On the 20th of March 2003 Me,Ruth, Jon, Laura, Si and Mark went to see Avril Lavigne, here are some pics:
This is (from left) Jon, Mark, Me and Si!! On the train on the way home!! Think Mark looks cheerful, enthusiastic and full of life?? Scroll down!!
Here is a picture of Avril!!
Mark needed his sleep, so he settled down with his free Our Lady Peace snippets CD... lol
This is a picture of us outside the academy, waiting in the queue!! It's (from left) Eddie, Jon, Mark, Ruth, Si and Me. Eddie is someone we met there along with his mate Kristine. They were both really nice, but unfortuanately I don't have a picture of Kris to put on. Although there is one photo which we suspect is her feet!! But I'm not just gonna put pictures of peoples feet on my website now am I?!!
Si and Laura!! Both wearin their new Avril hoodys!!
Me and Si pissin about- Its coz we'm 'ard mate, ennit Si!!
Me, Ruth n Jon!!
!!Gigs n Stuff!!
21st June 2003!!!!!!!!! Milton Keynes!!! Me, Ruth and Prah went to see Eminem!! OMG!! It was so unbelievebly ace!!!! we were right at the front!! heres the pics- they don't need much explainin there Eminem for gods sake!!
Ruth and Prah with the couple who pretended to be our parents to get us into the family area!
The huge crowd we were at the front of!! :-)
I'm not really into the whole rap scene, but it has to be said Eminem is amazing!!! Didnt think much of the others, but Em was sooo good!!
Eminem's asse!!
On the 14th September Me, Ruth, Jon, Prah, Rose, Aliss, Alice and Nikki went to cardiff for 1 big weekend!! It was really good!!  Kosheen, Thrills,Darkness, Pink, Travis, Starsailor,dido... will get my photos done soon and put em up, but for now jons will do!!!
Pictures of Justin from the darkness!!! Wow!! They were soooooooo good!!
Pink!! She was really ace too!! Just like a pill was sooooooooooo amazing!!!
ok, i got my photos!! here ya go!
My Darkness pics didn't really come out well, but this one is gud!!
Dido... can't be bothered to write all about the sock incident- you've probably already heard and if not ask me and ill tell ya!
Starsailor!! they were well good!  ;-)
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