my class but it is composed of five boys and one girl. They are all between the ages of 15 and 17. This means that they are the oldest kids at the camp. This past week we had a lot of drama come up with them bossing around the younger students and other more serious issues. This has been a challenge for me and my teaching partner because most of my students have been called out of the class to be counseled by the head pastor which takes away from their learning English. It is important that they get the biblical help they need but at the same time it's frustrating when I only have 2 or 3 kids in class. If you could continue to pray that I will have a good influence on them and that God will soften their hearts and make a lasting change. If you'd like to know their English names are David Park, David Jung, Jamie, Samuel, Andy and Paul. They are fun kids to be around and we joke a lot with them. They are speaking more English to us which is great but they still have a sinful nature that is overwhelming them I think. I've been able to share the gospel with them and they have even talked to me about what they know of Jesus. This past Wednesday after church, Andy spoke and acted out the whole death, burial and resurection of Christ. It is great that they have the knowledge of Christ but I don't know for sure if they have seriously asked Christ to be their Lord and Savior.

Tomorrow Thailand celebrates Mother's Day. It is on this day because it is the Queen's birthday. They also celebrate father's day on the King's birthday. We are having a Thai, Korean and English service in which we invited all the families in the surrounding neighborhoods to come and join us. This afternoon the kids and teachers went out into the streets of Bangkok again and had singing and Bible story time for the Thai kids. Afterwards we invited them to come to church tomorrow. Pray that lives will be touched. Our kids plus us teachers will be singing "Oh Happy Day" the Sister Act version during the service. It will be fun!(although we are not a black chior we get into it with the swaying and clapping!) After the service and lunch we will be going out on a field trip to a place called the Lost City. It contains replicas of many temples and landmarks around Thailand. From what I hear it is amazing.

I've been learning a lot while here. The kids have been trying to teach us Korean words and the alphabet and numbers. Hopefully I will have some of it down when I get back home. We're alos learning a little bit of Thai. These languages are hard but they sound cool and are fun to write. Anyway...I am running out of things to talk about again i'm sorry it's not updated everyday but at least I write a lot when I get a chance=) Well I love and miss you all. I only have about 10 days left. It's crazy that time has gone by so fast here. It started of really slow but now I'm  so used to the routine that it feels normal. But dont worry mom and dad I will be coming back:)

2007-08-04 12:14:43 GMT
Comments (3 total)
Thanks so much for writing so much this time. It really gives us a picture of what you're doing there. It's hard to remember, but God has a plan for each one of your students and you may be the mustard seed planter!

We can't wait to see you back at Graceway.
--Randy Fry
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-08-05 12:54:30 GMT
Hey Anna, just wanted to let you know that Nathan and I are very proud of you and what you are doing. We can't wait until you're back at Graceway with us(for good) but we know that God is doing a great work through you. Ingrid got back from her summer traveling and is leaving again tomorrow afternoon for middle school camp but she'll only be gone a week this time. Well that's all I have for now. We love you and are praying for you.

Nathan, Leannah, Lexie, and Alyssa
2007-08-06 05:21:59 GMT
Looks like you're doing a GREAT job in Thailand. Just be yourself and let the Lord work through you. He will bless your efforts. Look forward to seeing you back at Graceway.
Linn & Jamie
2007-08-11 15:37:57 GMT
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