My journal entries only begin to describe my journey in Kenya, words and photos can not capture the true experience...
August 4, 2007

10:03am     I was supposed to head to Namunyak Maasai today but I postponed it because the volunteers are moving into the new site and we are having an opening ceremony.  We’re using the ambulance to move everything from the compound, supposed to start at 6am the first load left at 8:30, typical though.  I help pack the first load and the driver decides that I need to be in charge of watching the stuff at the site.  So instead of helping with the packing and moving I get to just sit here in the sun and write.  What happens if someone needs the ambulance and it’s full of our beds?  I don’t know.  We’re supposed to have the ceremony at 2pm, but I’m catching on to African time and I bet it will start at 4. 

2007-09-19 17:37:46 GMT

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