Random stuff...
The Darkness, coz they're ace!!
Gay pride march!!!
pictures from when me and prah went 2 Germany...
Prah on the first night... lol...this picture has a story behind it! ...cnt b bothad 2 write bout it now tho
I took this photo on a bike!! how gud!! It was on the way to Markos's house...
Pics of me and Rosie bein witches!! Like one of my only pics of Si...
The german dudes at markos's little party thing! that was fun! hashisch! lol!
German dudes at the discotheque!! random, micheal (fishbone!!), utha person who was cool and markos!
Prah and Rene... just after me and prah nearly got runova :-/
Ruth being a foreigner and me bein hardcore :-P lol
Me and Iva :-) it was really nice having you stay!!
Claire and Laura with a real cool dog!
Grace and Me bein fairies!!
Ian, Mark, Gem, Grace and Sara before last night of Kingdom Of Zeiriaf
Thought I'd put this pic of Claire and her ex Jon. It's not that good of a pic but I was really happy when I took it .
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