"You go in there and kill her. I'll take care of them," the brunette said nodding toward the group of five men.
"I'll page you when I've gotten out of the hotel, okay?" said the red head.
"Be careful! The last thing we need to do is get sent to jail for killing that bitch," Aime warned.
"Have I ever been caught?"
"No and I'd like to keep it that way. Christina is paying us a lot of money to get rid of Britney so she can move in on Justin and I'd hate to have to give that money back."
"Me too. I plan on getting that Roadster I've been eying," Amanda said tucking her gun into the hidden pocket of her dress. "Now go work your magic so I can get upstairs!"
Amanda watched Aime walk across the room over to the five men who were playing Black Jack. She grinned as the blonde Aime always talked about got up and offered her his chair. This was going to be easier then they imagined. When she felt Aime had gotten them to pay enough attention to her that she causally started toward the elevator. She managed to slip passed the security guarding the pop princess' room and taking the key card she got downstairs, she slipped it in when the guards went to check on a 'noise' at the other end of the hall. Amanda made a mental note to thank Scott when she got out of there.
She found the blonde sleeping on her bed. One shot to the head and another to the chest and it was over. She snuck out of the hotel room, just seconds before Scott and the other guard returned. She nodded to Scott when they passed at the elevator. When she was a safe distance from the hotel she sent Aime a simple page saying 'Bx3 BS' and continued on to the hotel she and Aime were staying at.
"So good of you to finally return," Amanda said when Aime entered the penthouse. "Any luck?"
"I won a nice chunk of money, but not so lucky with Mr. Bass," she shrugged. "Sorry it took me so long but they were interviewing everyone at the hotel because somebody murdered Britney Spears!"
"How sad! Who would do such a thing?" Amanda laughed.
"I have no idea," Aime giggled. "We'll have to leave tomorrow to keep from getting caught of course."
"Such a shame. I'm sure enjoying staying here," Amanda said waving her hand around.
"I know but we need to get to Pennsylvania and collect our money from Christina."
"Then do we have another job or do I have time for a trip? I'm thinking the Bahamas."
"We've got time off so you can go. Sadly I must stay and "comfort" Christina since her dear friend Britney is dead," Aime sighed.
"You're just hoping Lance will be there," Amanda teased.
"I plan on comforting him too," Aime smiled. "Hello?" she asked answering she cell phone when it rang.
"Good job, ladies," came the reply. "You'll be here tomorrow I assume?"
"Hello, Christina. Yes we've leaving tomorrow. Any word from Justin?"
"He called as soon as he heard. He's in shock but I managed to get from Josh that they'll be in tomorrow as well and we're traveling to Louisiana to be with Britney's family. Are you two coming with?"
"Amanda isn't I don't think, but I will be."
"Very well. Let me talk to Amanda. See you tomorrow."
"Good-bye," Aime said tossing Amanda the phone.
"Hello, Amanda."
"Hello, Christina."
"Very nice job! A shot in the head and one to the chest, I'm impressed!"
"Thank you. It's always a pleasure working for you, Christina."
"I heard you won't be joining us in Louisiana, how come?"
"I'm thinking of going to the Bahamas for a vacation."
"Sounds fun. I don't suppose I could talk you into waiting a few days, could I?"
"I suppose. There'll be cute guys in the Bahamas a few days from now still, I'm sure."
"Of course and you should stick around to see how things are going are going. Did you leave the stuff to keep them off your trail?"
"Yup and Scott's going to mention the man he 'saw' leaving the floor."
"Very good."

"So how's the Bahamas?"
"Wonderful. Are you enjoying comforting Mr. Bass in Orlando?" Amanda asked looking around the beach.
"Very much fun. He's not at all that upset since he never liked Britney anyway."
"How's the case going?"
"Wonderful! They found someone with the gun that killed Britney!"
"Really, who?"
"Nick Carter's bodyguard!"
"You took Nick Carter's bodyguard's gun?"
"Yes and Nick's finger prints are all over it. Crime of passion: Brit was with Justin, Nick loved her and all that jazz. Same old thing."
"Enjoy you're trip. We're supposed to meet with Justin to get Nick for killing Britney."
"Sounds fun."
"Should be. Bye."

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