Dear James Lance Bass:

You’re invited to Clinton High Class of 1997 five year anniversary to be held March 29 - March 31. It would mean so much to all your former classmates if you joined us. RSVP!


Alysa Ashland Mark Stevens

President of the Class of 1997 Vice-president of the Class of 1997

Lance looked at the invitation in his hand after rereading it again, trying to decide if he should throw it away or not. Joey looked up from where he was working on his lines.

"What’s that, Lance?" he asked noticing the look on Lance’s face.

"An invitation to a high school reunion the last weekend of March in Clinton," he answered.

"Well that’s cool of them to invite you even though you didn’t technically graduate with them," Justin said. "You going?"

"I dunno. Why would I, I mean, if I haven’t talked to them in five years there’s gotta be a reason why you know?"

"I went to mine," Chris shrugged.

"Because you wanted to rub your fame in the faces of those girls who turned you down," Lance said.

"Isn’t there any girls in Clinton you’d love to do that to?" Joey asked.

"Alysa Ashland," Lance nodded.

"The Class President, why?" JC asked looking at the invitation.

"She was the most popular girl in school, and she never let anyone forget that. She was this major bitch to anyone who she didn’t think was cool enough for her unless she wanted something from them."

"Well see, you could get her back for all the times she was a bitch to you," Chris said.

"That’s not what going to your high school reunion is about," JC said.

"Oh don’t act like you didn’t roll up to yours in the Viper with your Hollywood girlfriend on your arm," Joey said.

"Like you weren’t doing the same thing," JC shot back.

"All right, first of all neither of you all have ‘Hollywood girlfriends,’" Justin said. "Secondly I hate agree with them, Lance, but yah that is what they’re about. My parents only go to theirs now to compare how successful they are with their old classmates."

"Mine too," Joey and JC nodded.

"My mom would but she didn’t graduate so she just does it whenever she bumps into someone she knows," Chris said.

"You should seriously think about going."

"I will," Lance replied.


"Leah, I’ve already told you your partner so lets see... Alysa Ashland, your partner will be Lance Bass," Mr. Smith said stopping in front of her.

"Lance Bass?" Alysa exclaimed. "Mr. Smith, you’ve gotta get me another partner! Do you know what could happen if people saw me talking to him?" she said pointing at Lance, who stood in the front of the room, gathering his stuff.

"It’s not open for discussion, Miss Ashland," he replied walking to the next table.

"You need a good partner if you plan to pass this semester, Alysa, and Lance is the smartest kid in class," said Leah Cook, her best friend.

"He’s a geek, Leah!" Alysa exclaimed.

"Thank you, Princess, I’ll make sure to be the first one to vote for you when the polls open tomorrow," Lance muttered dropping his books on the table.

"Excuse me?" she snapped looking at him.

"Alysa means ‘princess’ in German," he answered. "And since I’m not sure you understand what sarcasm is, I was kidding about voting for you."

"Why wouldn’t you vote for me?" she exclaimed.

"Hmm maybe because you’ve been nothing but a bitch to me since kindergarten?" Lance suggested. "I hope you realize you do actually have to work this semester if you plan on getting an A cause I’m not doing the work for you. Anything that is partner work that you don’t do your share of will be brought to Mr. Smith’s attention."

"That’s not fair!"

"What that I won’t do your work for you?"

"It doesn’t matter anyway. After I talk to my parents tonight I’ll have a new lab partner anyway!" she replied turning away from him.

"I wouldn’t get that lucky," Lance muttered.

"Oh look it’s the Mississippi Show Stoppers," Alysa called out in a mocking tone, as the group of boys walked pass their table. "Aren’t they all so manly, girls?"

"Alysa, leave ‘em alone," Mandy Ashford said, shooting them an apologetic look. "They’re nice guys."

"Oh I forgot you’re one of them," Alysa rolled her eyes. "They’re only the dorkiest boys in school!"

"They’re great guys and they aren’t dorky," Mandy insisted.

"Umm hello, have you looked at Lance Bass? What a dork!" laughed Kelly Johnson.

"Lance is the sweetest guy in the world, once you get to know him," Mandy defined him.

"Girl, he’s prettier than half the girls at this school and what’s up with his hair?" Kelly laughed.

"He maybe a bit on the feminine side but he’ll grow out of it and be hot," Mandy said.

"Whatever. He’s probably gay anyway."

"No he isn’t!" Mandy exclaimed getting up from the table. "I don’t even know why I hang out with you three. You’re just a bunch of judgmental bitches, anyway."

"Mandy, wait-" Leah started. "Look what you two did. God," she sighed getting up to go after Mandy.

"Damn it! Where is he! He knows we’re supposed do a lab today!" Alysa fumed. "I’m gonna kill him when I see him!! God!"

"Haven’t you heard, Alysa?" Leah asked.

"Heard what?"

"Lance went to Orlando, Florida to audition for a vocal group."

"A what?"

"Mandy was telling me about it last hour," Leah said. "Lance’s vocal coach used to work with Justin Timberlake, (you know that cutie from the Mickey Mouse Club with the curly hair?), and anyway he gave Justin Lance’s name when he called asking about a bass for some vocal group he’s in with another guy from MMC and some other guys that live in Orlando."

"What kinda vocal group is this?"

"Mandy said Lance told her it was kinda like the New Kids on the Block. Isn’t that cool? Lance could be famous!"

"Like Geek-Boy could ever be famous," Alysa replied. "I can’t believe I have to do this lab by myself cause Lance went to Orlando to make a fool out of himself. That’s totally unfair."

::end flashback::

"I can’t believe you flew your Jaguar here for this," Mackenzie Kentwood shook her head at Lance as he got dressed for the formal dinner.

"Would you have rather rolled up in my parents car?" Lance said looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. "Are you sure this is the best of all the suits?"

"Yes, Lance, you look hot!" Mackenzie exclaimed. "You’ll be the hottest most successful person there tonight!"

"I hope so," he sighed.

"Are you doing this just to show Alysa Ashland she was wrong about you?"

"Partly," he shrugged.

"Then you shoulda got yourself a famous date, that’d show her."

"You’re famous."

"I’m not famous, only your fans have any clue who I am," she replied.

"Whatever. I wouldn’t dream of showing up without my fiancée on my arm," he replied. "We’ll make a good impression."

"Yah I’m pretty sure the Jaguar and the expensive clothes will be enough to cover the fact your girlfriend isn’t Hollywood," she said with a joking smile

"Do you think I’m being too over the top?" Lance asked coming out of the bathroom. "Your dress is nice."

"Thank you and you might be a little but I know I plan to blow them away at my ten year assuming my career’s taken off," she answered.

"Are you ready?"


"Lets go then!"

"Lance, it’s so good to see you! I’m glad you could make it," Leah Cook said handing him his name tag. "Don’t think you’ll need that though," she commented.

"It’s good to see you too, Leah. How are things?"

"They’re good. Brad and I are engaged," she said.

"You’re marrying a Mississippi Show Stopper?" Lance said.

"I see you still remember Alysa’s attitude towards you," she said. "Since she probably won’t apologize, I will for her. She was totally unfair to you and I’m sorry I didn’t try harder to get her to stop."

"It’s all right," he shrugged. "How is Princess Ashland anyway?"

"Married with two kids, and unhappy," she answered.

"You two talk much anymore?" he asked trying to hide his smile when she said unhappy.

"No not really. She married some big time music producer and decided she was too big for all her old friends," Leah answered.

"That’s too bad," Lance said.

"Yah... Well, I’m sure you want to go catch up with some of the others so I won’t keep you any longer. It was nice talking to you and I want you to know I think you deserve all your success you’ve had, you’re a great guy."

"Thanks, Leah," he smiled going on into the main part of the restaurant.

"There you are, Lance," Mandy Ashford said coming up to him. "Where’ve you been? Oh hi Mackenzie."

"Hello Mandy."

"I was talking to Leah Cook," he shrugged.

"Leah’s out there? I should go say hi to her. Our table’s over there where Brad and Alex are if you wanna go sit down," she said.

"All right, I’ll do that. See you later," Lance said walking over to the table.

Mackenzie and Lance made their way to the table Mandy was pointing at. Lance introduced Mackenzie to people as he stopped and talked to people.

"Hello class of 1997," Alysa said waving at them slightly. "For those of you who don’t remember me, I’m Alysa Ashland, your class president. It’s so good of all of you to make it!"

"I’m Mark Stevens, class vice-president. Before we eat, there’s a few ‘awards’ we need to hand out," Mark said. "It’s been a crazy couple of years so I’m glad almost everyone was able to make it back."

"Thank you, Mark. Our first ‘award’ goes to the person who traveled the farthest, Kelly Johnson, who came all the way from England to be here with us. Good to see you, Kelly."

Kelly walked up and got her ‘award’ and they continued giving awards out until they reached the last one.

"Our last award- awards, go to the most successful male and female from our class," Alysa said. "Could Lance Bass and Mandy Ashford please come up here and say a few words maybe?"

"Lance should also win the award for best looking fiancée, but Alysa didn’t want to give that award out," Mark said with a laugh.

"Wow it’s such an honor being considered the most successful female in our class!" Mandy said waving at her classmates. "I’m not really sure what to say, but thank you!"

"I agree it is an honor being considered the most successful male in our class," Lance said. "Thank you for this ‘award’ I guess and it’s great to see all of you again."

"Lance Bass, good to see you," Alysa said walking up to him. "It’s been a while."

"Alysa Ashland, yes it has been a while," Lance nodded. "How’s life been?"

"It’s pretty good. I’m married and I’ve got a daughter and a son," she said.

"That must be nice. My fiancée and I both agree we should wait a couple of years after we get married before having children because we’re so busy with our careers," he said.

"So I’ve heard. My daughter’s a real big fan of yours. Her father got her tickets to see you in Jackson, Charlotte, and Memphis. She’s real excited about that."

"Well that’s cool. Tell her I hope she has a good time at the shows and enjoys them," Lance smiled.

"I hate askin but do you suppose I could get an autograph for her?"

"Sure, no problem. If you wanted I could probably get the other guys to sign it and send it to you."

"Would you? That’d be real nice of you, Lance," she said. "Why would you do something so nice for me with the way I treated you?"

"I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for your daughter. I don’t think a child who likes me or my group should suffer because her mama was mean to me growing up," Lance replied.

"Oh well again, that’s real nice of you."

"Lance, come dance with me," Mackenzie said running up to him. "Oh hi, I’m Mackenzie Williams," she added looking at Lance questioningly.

"Nice to meet you, I’m Alysa Ashland-Wilson" Alysa replied. "It was nice talking to you, Lance, and um I’ll get my address to you later."

"All right," he nodded.

"What was that all about?" Mackenzie asked when Alysa was gone.

"I’m gonna get the guys to autograph something for her daughter," he answered.

"That’s sweet of you. Lets dance now," she said dragging him to the dance floor.

"By special request here’s Toby Keith’s ‘How Do You Like Me Now?’ dedicated to ‘Princess’ from ‘Geek-Boy’," the DJ said as they reached the floor.

"Mackenzie," Lance burst into laughter.

"What? I couldn’t help it," she shrugged. "Like anyone knows who that’s to anyway."

"Um hmm, Zie, I think they do," he said still laughing watching his former classmates point between him and Alysa, who sat alone at her table. "But you know, I don’t really mind."

"It’s your theme song, babe," Mackenzie said. "A very fitting one."

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