Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Your Name :   Gina
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi, Im a freshman in high school using some of the photos of rainforest fungi for a project. We are designing theme parks exhibiting all five kingdoms in a group for biology. We picked a rainforest theme and I thought it would be really hard to find rainf
Your Name :   Hjalmar from Norway
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hello Can you help me to find a good field-guide to determine butterflies in Malaysia and/or Thailand? I`m going to Thailand next summer to visit family and would therefore like to know what I wuld be expecting to see. I have tried to search the WEB, bu
Your Name :   izah
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Your Name :   Andrew
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   We live in Pantai Hill, KL. A Big Jawed Spider (Tetragnathidae)is resident on our balcony. Perfect for photography now before it is removed!(30/1/03)Hope yr in town. Lk fwd to yr reply
Your Name :   caroline
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Enjoyed retracing my own trip in your travelogue. Did you meet Hans Banzinger, the tear-drinking moth guy? Would you know how to contact him? Caroline
Your Name :   sacha
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Your Message or Comment :   Hello nice page and it downloads very fast, enjoyed it very much, take care. Greetings from Ardech, Vallon Pont DArc, France.
Your Name :   Louis Abela
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Dear Sir, First of all I would like to congratulate you for your lovely website. I am going to be in Kuala Lumpur and Sabah in February next year. I am interested in buying butterflies and other insects already mounted in frames etc. Can you suggest a
Your Name :   Ben Bugay
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Dear Mr.Chin, Im so fascinated with all your photographs,the range of species of what you have capture through the lenses speak volumes of your passion towards nature. Im a tour guide in Sabah and have met quiet a number of proffesional photographers f
Your Name :   Deborah
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Just wanted to thank you for your magnificient pictures, also for making them available to view so that other people can look at them and appreciate the wonders of nature.
Your Name :   nubia seibert
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I just climbed Kinabalu on dec. 1, was curious to see what others had to say. It was a triumphal experience for me a person who never exercised and at 45 worried that getting in shapewasessentialfor good health. before i did kinabalu iparticipatedinthe ch
Your Name :   David Kamaski
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   great site
Your Name :   Snoop Doggy Don
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   mugu.comot
Your Message or Comment :   mugu mugu mugu mugu
Your Name :   Zainon Mohd. Noor
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I like the photos very much. Thank you.
Your Name :   kati nyholm
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Name :   karen cruz
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   great website. I hope someone will feature odonates of the Philippines. I am an educator of invertebrate zoology and your photos can be a really big help for my student researchers. More power!
Your Name :   Harvey Caidic
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   hi. We are trying to form a herpetological society in the Philippines. We are only starting and some of our members are amateurs and some professionals. I was wondering if you could give me a name or somebody to contact re: making a herpetological society
Your Name :   TORI S
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Name :   Maraya
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   dumb
Your Name :   Allen
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi, Enjoyed my visit to your website. Thanks. --Allen (
Your Name :   stephanie oort
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Name :   Dawn Chong Wei Kuan
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi, Uncle Chin. I think you are FGT member because i am also from FGT and I saw the link to Uncle Wah Lok's page. Amazing, that u have the enthusiasm to take these photo and have a personal page.
Your Name :   Marc
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I Have 11 differents species of sphingidae,4 of saturnidae and more than 40 differents species of diurnal available for exchange. All papered,a-1,labeled,Canadian species. Also many cocoons of H.cecropia,H.columbia,A.luna,& A.polyphemus for sale or exch
Your Name :   Brooke McCowan
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   ----------------------------------
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Your Name :   Janice Ryan
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi Chin, I write from Australia where I am researching fungus growing in South East Asia. Are all the species of fungus on your site from Malaysia? I would really appreciate an early reply to help me with my project. Great site!
Your Name :   Gobind Rudra
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hello Fah Shin, Great stuff. My little boy will be greatly impressed. Cheers. Gobind.
Your Name :   Susan Foster
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   What a wonderful and beautiful site!! I am a frog enthusiast and very much enjoyed your breathtaking photographs. Thank you for sharing.
Your Name :   Guardian Gareth
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Greetings! I have just been looking at your site, and I think you have done a wonderful job on it! I would like to invite you to show off your site in a web site competition called Battle of the Ancients! It is a web site competition where y
Your Name :   Gwyn Allen
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I was looking for the redeyed frogs and was facinated with the different insects and frogs and the information and photos you provided. Thank you very much. I learned so much.
Your Name :   addy
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I seldom and lazy in signing guestbook but I must say that your website is a piece of true great work of nature Mr. Chin. Have a great day! Btw, am studying on Plexippus Petersi right at this moment. Any help?:)
Your Name :   mbm
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   butterfly
Your Name :   Knightess Shire
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on your site and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, I thank you for sharing it with me... Have you ever thought about placing your site into a Fun & Friendly Website Competition? Well, my name is Kni
Your Name :   mandy
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Name :   Carl Johnson
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   I have just arrived in Malaysia (KL)and am planning on staying here for possibly three years. I also love nature so my wife and I have found a little home to rent in an area called Sungei Pencalla which is close to Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. Our little house i
Your Name :   Anton
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   -
Your Message or Comment :   Mr.Chin,your website is very educational & interesting. I'm doing my school project which require pictures of ginger plants. So, I want to ask your permission to copy some of your pictures for that project. Thank you very much.
Your Name :   Aya Asuka
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   n/a
Your Message or Comment :   just want to tell you how amazed i am with your works. very educational and interesting! i am sure that you get tons of compliments like this, but i would still like to express my gratitude~ thank you and thanks for your time! ^^ take care and have a grea
Your Name :   rajawalie
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   -
Your Message or Comment :   oh..congratulation on your interesting website!! i like it very much..and if u don't mine,i want to copy some of your pictures and make it as my desktop wallpaper..
Your Name :   cheryl
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Your Message or Comment :   your site is crap !!!! no butterfly lizards
Your Name :   laura
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Your Message or Comment :   you have a great web site i love animals and you have great photos of animals i just love it
Your Name :   Pat Michaels
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :
Your Message or Comment :   Excellent photos. You and everyone else are invited to contribute pictures to the Green Nature photo gallery.
Your Name :   Bodo Dumke
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   N.A.
Your Message or Comment :   In Penang of 1994, I collected a pair of Rajah Brookes' and many others from the butterfly farm near Bahtu Feringi. What fun!
Your Name :   Olivier Pequin
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   
Your Message or Comment :   Hello, this website is wonderful! I am a French entomologist and I am looking for Asian entomologists who would like to exchange butterflies with me! I can provide butterflies from Europe, Africa and North America. Please contact me!!! Best wishe
Your Name :   Kimberly Anak Jayum
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   I don't have one
Your Message or Comment :   Dear Uncle Chin, I am so proud of your pictures that you've had took.I also had seen your pictures of insects throught the television this morning that I had watch. But I on my television a bit late because I woke up late. So I want to say that keep on
Your Name :   Woongap
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   * The best workathome-websites * Worldwide Business Club * 21 * The world of the Flower Stone CODE ; temp1234 Have You ever heard the Flower Stone, the most beautiful and the rarest stone in the world ? If You introduce your cun
Your Name :   jega
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   
Your Message or Comment :   chin, im jega frm nst graphic dept...hope u remember me...i was looking fr some ref on butterflies and was amazed to see yo site...its so beautifully so impressed...will tell our friends about it....i wish t use a few butterflies as my ref fr a
Your Name :   renee
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   great pictures
Your Name :   Joe Ong
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   
Your Message or Comment :   Hi Mr Chin, You are a great photographer!
Your Name :   sezai
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   
Your Message or Comment :   I will visit malaysia after your watching your beatiful pictures. I wil visit between 20 April and 2 may.
Your Name :   Ramdhan
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
Your Website Address :   nil
Your Message or Comment :   I'm very impressed with your website and it's wonderful. Good luck. TQ.
Your Name :   eugin
Your Email Address :   [email protected]
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Your Message or Comment :   Hi Uncle Chin, finally your guestbook link is working. Have been to your site several times and the pictures are well-taken. We want more!
Your Name :   guest
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Your Message or Comment :   its fantastic website-congratulation
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