Anna's Trip to Thailand
Details of my year long trip teaching Biology at Global English School
Classes are over

So today we gave our kids their final exams to conclude the month of camp. Some in our class did a good job while the ones who didn't put forth the effort did poorly. Behavior has improved and I think we will have a good last couple of days together. On Wednessday we will be having a talent show in which the drama while proform their play Lord of the Beans the Veggie Tales version. Those who took photography will display their pictures and the craft class will show off their art. I look forward to seeing what everyone has accomplished.

Our trip on Saturday to the Lost city was okay. It rained on us the first 20 minutes but once it stopped it was a lot of fun. We got to see some really extraordinay things and took a lot of good pictures. On Thursday all the kids and teachers are going camping. This however is not tent camping. We will be in cabins kind of like those found in Branson. We will also be visiting the river Kwai which from what I hear is really cool. Today we went to the driving range close to the school. I was able to hit the ball which was a lot of fun. I'm learning that golf is a really awkward feeling but I guess the more I practice the less awkward it will be.  The furthest I hit the ball was to the 70 mark. I am good at hitting the ball strait but I need to work on getting more power in my swing so it will go further. We are going again tomorrow and I am looking forward to see how far I can hit it. Well that's pretty much it right now. Talk to you all later!

2007-08-07 12:46:56 GMT
Comments (1 total)
While you've been gone we started a Graceway golf league. There's usually about 8 to 10 of us on Monday evenings. So far Tassi has been the only woman to play. Maybe you can join us when you get back?

Anyway, I am sure you have made a lasting impression on each of your students. I think time will prove that your month was well spent for the Kingdom!

See you soon.

--Randy Fry
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2007-08-08 04:17:56 GMT
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