My journal entries only begin to describe my journey in Kenya, words and photos can not capture the true experience...
July 9, 2007

7:30pm     Kenya is still only a idea, another world away as I sit on the Bainbridge Island ferry to Seattle just anticipating my trip.  I know that my adventures will change my life forever, but right now I have no idea how exactly.  I have found my closest friends to be the ones that have shown so much support and excitement and tell you they will think about you every day.  They are also the ones who call you the day you leave just to say one last good bye.

11:47pm: Seatac Airport     My excitment is fading into exhaustion, 2 1/2 hour delay, new plane ticket (now DC, Zurich, Nairobi).  I'll get there eventually!

2007-08-29 00:02:07 GMT

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