Chapter 7

"We should try some of these styles," Britney said, looking through the Comso they got in the mail earlier that day. "Cad and Bea could use some new hair styles."

"We need to set up appointments before we go to NYC," Cady suggested.

"Think we could manage to get some money from the Andrews so that we can get our hair done in New York?" Britney questioned. "My hair stylist told me about this great shop her mother used to work at."

"We can ask them at dinner tonight," Cady replied. "I don't think they'll mind."

"You're working on ways to get money from their parents?" JC inquired, sitting next to Britney.

"For the good of the band," Britney defended.

"Cady Lynn and Beatrice must look their best," Cady added. "To quote Cady Lynn herself."

"Oh of course," JC giggled. "Have you gotten her diary from Jerrid?"

"Wow, they really did inform you," Cady remarked. "Yes, I have gotten the diary. I also have a diary for Beatrice."

"Ohh!! Really?" Britney squealed. "I wanna see it!!"

"I can have a copy made for you if you'd like," Cady offered.

"Really? Cool! Yah," Britney exclaimed. "I'll send you a letter in real time with an address to send it to when you finish. Also make sure you included a bill for copying and shipping and all that and I'll pay you back."

"Oh, you don't have to--"

"I want to," Britney replied. "Charge me extra and make a profit."

"You're in a giving mood," Tony commented, as he entered the room.

"Just doin my bit to help a needy college student," Britney shrugged.

"Needy?" Tony questioned, looking at Cady.

"She's in need of beer money, I'm sure," Britney said, looking at Cady for conformation.

"Well, it's really more Smirnoff Ice money," Cady replied, "but yah, I'm always in need for money for that."

"Why not just go to a club and get 'em for free?" JC asked.

"I'm not much of a partier," Cady shrugged. "Besides I am underage so it is safer for me to drink in the safety of my own home or one of my friends homes."

"We'll see if I'm in need of making a profit or not when I get the copy made," she said to Britney.

"Copy of what?"

"Bea's diary," Britney answered. "Jerrid Thompsen gave it to her."

"For your museum?"

Cady nodded. "That's why it's only a copy. I'd be in major trouble if I gave it away."

"Some hardcore Bea Thompsen fan might want to buy it," Britney said.

"If you end up with Jordan's journal, can I get a copy?" JC questioned.

"Sure, I'll keep my eyes piled to see if one arrives," Cady nodded. "They're all donating things now, so it might happen because it'd be awesome to have a complete set of journals."

"Do they all have one?"

"Jerrid said Cady and Bea gave them all journals to write in, he's not sure if Connor or Jeremy wrote in theirs, but he's checking. He knows the others did because Thad and Jordan would sit for hours on end writing in them on the bus and of course Jerrid and James had to because it was Cady Lynn and Beatrice's idea."

"James donate anything?" Tony questioned.

"Jerrid and the Andrews' have most of Cady Lynn and Beatrice's things," Cady replied. "I haven't seen anything from James, but he might have."

"I mentioned the museum to Marc and Vicki when I saw them last week. Vicki seemed very interested.

"Really? I hope she'll come to the opening next October," Cady said. "I gave from Jerrid that Cady Lynn isn't talked about much."

"She isn't," Tony agreed. "Vicki would love to come, I'm sure."

"So what are we gonna do today since you sent the others way?" JC questioned.

"We were thinking soaps, but so far I haven't found any," Britney answered, switching the channel again.

"I personally wanna check out Thad's guitar," Tony said. "It'll be awesome to actually see the original. To actually getta play it, ya know?"

"Ohh, can I come watch you play?" Cady asked.

"If you want," Tony shrugged.

"Awesome!" Cady squealed.

"Excited much?" Britney laughed.

"Tony's an awesome guitarist and I'm still mad I didn't get to see him during *NSYNC's spring tour," Cady defended herself.

"Why not check him out on Marc Anthony's tour?"

"Because I'm probably gonna see Joey in Rent so I need to save as much money as I can," Cady answered.

"You're joining the masses, huh?" JC said.

"I've always wanted to see it and I thought I might when I heard you were going to do it, but Joey's just as awesome so I'd love to see him do it."

"That's cool."

"You'll be able to compare this NYC to our NYC," Britney said.

"That's right, that'll be awesome!"

"Cad, Mrs. Adams is here," Britney said coming into the garage where Cady had talked Tony into teaching her to play the guitar.

"I'll be back, Tony," Cady said, setting the guitar down. "If you've got things you wanna do, we can try this later."

Tony nodded and Cady left the garage to see what her grandmother wanted. She found her sitting in the kitchen.

"Hello, Mrs. Adams," Cady smiled. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Mrs. Adams shook her head. "I'm fine, dear."

"Okay. Well what can I do for you?"

"I know you all are busy preparing for your showcase in New York next month and it's very short notice, but I was wondering if you'd be able to watch the boys for a couple of hours while my husband and I attend a faculty/staff dinner?"

"Of course, I could! I usually sit for two other families on the night of the faculty/staff dinner, the Higgins' and the Martens', and three more kids would be a pleasure to have," Cady replied. "We usually have like a barbecue and take 'em to the park."

"Really? Oh thank you so much!" Mrs. Adams exclaimed. "George just found out about the dinner this morning and we haven't gotten to meet many people around here yet."

"It's not a problem. Your sons are sweethearts, and I think they'd get a long great with the Marten and Higgins' children."

"That'd be nice. The boys haven't gotten to meet very many children yet, either," Mrs. Adams said. "Will they go to school with the boys?"

"The Martens' will, but the Higgins' go to school on the other side of town. I sit for them a couple of times a month though so that their parents can go out or just have a little time to themselves, so they'll be around."

"That's sweet of you."

"Mrs. Higgins is one of my mother most valued employees, so I've been around their children since they were born," Cady replied.

"God how did people ever manage without cell phones?" Britney wondered, making a list of things she needed for the store for the barbecue the next day. "I can't believe we have to wait for them to come home before we can go to the store, instead of calling and having them pick up what we need."

"It's not that hard," Cady said, adding her own needs to the list. "I manage just fine without one."

"You don't have one?!"

Cady nodded. "My father hates them so he won't buy me one and I don't have the desire to use what money I have on a phone."

"Why? I use mine all the time."

"I probably wouldn't though. I don't like to talk on the phone much and I'm pretty much always at home if I'm not in class so it doesn't make sense."

"It'll be different when you're away from home," Britney said. "You'll want to be able to call your family and friends without it costing them."

"That's true. As long as I have the money to pay for one, I'll end up getting one, I'm sure," Cady replied.

"We're home," Justin announced, coming into the kitchen. "You two look nice."


"We need the car to go to the store," Britney said.

"All right, I think Jeremy wanted to go," Justin replied, giving her the keys.

"Jeremy wanted to go where?" the aforementioned man questioned as he entered the kitchen.

"To the store."

"Oh, yah, give me a few minutes."

Cady nodded. "Did he look different to you guys?"

"Lance mentioned that earlier," Justin said. "What do you mean, different?"

"He just doesn't look like Jeremy," Cady shrugged. "You don't see it?"

The others shook their heads. Cady shrugged and checked her list again to make sure they had everything while she and Britney waited for Jeremy to come. When Jeremy returned they said good-bye to the others and left the house driving to the store.

"Are you feeling at right, Jeremy?" Cady questioned as Britney drove.

"I'm fine, why?"

"You look-- I dunno, different, I guess."

"I feel normal," he shrugged.

Cady nodded and the subject was dropped.

"You're right, he does look different," Britney whispered when Jeremy was walking a bit in front of them.

"You see it too?"

Britney nodded. "I can't explain it, he just, ya know, looks different."

"I hope he's all right," Cady said. "I haven't read anywhere about him being sick or anything and as far as I know he's in perfect health now."

"Maybe we're just imagine things," Britney suggested. "We've been around them enough that we're wondering if someone else is coming and we--"

"We what?" Cady questioned when Britney stopped mid-sentence.

"Turn around," Britney managed, pointing a head of her.

"What, why--" Cady said turning around to see what Britney was pointing at.

To her amazement she saw a very confused looking Joey Fatone standing in front of them, holding a bag of potato chips. He looked from the bag of chips to Britney and her, then around the store, not speaking. Britney took a deep breath and looked at Cady as well, who shrugged, not knowing what to do.

"Hello, Joey," Britney final said.

"Hey, Britney," he replied. "Um, what's going on?"

"We uh need to wait until we're in the car to explain," Britney said. "We're almost finished shopping, then we can go and we'll explain."

"All right," Joey agreed.

"Hello, I'm Joey Fatone," he introduced himself to Cady, shaking her hand.

"Hello," Cady smiled. "I am Cady Adams."

"That's where I know you from," Joey remarked. "You're the girl from Challenge For the Children who knew who Cady Lynn Andrews was."

"I am," she agreed.

"JC's rambling about dreaming about you, must've finally gotten to me," he said walking with the two girls as they quickly gathered what they needed.

"You all talk about this?" Cady questioned, looking at Britney.

"I don't," she shook her head. "Justin and Lance both tried to say something to me about it, but I won't. Do you?"

"Who am I going to tell, Jerrid?"

"Good point."

"Okay so you're trying to tell me I look like Jeremy Franklin to these people?" Joey laughed as they drove back to the house. "Good one, Britney, really."

"We're being for serious," Cady said. "For some reason we've like woken up in the year 1964 as these people and now you have too."

"This is all JC's fault," Joey shook his head. "Goofy bastard's dreams are starting to rub off on me."

"I don't think we explained it right," Britney said. "Everyone else seemed pretty convinced they weren't dreaming. How'd you get Justin to believe?"

"I yelled at him and said if it were my dream I'd be having other people show up," Cady shrugged. "How'd y'all do JC and Tony?"

"Just laid it out there. Tony was the hardest to convince just because he didn't want to be there," Britney answered.

"Look if you don't believe us, have someone call you tomorrow and tell you it's happening," Cady said to Joey, not knowing what else to say.

"Or you could tell him if you go to New York," Britney said.

"That won't work. Besides the fact I won't go for a while, what am I supposed to do, damned I be allowed to speak to Joey because we meet up in our sleep and live the lives of a band in which some of the members are dead?"

"All right, scratch that idea."

"Hello, still sitting right here," Joey said.

"Well if you don't believe us, what should we talk about with you?" Britney questioned.

"I dunno, but I really don't like being talked around."

"Lets listen to the radio," Cady suggested. "Maybe the others can convince him when we get back to the house."

"Good idea," Britney agreed.


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