Anna's Trip to Thailand
Details of my year long trip teaching Biology at Global English School
Pictures and my weeks update
I had a great week this week. I gave two tests both in my BIO and PHYS classes. My students did fairly well. I'm still enjoying teaching and adjusting my strategies, almost with every chapter. I hope to find something that really workds well, and then I can finally stick with it. 

Every Tuesday I go to a Thai class and learn some Thai. I've getting pretty good at the Thai alphabet and we learned the parts of the face. As far as my Thai language skills, I can get around in a taxi and give directions. I can say hello, my name is Anna, how are you...I am good. We will soon be learning grammer, so I will soon be able to read a little and write some things. I really enjoy learning the language.

On Saturday I went to a famous Bangkok temple called Wat Arun with some friends. It was interesting. We were able to climb all the way up this temple and see the Bangkok skyline. It was most cool at the top. After walking around Angkor this temple was not as amazing, but it is a tourist spot, and I figured it might be nice to see what's around the city I'm living in:)

On Sunday I played piano at church. I'm starting to enjoy the English speaking church. It's not the same as my home church, but it's not like there is an English church on every corner. I also listen to my churches services online and my friend Sarah and I listen to other preaching or Bible study. So overall I am finally getting into a routine which is nice.  I will try and keep this updated more now.

Now for picutres. I have four albums right now, but I still need to add one more from Cambodia and some pictures from Wat Arun and what has gone around on campus.

2008-08-03 14:15:13 GMT
Comments (1 total)
Thanks for the updates Anna. I looked at your pictures on Facebook too. For some reason I can't click on your profile there or leave comments on your photos?
--Randy Fry
<mailto:[email protected]>
2008-09-28 20:01:07 GMT
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