Future Nepal is a non-governmental and non-profitable volunteering organization. More: www.futurenepalblog.blogspot.com
Future Nepal Travel & Volunteering
Future Nepal is a non-governmental and non-profitable volunteering organization. We belive that volunteering is one way to make worldwide friends and to get to know one another. We arrange for volunteers of all nationalities, including Nepali, to work on interesting projects in Nepal. We arrange tour for around Nepal for special interests, mainly eco-tours cultural-tours . Tours can be for one day or as long as a month.Future Nepal is established with the objective of changing the status of the country. Especially now is the time to mobilize & harness different natural resources, Nepalese production and disseminate this task to the rest of the world. Practising has been more important than preaching.We are focusing especially

  • Modern Education(English Language & Computer training)

  • Skill-oriented & income-oriented programs.

  • Environment

  • Health

  • Tourism activity, (Tourism Festival/International Sports)

  • Cultural Exchange

  • Community development.

  • International volunteer village

Special Request:-

Let's join our hands to have positive change in society. Let's hope the future Nepal will be more beautiful in every aspect. Welcome to any supporting group, organization, individual or volunteers.

To support some funds we also design the travel package.

For travel Package:

--If volunteers wants to join in Jungle safari program, additional cost $50-$150 will be charged.

--If volunteers wants to join in rafting program, additional cost $30-$500 will be charged.

--If volunteers wants to join in trekking additional cost($30-$50)per day will be charged depends upon Region, Program days & government tax.( Example- Annapurna, Langtang , Mounteverest................. & tea house, Hotel or Camping)

for more email us. [email protected]

Volunteer Program For the success & development of the Future Nepal we openly invite any interested volunteers we welcome both National & International groups & individuals to assists with our program.

For Details or Mailing Address:Future Nepal

Nayabzar, Kathmandu

Phone: 00977-9851088020,

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://www.futurenepalblog.blogspot.com/



Volunteer Opportunity

Future Nepal is a non-profitable organization and is run by volunteers. Our revenue is used to give training for poor families, especially for poor women. The amount from the volunteers will be utilized in our different program like education, environment, and income generating training. We give opportunities to the volunteers as per the above said annual program of the organization.

Especially Environment, Education, Income Oriented Training, Health, Tourism activity, (Tourism Festival/International Sports), Cultural Exchange, Community development, International volunteer village.


So far as placement is concerned stay in a family where they are offered Nepali food twice a day (around 9 o'clock in the morning and 7o'clock in the evening). Tea is served in the morning and afternoon. Usually school, local organization/club/women groups and Health post at easy distance away and the volunteers will have to teach 3-4 classes everyday. Generally school/organization starts at 10 a.m. and is over at 4 p.m. More often than not, school runs 6 days a week and Saturday is a holiday. On that day the volunteers can get together and share their experiences. They can travel to nearby towns to purchase things for daily use and other areas in case of longer vacation. Besides their teaching time, volunteers can utilize their spare time in organizing the youth and women's groups of the community to do some worthwhile activities regarding avoidance of plastic materials and raise awareness about income generating programs.

English Language Teacher:

We are looking for Volunteers who can teach English to children in government schools clubs or any other groups. The children range in age from 8 to 17 years of age and other may be any. The teaching curriculum for each major subject is based on the students' standard book. Volunteers are also encouraged to create their own lesson plans. Depending on the subject, volunteers can bring along teaching materials such as picture books, instruments, flash cards, art supplies, and songs. Volunteer travels most part of the Nepal with our staff. Mainly we take class most part of the Nepal. Our program runs 1 week to 6 months. If you have a good english in vocal means, it is nice for us. English Language Program length 2 to 10 months. Meghauli Resource Center was created to provide a library & reading materials and English language programs to members of the local groups. At the center, multiple three-month English classes are offered to local youth and adults. The language classes range from beginner to advanced, Foreign English teachers to improve their conversational English. Volunteers will stay with a Nepali family in Meghauli during their placement.

Home stay / Cultural Exchange

Home stays and cultural exchange programs can be arranged in most touristy and remote areas of Nepal. Participants will be placed with a Nepali family in a small rural village. This provides the volunteers with an excellent opportunity to learn about all aspects of Nepali culture, lifestyle, language, food and people. Volunteers should remember that this is a cultural exchange and that an effort to offer some knowledge of their own home culture and customs to the family with whom they stay is expected. Participants in the program will not go through training in Nepal with the other volunteers. During their home-stay, volunteers will attend 2 hours of language lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. They will also have the opportunity to visit different interested areas.

Environmental Awareness:

After completing different training of first week, volunteers will be placed with a Nepali family in one of the the program village. The host family will live normally one or half hour from the school/Environmental Post. Volunteers will teach environmental awareness at the local school club or door to door of Nepali village each day, Sunday through Friday. Environmental awareness projects will be based-upon their areas of expertise and the needs of the village community. Example projects include: creating "green" clubs, planting a flower garden, planting trees, garbage management, recycling programs, Jute and paper bag training and more awareness program, etc. Volunteers may also provide own their ideas, skills and knowledge about environmental issues.

Internship Program

Future Nepal organizes the internship program to international students in, English teaching, Environment, Income generating training, Education, Tourism activity, Cultural Exchange, Community development and International Volunteer Village. Future Nepal can offer internship in any areas related to Nepal in collaboration with our local partners who work in the different areas. Under the internship program, the intern engages in the daily activities of project. In most of the cases, interns develop a report paper in a particular area of interest by working closely with the project staffs. Generally, the director of the project serves as a supervisor for the intern.

Tourism Activity

Nepal is a small country, but rich in cultural diversity: Nepal has over 60 different ethnic groups and 70 different languages. So Nepal has more festival. We are specially organized tourism festival. To celebrating different festival in different occasion we are invited more actors from different parts of country. We are exchanging cultural program one to another group. Every countries cultural group can contact with our organization and participant any program. Sometime we participants other groups programs also. On this program we are promoting this target village and product. We have a more program to advertise for foreign guest like Mountaineering, Trekking, Jungle safari, Rafting, Mountain bike etc.

International Tourist Volunteer Village, Nepal

It is the type of Project or village organization of Future Nepal Social Organization We are opening a new project to volunteer. This project is for only International volunteers. On this Project volunteers build a new volunteer village destination. In this village Volunteers create ideas and apply them. We want to introduce this village around the world built by volunteers. For this village volunteers build cottage, houses, Children park, Garden, Research center, Education Center, Income Training Center, Health care Center, Tower, Beach in river, Sport ground etc.

Income Generating Training

As the status of the Nepali people is very low and to enhance their living standards we are going to provide them with INCOME GENERATING PROGRAM and to run such program we need volunteers who are willing to help them in every aspects such as financial help and income generating ideas.


  • The training to be provided by Future Nepal will be given within the first week of the volunteers' arrival in Nepal. At first the volunteers will spend their time by learning Basic Nepali language classes and some terms ( how to adjust into Nepali people) at this class.

  • Nepali cultural orientation/general cultural exchange.

  • Cultural tour of Kathmandu Valley :- A guided tour of Kathmandu valley will be organized to visit the important touristic, cultural, and religious sites of the Kathmandu valley (Sight seen)

Target areas:-Generally we have focused the following Areas.

Kathmandu/Lalitpur :- In the suburb and rural parts.

Bhaktapur:- In the suburb and rural parts. Kaski:- It is the naturally gifted part of western Nepal.

Chitwan:- Programs run any parts of the district. It is situated about 160 Kms. to the south of Kathmandu.

Tanahun & Lamjung :- They are the neighboring districts of Kaski

Gorkha :- It is one of the historical and religious places of western Nepal The following amount will be charged to the volunteers to maintain the under mentioned programs.

Administrative Charge $50 and

First-month $200 (1 week to 4 weeks),

after second month $150 (per month)

The program fee covers

  • Administrative charge,

  • Training, Accommodation and meal during training and Placement,

  • Transportation for volunteers and Supervision.

  • Contribution to Future Nepal Program e.g. Women's Group in various part of Nepal,

  • Income Generating Training,

  • Environment Awareness,

  • Social development Cultural Activity and Tourism Festival.

This fee is paid directly when you arrive in Nepal.

Note: - Volunteers will have to pay own flight, visa extension charge according to rule and regulation of country. The other costs you will need to meet are:

Travel insurance and corresponding airport departure taxes. Also you will need a weekly budget of up to US$30 to cater for all your other expenses like bottled water, personal items, beverages and entertainment.

Future Nepal is a non-profit making non-government social organisation whose objectives are to provide modern education, income generating training to poor families, environment, health and village tourism development in most part of Nepal.

Volunteer Application You must be at least 18 years old to apply


Application Form


Note all fields are required. Please Copy it and sends through your E-Mail

First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Date of Birth : (mm/dd/yy)

Sex : (M) ( ) (F) ( )

Nationality :

Country :

Full Address :


Education Level:

High School Certificate Associates Bachelors Masters Degree

Telephone No:

Fax :

E-mail :

Program Information :

Why do you want to Join with Future Nepal ?

When do you want to start?

How long would you like to serve? 2 weeks 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 4 Months 5 Months 6 Months 6 Months

What type of service do you wish to do?

Tourism Activity Cultural Exchange Social Development School Teaching (Education) Environmental Awareness Skill-oriented & income-oriented programs. Working with Rural Unemployed Women's Group or Travel Trade Fair Program Please describe any relevant experience you may have regarding your selections above:

Any special conditions regarding your service that Future Nepal should be aware of?

How did you find out about us?

2007-09-27 18:27:40 GMT
Comments (1 total)
best for us
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-11-25 01:46:46 GMT

Future Nepal Travel & Volunteering
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