Thank you for visiting Chin's Nature Corner on the Web. Whenever possible, I will be making revisions/additions to improve its contents. Please drop by again for another visit.

Eric Peris - 12/09/00 17:50:07
My Email:[email protected]

Dear Chin, It has been a long time, since we last met. You have done a lot of justice to your field of work - Nature Photography. You have always had that sincereity and determination to get to the best. You are doing well. I am happy for you. We must meet for teh-tarih one of these days. Best wishes for the Festive Season to you and your family. Eric Peris

phillip ong - 11/15/00 18:09:17
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: serving God
1.: nature
2.: trekking

My friend and I just climbed Mt Kinabula and we enjoyed every monent of our climb as we seen God's cration. Somehow, after the climb, I accidently click on to your web. What a treasure I found in this side; not only nature but also spiritualy food. I was o excited and email this web to many friends. I thank God for your work in spreading the 'good news' to others.May God bless in your work and give greater strength and power to do further work for Him.Keep it up.

phillip ong - 11/15/00 17:59:34
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: serving God


patrick fong - 11/10/00 10:01:44
My Email:[email protected]

Job well done on the site

WoeiPing (Jason) Chen - 11/07/00 21:29:49
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: photography (my profession)
1.: travelling
2.: music from different countries
3.: reading
4.: environment protection

You have a fascinating website with stunning photographs! I've recently expanded into landscape photography (U.S. SouthWest) but not yet into any photography such as yours! Good luck to you in all you do and greetings from New York State. Jason. (I am Tai anese, living in the U.S.)

Kristie - 11/05/00 11:43:22
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Biology

thanks a lot for this web site !! it helps me a lot in my biology projects !! :)

reuben - 10/29/00 08:21:58
My Email:[email protected]
1.: music

my art teacher set my class up on a for research of aniamls of the malaysian rainforest & this site had the best quality pictures i found over the net, this is definitely the BEST site for what i had been searching and you all have saved me a whole lot of time on finding pictures. THANK YOU !!! as always, reuben

Mark Anderson - 10/28/00 19:47:49
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Serving God
1.: Doctrine
2.: Reading
3.: South East Asia

Excellent and informative website. God Bless you in your service for Him. N Ireland

defne - 10/25/00 05:12:48
My URL:http://i.dont.have.1
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: netball
1.: softball
2.: swimming

hi umm i was just here because im doing a school project in a group of four and i need to look up info on rainforest creatures such as insects and stuff like that i couldn't find any here could u email me if u have any info thanks alot :)

Sylvie Ashton - 10/20/00 22:36:50
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: making Homemade greetings cards
1.: enjoying nature's beautiful gifts :o)

Hello... I have really enjoyed looking at your wonderful photographs of are a stunning photographer....I have an interest in dragonflies because they are so graceful..I am experimenting with using them in my own way for my cards..(not on mywebsi e yet )... Thankyou for having this wonderful site available...Keep up the great work.. Sylvie...from England.

Victor Yue - 10/18/00 01:48:47
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Butterflies
2.: Dragonflies

Great page! I am looking for reference books on Dragonflies in Malaysia and Singapore. Could you recommend? BTW, I have started an email list dedicated to the enjoyment of pictures of butterflies and dragonflies. And I would like to invite you to share your experience and expertise with us, if bandwidth is not a problem with you. To join, just send a blank emai to: [email protected] Or you can let me know and I subscribe you directly to the list. Keep up the great work!

James Henderson - 10/09/00 03:11:33
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: plant ecology/taxonomy
1.: fisheries
2.: aquatic macro invertebrates

Great web site you have! Will visit again later. Cheers James

Lea Ann - 09/06/00 05:29:13
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: my unidentified tree frog!!!

I really enjoyed your site. Just curious, however, to see if anyone out there can help me & my fiance, he works part-time at a greenhouse that deals in imported trees. He unwrapped a shipment of trees about a month ago to discover a small tree frog. Frog ie is about 1 1/2 inches in length, with typically proportioned legs. Generally a medium green, similar to the color "green" in a pack of crayola crayons. He has the ability to change color rapidly, from his general color to a deep hunter green within abo t 2-3 minutes, and back to his happy color in about the same time. He is croaking now, typically about 8 hrs to a day after feeding & and when his cage is very warm and moist(well, yeah his cage is usually warm and moist :) ) He has a cream to yellow UP ER lip that DOES NOT extend to his front limbs. He does have a cream colored stripe on his front edge of his hind limbs, his underside is the general whitish color, and no special colors on the toe-pads. his eyes are yellow. No prominent pelvic bone or bo y ridges...but he is a lonely little male frog and we would like to identify him if possible, so we could maybe get him a girlfriend. The plants we found him in are from latin america/mexico. Anyone?

JANE - 08/18/00 23:28:49
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: wildlife habitat
1.: riparian restoration


Bakhtiar Effendi b. Yahya - 07/21/00 01:21:40
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Biology
1.: Ecology
2.: Entomology
3.: Taxonomy

Dear Sir, I am Bakhtiar Effendi b. Yahya, a researcher from the Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. I'm now working on the butterflies of Borneo. At the moment, we do have some data of butterflies from Sarawak and Sabah. Is there anyone that I can talk to or correspond to, to get data on the butterflies of Kalimantan. I'm actually gathering the data of butterfly to implement them into the WORLDMAP IV programme in the interest of conservation issues Thank you Bakhtiar Effendi b. Yahya Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation Universiti Malaysia Sabah 88999 Kota Kinabalu Sabah MALAYSIA

L L - 07/11/00 23:49:21
My Email:[email protected]
1.: religion/philosophy
2.: music listening
3.: mystery/sci fi reading
4.: natural world
5.: computers/internet

What wonderful photographs! Thank you for sharing them. Will check back again to your enjoyable and very nicely presented site. All blessings to you and yours.

Sonny Wong - 06/28/00 12:07:56
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Plant
2.: Insect
3.: reptile
4.: amphibian
5.: rocks

Nice web site. Good for reference with ones that I see in the field.

beng yong tang - 06/24/00 13:34:34
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Christian Theology
2.: Herpetology, esp snakes
3.: Nature & Conservation
4.: Fish - aquarium, angling, conservation of
5.: Guitar, Photography, Computers

Found your page from altering a dead link on: Please check that out and inform them of the proper URL for your snakes page (where is it?). Contact me if you like to talk about nature stuff or theology. I live in Singapore at present.

Cygnus X - 06/18/00 22:03:35
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Everything

Great crisp pictures!!! Sometimes I get bored and just search the net on topics that interest me, such was the case today. Thanks for sharing these great pics - the dragonflies were great, and the trilobyte larva extremely exotic.

Charlee - 06/10/00 19:00:35


Montie Bradford - 05/24/00 19:25:44
My Email:[email protected]

Trying to find ID of a scary lizard I killed this week. Tail tip to nose approx 12", body only approx 6" to 7" tan/beige color for tail & torso, starting at neck light red and darkening more along head to bright red at nose. Torso approx 1" diameter, head slightly wided . Head wide at neck & tapering down to nose similar to a poisonous snake. Underside appeared to be squared scales similar in appearnce to an alligator. Would really like to know what it is since there are more in this area. Are their bites toxic?

Diane - 04/24/00 22:37:42
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Varied
1.: Birding
2.: Reading
3.: surfing the net
4.: quilting
5.: gardening

What a lovely site! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit to my butterfly webring neighbor. Take care.

Alma Salas - 04/21/00 21:07:42
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Teacher-scientist

Thank you for your beautiful website. My second graders enjoyed looking at the pictures. Let me know if you find an inexpensive place to order caterpillars we can raise. School is out May 27 and we would like to have a first hand view at raising caterp llars. This is a poor school district and there is little money set aside for educational needs beyond books.

Chen Shian Liang - 04/10/00 11:52:48
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Medical
1.: Tropical plants
2.: Spider and snake venomes

What a great website. Proud to be your relative. Keep it up and will visit this page frequently in future. All the best. Dr.SL Chen, UHKL.

Brad Mugleston - 04/08/00 20:50:57
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: animals
1.: HAM radio
2.: computers

I am a member of the Mormon religion and was wondering how the Common and Great Mormon butterflys got their name. Do you know?

Alex Lim - 04/05/00 07:42:56
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Golf
2.: Cars
3.: Girls
4.: Collecting watches
5.: Music

Very well done...keep it up

- 03/22/00 01:39:05
My Email:adf@asfasd
Interests:: nothing

rbvqgbagn22i am better that you

pan yong fah - 03/16/00 12:29:43
My Email:[email protected]

praise the lord for your good work. Keep it up.

adrienne - 03/10/00 22:11:29
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent!!! very interesting pictures. Looking forward to visit your page with more beautiful pictures.

sam - 02/26/00 17:55:52
Interests:: frogs

Your pictures ae amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Waltraud Davis - 02/24/00 07:26:23
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: animal kingdom
1.: Argriobe Aurantia

I became interested in spiders when I observed a Aurantia spinning her eggsac over a period of 15 hours. She remained in the vicinity for several days. I watched as she slowly disappeared in the dying vine. A unique experience and a privilege

ashley - 02/22/00 21:56:47
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: music
1.: dance
2.: God
3.: mission trips
4.: shopping
5.: camping

I thinki it is soooo cool how people can accept Christ on your website! Thats a really good ministry.

Jeroen Voogd - 02/15/00 14:05:32
My Email:[email protected]

Great site, nice to see pics of moths from the other site of the world!

Virginia Watso - 02/13/00 17:30:14
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: dragonfliess,frogs&turtles

Your pictures are very nice and I really enjoyed your site!

Chin Kim Leong - 02/03/00 16:36:56
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Nature

Excellent Site of "Trekking through the rain forests of Sabah" Rare description of the 2 highest peaks in Borneo. Thumbs up for the wonderful effort.

Dobber - 12/09/99 15:35:34
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Everything jungle

This is a great web page. The stories are very interesting. I congragualate you on work that was well done!

jigger knitz o. ilumba - 11/22/99 06:58:32
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: outdoor sports
1.: mountain climbing (philippines)
2.: scuba diving

i found your website very interesting, educational, informative. my group from southern philippines are planning to climb kota kinabalu next year maybe around march. we are reading your story so we would have some idea about the actual trek, lodges, meals erything really about going up. We find the Trusmadi trek to be interesting nad my group are planning to climb it after climbing KK that is if our bodies can still manage and our finances too. Thanks !!! [email protected]

Fei Yee, Yong - 11/01/99 08:26:32
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Movies,Music
1.: net surfing
2.: travel

I'm currently doing some research about butterflies in Malaysia. There a lots of Marvellous photos in your gallery, it really looks GREAT !!! I have been taken some photos too,but not in the jungle... "only" in Butterfly park ... :P not so challenging :) ehee... Lastly, i would like to say thanks for your enthusiasm to design this homepage ... I learn new things from here. THANKS a million !! ;)

jim - 10/28/99 14:12:04
1.: toads
2.: chicken tikka
3.: pants
4.: footballers
5.: jelly

we loved all the froggies and toadies

Brenda - 10/16/99 13:56:46
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Primarily nature related
1.: gardening
2.: birdwatching
3.: photography

I really enjoy your site. You have marvelous photos!

pooi e - 10/11/99 04:28:16
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: nature
1.: jungle trekking

I find your photographs very fascinating and your shots are excellent.The pictures itself makes me want to know more of it. Keep up the excellent work...BRAVO!!!

jenne - 10/06/99 19:33:12
My Email:[email protected]

Super.Spuper die beste site seit langen

Ricky Heng - 10/05/99 18:44:18
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Chinese tea art
1.: Collecting tea pots
2.: Hifi & A/V
3.: Photography
4.: internet
5.: computer

Firstly, i would like to thankyou for your help contributing your bug picture to me in the extremely urgent situation to complete my photo illustration cover for the Y2K story. secondly, i would like to conglatulate you on your dedicated work on spend alot of time studying them. Lastly, i am quit suprise that you keep yourself so low profile as a photographer,you have some very good picture here in your website,you should not be an editor,you should be photographer in the jangle shooting for National Geographic.

mary patric - 09/19/99 20:37:48
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: bugs
1.: india
2.: jazz
3.: shopping ; }
4.: animals

thank you for this page. i love dragonflies and have found few on the net.

Osvaldo Ferrari - 08/20/99 04:50:28
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Odonata

Congratulations for a site well done!!

Myrtle Yap - 07/28/99 06:57:29
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: mountain climbing
1.: fishing
2.: sea kayaking

You did a good job on Mt. Kinabalu climb. Thank you for the informative narration of your climb. With regards to Mt. Kinabalu, please give me an appropriate itinerary, how and where to make reservations and arrangements from overseas, transpo sked from Ko a Kinabalu to the park, etc. Thank you. And keep it up.

hoon - 07/20/99 06:40:52
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: reading
1.: butterfly watching
2.: meditation

Dear Fah Shin thanks so much for your beautiful sites on butterflies and nature. when i was v. depressed once upon a time in a faraway land, ony the big sky with its beautiful white clouds and delightful butterflies could give me some hope and warded off my depression for a while. since then i really love butterflies. in Penang we have a butterfly farm. but i cud never bring myself to buy the butterflies there even tho they are extremely beautiful esp the blue south american ones .. because more demand more butterflies will be killed/hunted. i used to paint butterflies also .... but now too busy to do so ... maybe when i am free later, i can scan them and email to you.. but it is nothing compared to the real thing ... thanks so much for sharing. maybe later i may have to ask advice from you as to setting up a website for my husband who is a comic artist. it is hard to earn a living in malaysia as an artist. so we thought of setting up a website so that he could "advertise" his works and may be get some contracts from other countries. at the moment i am recuperating from an operation so having some time to browse the net. thanks again and may your life be as beautiful as the butterflies and as long as the glory and delight butterflies can give to its admirers ... eternity?? regards hoon

Tee Chee Keong - 07/20/99 00:58:18
My Email:[email protected]

Great jobs!!

David Batty - 07/03/99 18:51:05
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Chess
1.: travel
2.: reading
3.: grandchildren

My wife and I lived in Malaysia for 2 years in the 60s, and are returning for the first time to Kuala Lumpur next month for a holiday. My interest in butterflies was first started there, and although I have been to south america and australia, nothing bea s Malaysia for wildlife. Congratulations on your site.

Holly - 06/16/99 23:41:28
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Butterflies


glen gaffney - 06/05/99 04:30:29
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: photography
1.: art
2.: writing
3.: theatre
4.: movies
5.: volunteer work

yes i gave up chasing butterflies, so went to a few butterfly conservatorys. Found i could get better results. Used fill flash and tried to get F11 it worked. I invite you to my 207 image web site

joshua barber - 05/26/99 10:58:05
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: planes
1.: star wars
2.: computers
3.: hacking
4.: reading
5.: internet

im not sure this is good enuogh please contact me and i will tell you how to improve it my e-mail address is [email protected] i'll look forward to reading your message to me!! Good Bye

joshua barber - 05/26/99 10:34:55
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: hamsters
1.: hamsters
2.: hamsters
3.: hamsters
4.: hamsters
5.: hamsters

i like hamsters

Winnie Ho - 05/21/99 05:53:11
My Email:[email protected]

Your webpage was introduced by your brother and I am fascinated by your collection of photos and interesting stories. You have travelled a fair bit, so when will you drop by Bako National Park (cannot resist asking, as Bako is one of my favourite parks) n Kuching? By the way, have you seen the 'stick insect' (it looks like the woody stem of trees) during your field trips? The last time I saw one must have been over 20 years ago!

May - 05/07/99 08:35:23
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Art
2.: landscapes
3.: nature
4.: travel
5.: music

I've successfully reached the summit with a group of phyically disabled with the POWERtrek programme (People On Wheel Enabled by Rehabilitation). I love yr pix. I hope to go back to the mountain again...i love the scenery..the clouds..the mist..and the ch llenage...

butthead - 04/20/99 00:22:20
Interests:: butts
1.: asses
2.: eyes
3.: mouth


Helen Hew - 04/18/99 15:26:35
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: art

hello.I am not a insect enthu but i came across your site while searching the www about dragonflies.I am naming my new company 'Dragonfly' as i am fascinated with them.I hope to donate,in the future,if all turns out well,certain funds to help preserve the r colony.Keep up the good work.

Rudiger Menn - 04/09/99 04:31:36
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: malaysian butterflys

As a teacher at the German School in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia I am Planning some lessons about butterflies in Malaysia including a visit of the butterfly park in Kuala Lumpur. Your pictures and comments may help me preparing my lessons. Thanks Rudi

annaliese - 03/28/99 06:08:35
My Email:kemmer @
Interests:: gymnastics
1.: tennis
2.: dolphins
3.: dogs
4.: stickers
5.: my birthday,chritmas cards

I like your pictures

YHLiew - 03/21/99 06:16:03
My Email:[email protected]
1.: games(badminton, tennis....
2.: travelling
3.: photography

your page is great especially the photo, I like it very much, can u teach me how to take a good picture! I'm stay in KL (Cheras). bye bye have a nice day.

dan - 03/10/99 01:37:40
Interests:: frogs


- 03/08/99 18:23:21


T. Donnelly - 03/05/99 01:46:37
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: I have collected in peninsular Malaysia twice and Borneo twice. I have several good photos of some interesting Malaysian species.


- 03/04/99 03:53:11
1.: Ridzki

Hi....I'm an Indonesian boy. I'm looking for a penpals.

- 03/04/99 03:51:31
1.: Ridzki

Hi....I'm an Indonesian boy. I'm looking for a penpals.

Ming Eie, Wong - 02/24/99 09:54:54
My Email:[email protected]

Cool site. I love the photos.

- 02/16/99 18:12:45
1.: apiz

hidup ini ibarat roda satu masa diatas satu masa dibawah,ini memberi peringatan supaya kita beringat jika kita senang tak semestinya kita tak akan ingatlah ini adalah lumrah hidup di dunia yang sementara dan jangan leka

Misty - 02/11/99 16:36:49
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: rainforest frogs
1.: nature photography
2.: birds
3.: enviromental education
4.: habitat preservation


Misty - 02/11/99 16:37:16
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: rainforest frogs
1.: nature photography
2.: birds
3.: enviromental education
4.: habitat preservation


Brian Hanley - 02/01/99 04:38:38
My Email:[email protected]
1.: butterflies
2.: orchids
3.: gymnastics
4.: travel

Very nice web site. I attempted to take butterflies to the Moscow Zoo in April of 1998. But I ended up taking a carryon full of walking sticks and a colony of leafcutter ants instead. They still look for live specimens.

Ligia Fern�ndez - 01/22/99 04:27:41
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Forests and Oceans

Congratulations!! You have an impressive collection of photographs and surely give a beautiful picture of Malaysia. Keep up the excellent work. Your site is very well done!

G. Umakanthan - 01/19/99 14:00:24
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature

Congratulations Chin. A great site. I'm visiting gradually and have just seen your Fungi gallery. Your patience and skill astound. I'll be asking to tag along on one of your treks soon. All the best and keep up the good work!!!

Joe Wilcox - 01/15/99 22:33:01
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Enjoying Nature
1.: 4 wheeling

Really enjoyed all the pictures and information. A question,how rare a moth is the Attocas Atlas? I have one mounted in a glass frame. Sometime when I get a Digital Camera I'll E-Mail a picture of it. You have done a really nice job on this page.

Jim Thomson - 01/15/99 04:46:32
My Email:[email protected]
1.: All nature - fauna & flora

What an incredibly good site. When are you going to visit South Africa?

@ndi - 01/09/99 21:09:58
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Volleyball
1.: My boyfriend <3
2.: Listening to Music
3.: Singing
4.: friends*

butterflies rock! visit my site too sometime!!! :)

- 01/07/99 01:47:16

have you ever gigged any of the frogs you find?

- 01/07/99 01:47:13

have you ever gigged any of the frogs you find?

chin - 12/25/98 06:09:53
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: mother nature
1.: tropical rainforest
2.: wildlife
3.: outdoor recreation
4.: reading

Very informative and interesting site! Keep up good work! I'll be back...

Kutub - 12/24/98 17:36:07
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: my girl
1.: computers
2.: business
3.: books related to the above interests

cool page...a great help to me because i'm on a project on malaysian insects...thanks a lot...can't how grateful i am u made this page...thanks again..hey..when i have a page of my own...come and drop in ok..

charlie Thompson - 12/11/98 22:41:02

Really an awsome site. Thanks!

Jarda Mara - 12/09/98 20:19:34
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: tropical nature
1.: butterflies
2.: other tropical insects
3.: UFOs
4.: sport

SUPER!!! Thanx for butterfly-images!!!

Joe Pan - 12/06/98 10:36:34
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Wildlife in general
2.: Flora
3.: Entomology
4.: Photography

This is truly one of the greatest sites of its kind I've found so far. Definitely one to make us proud to say "Malaysia Boleh!". Well done. And a toast with "Singgarung" from Sabah!

T.J.A.Faasen - 11/15/98 17:43:40
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Nature in general
2.: Dragonflies
3.: Birds
4.: Photography

Greetings to a colleague!

xcam - 11/12/98 00:14:56
My Email:[email protected]
1.: moths general
2.: S.E.,Australian moths
3.: butterflies

A fantastic page all round! Your photography is just great and I am tempted to come to your country just to see some of these moths alive! Please add more if possible. From xcam.

Stanley - 11/11/98 17:37:18
My Email:[email protected]


You hava a great site.

Boleh! Malaysia Search
More Options

Bruce LeBaron - 11/05/98 18:22:27
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Botany, outdoors, photography

Nice Site! Are you a botanist, student, researcher?

Robin Buller - 11/05/98 03:09:54
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: grade 2
1.: insects
2.: spiders
3.: piano
4.: skating
5.: math and spelling

great pictures which I will share with my class at school in Vancouver

Nicholas F. Lindtner - 10/30/98 00:17:39
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: history
1.: weather
2.: science and technology
3.: literature
4.: computer programming

I appreciate the work you put into your web page i am joneal lindtner's husband

Joneal - 10/29/98 01:27:59

I keep coming back for more! Thanks, Fah Shin. I love your elephant tales (tails)! Oh, yeh, tusks, they use their funny teeth.

Theda L. Roy - 10/22/98 17:02:34
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: growing gesneriads
1.: growing amaryllis plants
2.: amateur radio

I have not yet seen your whole site. I will return some time later. I was intrigued by your photo equipment suggestions. I have a Home Page at Geocities that I have not yet put my own Home Page design into. Still designing. Thank you for a very inter sting visit

Suzanne - 10/18/98 01:14:21
Interests:: lot of different things
1.: frogs
2.: outside anything
3.: ecology
4.: photography

I really like your web site - thank you

shelley conroy - 10/01/98 14:06:45
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: fogs

please inform me when new pics. of frogs come in!!

Joneal D. Lindtner - 09/29/98 21:58:12
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Lots of stuff
1.: All of Jehovah's Creation

I am uneducated in such things, but I enjoy the beauty of these creatures. To my surprise, I think I happened along something rare as far as dragonflies go. I don't know. Time will tell. I hope I see it again and can photograph it. In the meantime, I m enjoying other people's photos of them. So even common ones can be outstanding beauties!

Daharja (Leanne Winikoff) - 09/28/98 02:43:54
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: music, wicca, environmental lobbying, vegetarianism

When I foud this site, all I could think was "wow!" Your pictures are truly amazing. Keep up the good work. Also - have you entered any in competitions?

philip - 09/26/98 13:18:25

I am 8 years old, and I live in Sweden, and I think it's fun to look at all the stuff on this site--thanks!

eric ho chee seng - 09/14/98 16:05:35
My Email:[email protected]

great page uncle..... keep up with the good work, maybe some scenery shots will be good. :)

Ronald E. Rhea - 09/09/98 17:05:32

Great Pictures! Thanks!

Robert Leo - 09/07/98 09:17:56
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Computers
2.: History
3.: Reading
4.: Nature

Great Homepage, very interesting stories andpictures. Keep Up The Good Work. I will come back again later. Best Regards.

Jeremy Reincke - 09/02/98 14:20:30
My Email:[email protected]

Nice page,especially the Acanthosaura and Calotes pictures,i'll working on a page that will be called >Planet Agamidae and i'll try to put many Agamid species on it with pictures and everything.It will grow with the time.Thank you.

Merrilee Hesterfer - 09/01/98 20:10:33
My Email:[email protected]

I am an Art Buyer from New York interested in seeing some additional shots of your butterflies. I am doing a stock search for an advertising project for Paxil. (Its an antidepressant.) Please contact me as soon as possible. Thanks!!

Mark Morris - 09/01/98 13:28:39
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: odonata
1.: martial arts/self defense
2.: history and politics
3.: Science fiction
4.: Science and technology
5.: gardening

Fine pictures! A point on spelling, if I may. I think you mean "chili pepper" red rather than "chilly" red. "Chilly" "means somewhat cold. "Chili" is a native American word for hot peppers (a native American plant) adopted into English.

Mark Morris - 09/01/98 13:28:12
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: odonata
1.: martial arts/self defense
2.: history and politics
3.: Science fiction
4.: Science and technology
5.: gardening

Fine pictures! A point on spelling, if I may. I think you mean "chili pepper" red rather than "chilly" red. "Chilly" "means somewhat cold. "Chili" is a native American word for hot peppers (a native American plant) adopted into English.

W. Tracy Parnell - 08/19/98 12:26:13
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature Photography

Very nice site. It was interesting to see insects from your part of the world.

Ashley - 08/09/98 18:06:39
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Birds/Butterflies
2.: Nature Wildlife Photograph
3.: Swimmer
4.: Trekking

Very Interesting Site To Visit & Great Shoots.

Laurent - 08/03/98 03:47:44
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Butterfly
1.: Moths

Congratulation for your site and the very nice photos of moths !

eros - 07/30/98 23:42:25


John Iversen - 07/24/98 14:32:36
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Mountainbiking
2.: Exploring Johore
3.: Portraiture

Your pictures are excellent. You must have spent a lot of time in the jungle. Some of the pictures come out a bit bright on the Internet, but overall very impressive. John Iversen Singapore [email protected]

Alex Foong - 07/20/98 16:13:41
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Landscapes
2.: People
3.: Nature
4.: Flowers
5.: Insects

Hi Fah Shin, Thanks for teaching me how to approch insects, particularly dragonfly without causing them to leave their resting station while photographing them. I enjoy every outing with you. You have indeed created a very interesting site and I enjoy every photographs in it. Regards, Alex Foong

Pat Kiewicz - 07/12/98 13:00:05
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Gardening
2.: 'natural history'

Lovely pictures! (I found the pointer in

Paul Ward - 07/10/98 02:43:42
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: photography
1.: movies
2.: music
3.: museums
4.: parks
5.: eating out

Great nature shots. I think yours are some of the best I've seen on the net thus far. Keep up the good work.

Bruce Bernard - 07/07/98 21:26:47
My Email:[email protected]

Very nicely done! A++

Kerry Dressler - 07/05/98 23:09:56
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Computers
2.: Orchids

Another visitor to you site passed the address on to me. I enjoyed visiting you very much. Your photography is beautiful, and your site is well made and very interesting. I only wish I had the time and money to visit Kuala Lumpor again. Your pictures t ok me back to my only visit there. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us.

Rand E. Tomcala - 07/05/98 18:16:45
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: macrophotography
1.: figurines
2.: coins

I enjoyed your site very much and would like to thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. I am curious as to what brand or make of camera system that you use for your photography. I note that you identify in your narrative focal lengths and specific devices but not the manufacturer. I initially started my system in the early 1970's and I k ew that I wanted to do macro work so I went right into Olympus OM System as the "by far" best at the time. Thank You Again, Rand E.

Srinivasa - 07/04/98 02:58:23
My Email:huliraya(a)
Interests:: Nature Watching
1.: Birdwatching
2.: Butterflies
3.: Herpetology
4.: Astronomy

Excellent website with lot of information and fantastic photographs

Marcel - 07/03/98 14:22:53
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature, Ecology, Photography, Travelling

Wow! Your page is just wonderful:))!
Heartly greetings from

Roslan Hashim - 06/28/98 11:18:12
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: travel & nature

Throughly entertaining with lots of nice picture.The fungi section is interesting.Can I tag along with one of your adventure.

helen stlut - 06/21/98 10:58:17
My Email:[email protected]

thanks for the photos. we are new to malaysia and were interested in the wildlife here. the photos are beautiful.

brenda groen - 06/19/98 20:49:49
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: plants & animals

very nice pictures!

Frankie - 06/01/98 23:45:25
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature
1.: Orchid
2.: Freshwater fish
3.: Bird

Nice pages you have here !, if you have time please visit my site, Salam...

Aronn Riepe - 05/19/98 22:22:18
Interests:: Soccer
1.: Snowboarding
2.: Writing Poems

I really enjoyed looking at the pictures. There were some really good ones and I learned a lot from visiting your site.

Stephanie Liew - 05/16/98 07:36:31
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: surfing net

Your page is so cool ^_^ and wonderful with the natures ^_^

jmaes young - 05/01/98 10:11:27
My Email:[email protected]
1.: hesperiidae/lycaenidae

very good work, look forward to seeing more of your work. best regards

Elke - 04/29/98 02:30:39
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Reading
1.: Making things for my kids preschool

Nice the's a page on Nature you might enjoy...

Mike And Anthony - 04/23/98 13:14:44
My Email:[email protected]

We are going to get a ant farm really soon. We know when they die they bury each other. Our teacher is scared of ants.

Randy Gaudet - 04/21/98 02:08:24
My Email:[email protected]

Great Site. Doi Inthanon is one of my favorite places also. I wrote the stories about the park for the "Welcome to Chiangmai & Chiangrai" magazine and that is my wife in the pictures. Magaret at the magazine and we at would like to thank you for your link to our Doi Inthanon articles and the magazine. We will add a link to your Doi Inthanon article from within our Doi Inthanon articles. If you have any other intersting stories about north Thailand or the Bangkok area please let us know so we can add a link to go to your articles. Again good work. The only thing you can do to make it better is if you could change servers so you site would be faster. Kind Regards, Randy Gaudet

alejandro - 04/20/98 04:17:23
My Email:mexico

just looking.

Ken B NG - 04/16/98 21:53:25
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: computers
1.: web publishing
2.: and all that sort of thing..

nice pix.

Eugene DAVKAEV - 04/16/98 06:05:37
My Email:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Interests:: Photography of:
1.: Insects, esp. Butterflies
2.: Mountains
3.: Nature

I'm in the greatest impression of your site. I'm an amateur of butterflies and try to do shots of its while my mountain voyages. Yours, Eugene

Ken Nosul - 04/02/98 21:30:55
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: marine biology
1.: botany
2.: rainforests
3.: coral reefs
4.: phycology

a splendid site! Thank you

Stephan S. Haupt - 04/01/98 16:21:42
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: zoology, photography

I hope your site will open the eyes to some for what (and so much more) is going under by clear-cutting rainforests (though habitat destruction is serious in any case). Congratulations also concerning your photographic skills. The announced larger than life section will possibly dwell into a topic I have also battled with for years as high magnifications are indispensable for capturing small Arthropods, yet it seems only the manufacturers still ignore the problem leaving photographers to cut-and-try methods...

Melanie Taylor - 04/01/98 04:47:43
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: art
1.: trolls
2.: reading

this is beautiful work! i will return again & again, i am sure.thank you fr this inspiring, informative &peaceful place.

Meta Bright Star - 03/30/98 18:23:43
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: watercolors
2.: shamanism
3.: gardening
4.: flying
5.: nutrition

I am so happy to see your beautiful collection of butterflies. I have recently become interested in setting up butterfly habitats throughout the city of Chicago in Illinois, northcentral USA with lupine flowers. Thank you so much for your contribution and years of hard work and patience. Meta

Esther Koh - 03/30/98 14:46:14
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: outdoor activities

Hi Fah Shin, Great photos!! The captions and additional information about your subjects are also very interesting. Keep up the excellent work! Cheers, esther

Marcel - 03/27/98 20:33:54
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Many:
1.: Ecology
2.: Travelling to people, culture or nature
3.: student`s exchanges
4.: photography
5.: designing homepages

Hello! Wonderful Photography!
I would be glad, if you would like to join my webring:

Great Nature Photography Ring - Photograpy Excellence Award

This Great Nature Photography Ring site is owned by Marcel.

[ Next Page | Previous | Random ]

Want to join the ring? Get the info.

Next Excellent Photography page

Heartly greetings from

Fredrik Beskow - 03/25/98 19:05:40
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Photography(!)
2.: Computers and the Internet
3.: Music
4.: Film
5.: Fishing

One of the best photo sites I've seen. Excellent pictures combined with a nice design. I've bookmarked your site for future visits! Best regards, Fredrik Beskow, Sweden

Luke - 03/25/98 08:03:37
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Photography
2.: Cooking
3.: Eating
4.: Exercising

Hey! I like your photographs, they are beautiful. Care to teach me how to go about capturing such pictures? I am a novice, I don't know much, but am trying. Drop me an email (not to big a file!). Thanks.

Anna Sargent - 03/22/98 13:49:28
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Beautiful things

Your photos are a visual treat - wonderful Thank you for sharing your site with us.

Ant - 03/17/98 10:56:08
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Computers and ants :).

I love looking at your ant photographs! I would like to see more of them.

Steve Wortman - 03/14/98 14:25:15
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature/Insect photography

A very, very nice web page. Very excellent photographs, too. I particularly liked the stalk-eyed fly. You seem to do very well on your lighting. That is usually the hardest thing to get correct, particularly under a dark forrest canopy. You are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful country and having wonderful wildlife at your backdoor. Thank you. Steve Wortman Rocklin, California

Lou Schwartz - 03/04/98 01:14:45
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: outdoor photos, digital imaging

Absolutely great. I have only one butterfly on my site. It's in the General Gallery, and yours make me humble. I'm bookmarking you for further viewing.

Mark Harris - 02/10/98 16:23:05
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: natural history
2.: photojournalism

Nice site; check out mine, listed above.

Dave Britton - 02/06/98 04:32:35
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Entomology
1.: Lepidoptera
2.: collecting
3.: macrophotograpy

Excellent web page Chin! Your photography is truely beautiful; I was sold from the moment I saw that metalmark on the opening page. I also appreciate the effort you have made to provide useful and accurate information, cheers DaveB.

Khairul - 02/05/98 17:52:20
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: computers
1.: photography

Excellent photos! I have always wanted to learn macro photography! Anyway, keep up the good work. Cheers!

Wayne Hsu - 01/31/98 11:13:48
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: bird-watching
1.: insect collecting & photography
2.: biking
3.: Internet

Great home page and photography! I admire your passion for nature and photography skills. I've been to both P. Malaysia and Sabah, but there is a lot more out there I haven't seen yet. I hope I will be able to visit the rainforests of Malaysia again in th future.

Visit my F.B.Magpie Home Page!

Che Alim Che Haron - 01/29/98 06:55:26
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Movie
2.: Music
3.: Photoghrapy
4.: Reading
5.: Driving

Your homepage is very good, I tried to make one but I can't

somboon - 01/28/98 18:48:27


Tom Huebner - 01/26/98 18:02:59
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photog-Rural

I am fascinated by your excellent macro work. Beautifully Done !!

Chan Kin Tat - 01/26/98 13:36:31
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: computer, inkjet printers

Hi Mr. Chin I saw your beautifull pictures. I can out put your pictures with 36inch inkjet printer. Which picture you like most? E-mail a file that is 36x24 in size at 100DPI and your address I will inkjet it and mail you the picture. Kung Hee Fat choi (Happy Chinease New Year) K.T.Chan

Martin Hough - 01/26/98 08:38:59
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: sphingidae, noctuidae

Thanks for a very interesting site. I have done some entomology in Malaysia but over in Sabah. Terima kasih, and Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Gary Anweiler - 01/26/98 03:32:17
My Email:[email protected]
1.: Noctuid Moths

Great pictures!!!Thank you for sharing them.

Carl-Axel Bengtsson - 01/23/98 21:24:15
My Email:[email protected]

I like all..hope one day see all. here in Sweden ..smow cold.. dark from 14.30 every day. wintertime.. so long! CA

TAM YAM HOCK - 01/20/98 10:28:40
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: READING

It's quite interesting...Well, I was introduced by Mr. Peter Chin(Ur brother).... My daughter is learning how to make her homepage too. Hopefully she will have a good homepage as well as yours.

sntsn - 01/19/98 03:00:02


Gilles Desjardins - 01/17/98 05:19:21
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: bird watching

I visited the beautifull aviary in KL last year. I was very impressed by the large number of colourfull birds that live in your part of the world. The monkeys that came out of the forest had me a bit worried. Can you tell me more about them?

Chey Vun Khen - 01/14/98 14:43:17
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Stories
1.: Lepidoptera
2.: Trees
3.: Borneo
4.: Adventure
5.: Nostalgia

Thank you for introducing me to your fascinating corner on the internet. I enjoy reading your stories on butterflies, nicely written and beautifully illustrated. Please tell me more of your romance with these winged beauties!

Charlie Scrimshaw - 01/10/98 04:11:29
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: fishing
1.: gardening
2.: CB radio
3.: Computer

Very good page and terrific photos. Wish I had the patience to settle down and do something like you have. Charlie.

Earle Shaw - 01/10/98 03:23:55
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: photography
1.: bird watching

Beautiful photography supported with apparently knowledgeable descriptions.

Manny Rannals - 01/10/98 01:09:02
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: fishing
1.: computers
2.: photography

your closeups were great. When you spoke of the varied exposures when taking the closeup(my butterfly shooter)brought baack memories of the 50's when we were first using the electronic flash. The first one I used was a wet cell and weighed about 20 lbs. pak that on your shoulder for a few hours and say it was fun!!the good old days! Manny

Marc Perlman - 01/06/98 16:14:26
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: lepidoptera collecting
1.: Papilionidae
2.: Nymphalidae
3.: Saturnidae
4.: Sphingidae
5.: freaks, aberrations

I really like your page. The photographs are very nice. I have been a collector for about ten years. I made a trip to Malaysia in 1996, as part of a collecting/research team led by Dr. Tom Emmel. I would very much like to return sometime soon and collect again. I am not sure of the best time. When there in May of 1996, it was very cloudy, and the specimens were not fresh. If you know of any guided trips, people to contact, places to collect, or times of the year to collect, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it. Thank you very much. Marc Perlman [email protected]

John Bauer - 01/03/98 15:27:50
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Graphics
2.: Hiking

Your photos are excellent and your pages are very informative. Thank you

frstdflk - 01/03/98 00:31:12
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: ALL NATURE


Mark Cummins - 01/01/98 16:41:30
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature & Landscape Photography

Chin, I loved your photographs. I've taken many similar photo's using existing light. I think I'll try some of your flash suggestions. Thanks from Dryden,Mi.

Chad - 01/01/98 04:44:54
Interests:: Too many too name :)

Great website!! You have taken some excellent photographs! It looks really good!

hhcooter - 12/31/97 22:35:21
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: wild life inc. plants,trees, flora et faunaI find

Your photos of Frogs and Lizards are especially appealing; photos of Butterlies, etc. are delightful! We have several species of beautiful butterflies and moths appearing in late Spring and summer months in East Tennessee, USA, but not the variety you dis lay from Malaysia. Thank you for sharing your observations and good technical skills in capturing them for the world and internet!

Bill Provost - 12/31/97 21:33:16
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Being with family
1.: Photography
2.: Downhill Skiing
3.: Camping
4.: Fishing

Thank you very much for sharing your work! It is very inspiring. Bill

Jane Smurawa - 12/31/97 14:47:53
My Email:[email protected]

What a great site!!!!! Keep up the good work!

Dick Salomon - 12/29/97 17:02:33
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography

Very fine photos and a very fine web page. Congratulations. Dick

John Brink - 12/28/97 03:17:47
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Nature, Landscape, Insects

This is an example of the best of the Internet and world wide communications. As a professional photographer of over 25 years experience I admire your skill and dedication in collecting these photos. Best Regards, John

Bill - 12/27/97 01:08:08
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Wildlife photography
1.: camping,hiking,fishing

you did a great job on all your pics great composition.and color,and back ground.The outdoors is a great studio for any photography. From the USA,Milwaukee Wisconsin to you and your family,have a great NEW YEAR............BILL

Gary Drainville - 12/26/97 22:58:22
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography
1.: Amateur Radio
2.: Nature

Loved your Homepage - great photos. It would be nice to read what equipment/camera settings you used. Cheers.

Bill Neumeier - 12/26/97 22:29:10
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: telecommunication
1.: family

interesting web sight. shows pride in what you enjoy

Ed Wugalter - 12/25/97 19:58:29
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Birds
1.: Natural History
2.: Photography (novice)

I viewed every one of the photos on your web site and was thrilled by them all. I would love to learn what photo equipment and methods you used. You write well. I enjoyed your brief, informative accompanying notes. Thank you ! A great pleasure.

Stephan Walther-Larsen - 12/25/97 19:58:11
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photograph. Nature. Computers

Greetings from Greenland. What a nice an colorfull place. I love the pictures and when living here in the arctic region i feel the urge to get out an shoot som butterflies and see some trees. But i will have to wait until i get back to europe. Keep on the good work on this site.

Y-Nin Chan - 12/25/97 06:28:50


John Pickles - 12/24/97 03:28:12
My Email:[email protected]

Very nice photos. What did you scan them with?

- 12/24/97 01:00:45
My Email:[email protected]
1.: nature
2.: photography
3.: astronomy
4.: hiking
5.: bird watching

Enjoyed your page! Great photos and natural history info! Always good to meet someone who is so enthrusiastic about their interests! Keep up the good work. GQR

Liou Tay Cheng - 12/23/97 19:41:53
My Email:[email protected]
1.: photography
2.: plant

Great photo ! I like it ! My friend also interests in butterflies. I will show him your homepage. After my homepage is finish, I will invite you to brose it .

Roger Spencer - 12/23/97 18:19:02
My Email:[email protected]
Interests:: Photography

Chin, I enjoyed your photos. I am a serious amateur photographer (landscapes, nature) living in West Virginia, US. I hope to have a web page featuring some of my photos soon. I'll send you the link when I get it on line.

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