My journal entries only begin to describe my journey in Kenya, words and photos can not capture the true experience...
July 23rd, 2007

10:00pm     Musa is back from the hospital and doing much better.  He said that there were REAL doctors there and they had my skin color.  Justus and talked about healthcare for awhile.  He said that people don’t get treated for wounds and small illnesses.  He said that he thinks he had malaria once but didn’t get medications all because it’s too expensive.  I asked if it was free to go to the clinic, would he go?  He said that anyone would go probably at the first sign of illness to the clinic if it was free.  He also told me that when people get really ill, that they believe that it is their time to die.  It’s better to die than to stay in a hospital for a long time.  A guy with a dislocated shoulder came into the clinic today before I was there, and I guess it took them about 30 minutes to diagnosis that it was dislocated but no one knew what to do and he didn’t have the money to go to the hospital.  He got the money and will go to the hospital tomorrow.  Two people got injured at the football game today and they asked me what to do, so I said we need ice, but there is none (no electricity) and they just told me that they would put hot water on it later…worst idea ever. 

2007-09-01 23:26:34 GMT

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