My journal entries only begin to describe my journey in Kenya, words and photos can not capture the true experience...
July 19th, 2007

9:30pm     Hippos, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, beautiful sunset, and tilapia fish. 


I’ve been hearing about the hippos in the lake since I got here.  Amazing to have hippos kickin’ it in your backyard.  We went to the lakeside and we could see them but they were across the lake, we’re planning to take a boat out to get a closer look!  The sunset was gorgeous from the rocks today.  No light pollution, you can spot a matatu’s headlights from miles away.  The red Kenyan sun is truly breath-taking and its true beauty can’t be captured on film (but I tried my hardest).  A new volunteer came tonight, Emma’s an actress from L.A. (she was in Buffy and that’s how I recognized her).  What she’s doing is great and I definitely think that more actresses and actors should come experience a place like this.  I can imagine that it’s an even bigger culture shock coming from a big city like L.A.  And the tilapia for dinner was amazing…fish straight from the lake; it doesn’t get any fresher then this. 

2007-08-30 21:46:55 GMT

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