
"Look at that necklace," Cady Adams exclaimed, sighing longingly, pointing at the silver "senior key" necklace in the case in front of her.

"You’ve got one just like it on," Adele Dew, said not understanding the big deal.

"This one belonged to Cady Andrews," Cady replied. "Plus mine’s gold and it’s 2002 not 1962."

"You know who Cady Andrews is?" questioned the man behind the counter.

"She’s only my favorite singer," Cady exclaimed. "I was named after her!!"

"Not many people these days remember Cady, especially not someone as young as yourself," remarked the man.

"We’re from her hometown," Adele explained. "Everyone knows who she is. Cady’s the only one who actually likes her music though."

"You’re a bit away from home then."

"We’re here for the *NSYNC charity event," Cady explained. "How much do you want for the necklace?"

"In all the years I’ve had this necklace, you’re the first person to ever ask about it," he stated. "If you can tell me the story behind it, we’ll work out a deal."

"She got it her senior year of high school and wore it all the time, it was her lucky charm. She never took it off if she could help it. The day before she died it was stolen out of her dressing room."

"Very impressive," said the man.

"Thank you," Cady smiled. "Now how much do you want for the necklace."

"How does fifty dollars sound?"

"Like you’re getting ripped off, but good to me," Cady answered.

"It’s not worth as much as it should be," he replied. "People just aren’t interested in old Cady Lynn these days. How do you know so much about her?"

"Like my friend said, we’re from her hometown. She used to baby sit for my father and his brothers when they first moved to town so my dad was a fan and just passed it onto me."

"That’s neat," he smiled. "Enjoy the necklace."

"Thank you," Cady smiled back, exiting the store with Adele.

"I can’t believe you bought that," Adele shook her head.

"Are you kidding me? This is the coolest thing ever," Cady exclaimed, putting the necklace on.

"Whatever! You heard him no one’s ever asked him about it."

"So? I’ve got lots of things people haven’t asked about."

"You don’t even know if it really belonged to her. Maybe he sells them to unknowing fans."

"Doubtful. Everything else in there was the real deal so the necklace has to be real."

"If you say so."

"Come on! Lets go meet the celebrities," Cady said grabbing her arm.

"*NSYNC table first."

Cady nodded and they walked into the arena. They got in line with the other fans and waited their turn to get autographs from the members of *NSYNC.

"You look a bit young to have graduated in 1962," commented Chris Kirkpatrick when Cady stepped in front of him.

"I’ve taken very good care of myself," Cady replied. "Truthfully, I’m forty years too young and this original belonged to Cady Andrews."

"You know who Cady Andrews is?" Joey Fatone questioned.

"She’s only the best female singer ever," Cady answered. "You know who she is, though?"

"Cady Lynn and the Shortcuts is like all of our favorite band," Lance answered. "Between the five of us we’ve got all their albums and most of the merchandise."

"Me too!!" Cady exclaimed. "I’ve never met anyone out of Independence who likes them and today I’ve met six people."

"You’re from Independence, as in Cady’s hometown Independence?" Justin questioned.

"Born and raised."

"That is just awesome! Have you been to the house where they all lived?" Justin asked.

"She lives there," Adele rolled her eyes.

"You live in the house?" JC exclaimed.

"Yah... My dad’s been a fan of Cady’s since before it was Cady Lynn and the Shortcuts cause she used to sit for him. He loved the house growing up, and when he realized it was for sell when he and my mom were looking, he bought it. His wife hates it, but we’ve gone through and restored it to how they had it pretty much."

"Wow," the five said together.

"Right, so not to be rude, but can I please have an autograph? Cady’s house is awesome to y’all, I get it," Adele said.

"Your name is Cady?!" JC exclaimed signing his name to Adele’s photo.

"Yah," Cady nodded.

"Wow, you’re parents must be huge fans."

"The biggest."

Adele groaned. "Come on, Cady, I really wanna get Tony’s autograph and we’ve got like five minutes."

Cady check her right. "You’re right... Thank you for the autographs!!" she said to the members of *NSYNC.

"Thanks for coming and supporting our charities," Justin replied.

"It was nice to finally meet y’all," Cady added before Adele drug her off to where Tony Lucca was signing autographs.


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