Chapter 4

"Are you all right, Cady?" Lance questioned the next morning when he found her sitting in his room, watching him sleep.

Cady nodded. "I just got up early this morning and decided to be here when you wake up, instead of the other way around."

"That's cool," Lance replied.

"I had lunch with Jerrid Thompsen today."

"You did?"

Cady nodded again. "He came across some of Cady Lynn's old stuff and when James said to get rid of it, he thought of me."

"Did you find anything interesting?"

"All of it was so interesting," Cady answered. "It was a lot of the jewelry I've worn in the past couple of days, a pair of sunglasses. I dunno, it was just neat. Some of it though, I don't understand why James would want Jerrid to get rid of."

"Like what?"

"Her diary, a ton of sheet music with songs she wrote with Thad and Jordan, a photo album of the seven of them from before they met The Beatles. You'd think he'd want those things, or their children would want them."

"Yah, you would," Lance agreed. "What'd you do with them?"

"I asked Jerrid to hold onto them for me. Dad's thinking since I'll be going off to college in a year that he and his wife might move into another, smaller house, and we'd convert the house into more of a museum or whatever than it already is," she explained. "Those would be great things to have on display, ya know?"

"Those would be interesting to see," Lance agreed. "How come, if you don't mind me asking, you're not going away to college for another year? Are you taking a year off or something?"

Cady shook her head. "I'm going to community college for a year to get my basics out of the way, then I'll transfer to a four year."

"What are you going to major in?"

"I'm torn between like journalism and something to do with computers."

"What'll be the deciding vote, do you think?"

"The math involved. I hate math. Anything that requires above algebra, isn't for me."

"Well, what do you want to do with computers?"

"Web design I guess," she shrugged. "I'm not quite sure."

"And journalism?"

"I love to write. I'd love to be paid to write for a living."

"That's cool," Lance nodded.

"Yah... Well it's my turn to make breakfast, so I'm gonna check and see if anyone else is awake," Cady said getting up.

"All right, lemme know if you need any help."

"Thanks, but it'd probably be best if you stayed around this side of the house in case someone wakes up," Cady replied.


Cady found Justin sitting at the table when she reached the kitchen.

"Morning," Justin greeted.

"Good morning," Cady smiled. "You're up early."

"I think I passed out pretty early last night because I've been up since about five a.m."

"Fun," Cady stated. "What do you feel like for breakfast? It's my turn to make it, but bear in mind, I'm lacking in the cooking skills and I don't make anything that involves pork products of any kind."

"No pork? What's a breakfast without pork?" Justin shook his head. "How about you make pancakes or waffles and I'll take care of the side dishes?"

"Sounds fair, thanks," Cady smiled.

"Cady, can you please come here for a moment?" the pair heard Lance yell midway through the preparing of breakfast.

"Can you watch this for me?" Cady questioned, gesturing at the waffle maker in front of her.

"Yah, no problem," Justin nodded, continuing on in making breakfast while Cady exited the room.

"James?" she questioned when she reached his room.

"I'm in Beatrice's room," Lance replied.

"What are you doing in--" she started, but stopped when she saw a very confused and very pissed off looking Britney Spears sitting on Beatrice's bed. "Of all the people in the year 2002, it had to be her," Cady sighed.

"Who the hell is she?" Britney screeched.

"Calm down, Brit," Lance replied, putting his hand on her shoulder. "This is Cady. She woke up here just like you and I did."

"What do you mean she woke up here?"

"Justin is in the kitchen," Cady spoke to Lance. "Should I--"

"No," Lance and Britney said at the same time.

"Okay... Never mind that suggestion," Cady replied. "So what do you need me for?"

"I don't know a whole lot about Beatrice's dailies and I figure it might make more sense for 'Cady Lynn' and 'Beatrice' to be hanging out in Beatrice's room as apposed to 'James' and 'Beatrice', so I need you to feel Britney in on what's going on."

"Are you sure I shouldn't get--"

"Justin and Britney aren't getting along right now," Lance cut her off.

"Excuse us for a moment," Cady said, grabbing Lance's arm and pulling him out into the hallway. "You really don't want me to be around Britney."

"Why's that?"

"Because I find just about everything about Britney Spears offending. She's one of the major things I find wrong with the word in 2002," Cady answered.

"That very well maybe," Lance replied, "but we are going to all have to work together until we figure out for certain what's going on and that means you're gonna hafta at least pretend to get along with Britney."

"Do you know how hard that is for me? I've sent the last three years hating everything about her and you want me to try and get along with her?"

"You can't hate everything about a person you don't know," Lance disagreed. "That's humanly impossible. There has to be at least one thing you like about her."

"Her songs have good messages, but she ruins those messages by her actions."

"Brit's about ninety percent PR. If you knew her, you'd find she's not as bad as she may come off as."

"She makes little kids cry because she promises to give them autographs and then blows them off."

"Look, please just put your personal feelings a side at least long enough to help her understand what's going on," Lance pleaded. "Please."

Cady sighed. "Fine. I'll feel her in."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go prepare Justin."

"Prepare him?"

"I'll explain later," Lance promised. "Just please refrain from mentioning Justin while you're in there."

"Lance-- Oh, it's you," Britney sighed, when Cady reentered the room.

"Yah, it's me," Cady replied, sighing as well. "Believe me, I wish it were Lance in here, just as much as you probably do."

"And why's that?"

"Because I don't like you, but as Lance reminded me, I have to deal with it for at least the time being," Cady answered.

"How can you not like me? You don't even know me."

"And I would've been happy to have gone my whole life with that knowledge, but I'm not that lucky," Cady muttered. "That's not why I'm here though."

"Why are you here?"

"To fill you in on what Lance and I have been able to figure out about our being here and what not."

"Where exactly is here?"

"We are in a small town called Independence, which is located in the southeast corner of Kansas. It appears that some how we've all 'woken up' here in the year 1964. To everyone outside of the four of us, we are members of Cady Lynn and The Shortcuts--"

"That stupid band Justin and the others are like obsessed with? Ugh," Britney cut in.

Cady took a deep breath. "Cady Lynn and The Shortcuts is not a stupid band."

"Sure they are, why else would they have used that Cady Lynn chick instead of the other girl? She was obviously the most talented person in that band," Britney replied.

Biting her tongue, Cady continued, ignoring Britney's comments. "We aren't sure how or why we've 'woken up' here, just that we have. We--"

"This is all so Quint Leap," Britney said. "Do you suppose we're here to change what happens to them? Like maybe I'm here to make sure they use--"

"No, Britney, that is not why we're here."

"Oh, what do you know?" Britney giggled. "This is really a great dream, even though I don't care much for you. I really think I'm here to make sure that, that other chick becomes the lead singer and since this is my dream, that's what's going to happen."

"Great, now I can hate you," Cady muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"I've spent enough time with you that I now feel justified to hate you," Cady replied.

"Ugh, I really don't like you," Britney sighed. "How do I get rid of you from my dream? You're a big ol stick in the mud."

"Whatever. Just get dressed and go to the kitchen. Don't talk to anyone that doesn't look like someone you know in 2002 or speak at all unless totally necessary," Cady stated, exiting the room.

"You're back," Britney said a moment later when Cady reentered the room. "These clothes are so boring. Can I go to your room and pick something out?"

"That's exactly why I'm back," Cady answered. "These are the clothes Beatrice wears. You have to dress like Beatrice."

"But I don't like these clothes!"

"Then I will pick something out for you," Cady replied, going over to the closet. "Please just wear this as they're meant to be. It'll cause problems if Beatrice doesn't appear prim and proper."

"Fine," Britney pouted, accepting the peach colored peasant-style shirt and jeans Cady was holding out. "This is so plain."

"It's this or you wear a dress that goes past your knees," Cady threatened.

"I said fine," Britney replied. "You can go, I know how to dress myself."

"I'm glad you at least know how to do that," Cady muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. When you're dressed, go to the kitchen."

"Where's that?"

"Go right when you exit this room, there's an opening at the end of the hall that'll take you through the living room. The living room opens into the dining room which is right next to the kitchen."

"Thank you," Britney said.

"You're alone, did she fall back asleep and wake up Beatrice?" Justin questioned hopefully, when Cady entered the kitchen.

"No such luck," Cady sighed, sitting down at the table.

"You're in luck, Justin," Lance said, "Cady hates Britney too."

"Really? Good to know," Justin sighed. "So what's your reason for hating her?"

"She offends me and is everything I think is wrong with the image of women in the year 2002," Cady answered, going back to making breakfast.

"Yah, well, I think you're a big stick in the mud," Britney exclaimed, coming into the kitchen.

"At least I'm not a trashy whore!"

"Who's a trashy whore?" Connor questioned, coming into the kitchen followed by the others.

"No one," Cady answered quickly. "Bea was just saying she didn't like my shirt and I was explaining how it could be worse."

"She's right, Bea," Thad said, sitting down at the table, "Cad's pretty tame compared to some of the girls running around town."

"She could be a lot tamer," Britney argued. "I mean look at what I'm wearing as compared to what she's wearing."

"Jerrid likes his girls respectable," Connor replied. "He'd have himself a heart attack if he saw you wearing anything unladylike."

"I'm not that bad," Justin argued. "It's not like I force her to dress this way. In fact I think she and Cady Lynn should go shopping and pick out something nice."

"That's a good idea," Lance said, ignoring the looks Cady was shooting him. "You all have a gig next week and it wouldn't hurt to have a new outfit."

"I agree," Britney nodded. "We should go today."

"I'm baby sitting for the Higgins," Cady replied.

"We'll be back in time for that," Lance answered.

"I can't believe this," Cady exclaimed when they were in the car.

"What?" Lance questioned.

"The last thing I want to do is going shopping with Britney Spears."

"Well I don't want to shop with you either," Britney retorted.

"Stop," Lance said, covering Cady's mouth before she responded. "I think this is the last thing any of us want to do, but we needed to get Britney out of the house."

"Why me?"

"Because you have no clue about anything that happened with this band," Justin answered.

"How do you know?"

"You don't even know who Yoko Ono is!" Justin exclaimed.


"So? Who doesn't know who she is?" Cady cried.

"Oh who are you to judge who people should know?"

"Oh I'm sorry, you're right. I didn't get breast implants when I was sixteen to compensate for the fact that I can't sing. I have no right to judge anything."

"Lance, make her stop!!"

"Cady, please leave her alone," Lance pleaded. "You too, Justin."

"But that's not fair! This is probably the only chance I'm going to get to tell her exactly what I think about her!"

"What's the use if she won't remember it when she's awake?" Lance questioned.

"I'll know I got the chance to say it, that's one of those things you just don't forget," Cady answered.

"That may very well be, but you still can't do it," Lance replied. "We have no idea how long we're gonna be here and while we're here, we need to be able to get a long with each other."

"Why?" Britney questioned.

"Because I said so," Lance answered. "Can we please make it through today without too much fighting?"

"Whatever," was the reply from the three other people in the car.


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