I come with respect and peace in my heart for the people of Elfame, and I will not try to venture where you forbid me to enter.  I do not wish t trespass or to disturb you, but I would dearly love to come amongst you and be your companion for a while.  If you can do me this honour, please give me a sign. May the eternal love and the deep peace of the Great Spirit be always with the people of Elfame.
When we knock on the portals of Faerieland, they are unlikely to swing open immediately.  We will be tried and tested, not only for our good nature and good humour but also for our purity of purpose.

At times the faeries do bar the way to humans, when in fact it would be safe for us to join them, simply because they do not want us there!  If you encounter this barring of the way it helps to ask out loud for the obstacle to be dissolved.  You might say something along these lines:
This little collection of spells is offered for the development of your faerie vision.  If performed faithfully and with sincerity, they will certainly bring results, although these may at first be very subtle.  Trust that your workings will be fruitful; and gradually, unmistakable evidence will gently unfold, proving their effectiveness.
The Northern Lights Faerie Spell
When the firmanent is lighted up with meteoric phenomena, and the Merry Dancers assume their pretty gowns of many colours and make great sport up and down the curtain of the night sky until they are in a fair frolic and frenzy, these Northern Lights are come to let you know that evening is full of fire and magic, and the season ripe for spells and craftworking.
  Therefore, coax a cat (better if she be black) onto your lap, and sit alone with her in the garden, stroking her until a sheen appears on her coat, and she purrs contentedly.  Have at your elbow a nipperkin of wine in a small vessel, and at the cat's first stretch, anoint her lightly with the wine, making the holy sign of the cross upon her head, and then do the same for yourself.
  Gently grasp the end of her tail and stroke it three times swiftly over your left eye, and then over your right, saying:

                          Elves of the night, enchant my sight,
                      Your forms for to see in moon or sunlight;
                             With this spell and with this sign
                                I pri'thee, forward my design.

Let Puss run off, and steal away to your bedchamber, there to contemplate the moon and the stars and all the magical lights of the sky from your lattice.  If you have found favour with the faeries, then mystic dreams will come to you that night, and afterwards you will begin to see the Little People at their revels, faintly at first, but yet more clear, more lucid, as the faerie-enchantment blesses ever deeper your inner seeing.
Fairy Spells - Seeing and Communicating with the Faeries
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