Chapter 5

"Wanna go house shopping with me when we’re finished?" Justice asked a when we were sitting around making a list of videos for Justice to use on her Top 50 countdown.

"What?" I asked looking up from the list I was going over, confused.

"House shopping, wanna come?"

"As in looking for a house for you in Florida?" I asked wide eyed.

"Yup, so you interested?" she asked.

"You’re moving to Florida??" I exclaimed, not believing what I was hearing.

"I’m thinking about it. I was thinking of looking at house while I’m here to see if they had any that I liked and if not I figured I start trying to figure out what kinda house I want," she shrugged.

"I can’t believe you’re thinking of moving here!! That’s so cool!!" I exclaimed.

"Then you’ll help me?"

"Of course!! Do Renee and Edward know about this? What about Mama?"

"I’ve talked about it with them, and they said if I felt I was ready to move out on my own they were cool with it as long as I knew I’d still have a home with them."

We finished going through the songs then I said I was going to take a shower so that we’d have more time to look at houses before we were supposed to meet up with the others and decide what we were going to do tonight. After my shower I headed downstairs to tell Justice I was ready.

I ran into Justice about half way up the stairs. "Benda, what’s wrong?" I asked noticing the tears in her eyes.

"Randall’s downstairs… I’m gonna go get ready, so come get me whenever you’re ready to go," she answered continuing on her way.

"Dad?" I called, jogging down to the living room.

"Hey, Justin," he said smiling at me. "Is your friend all right? She looked a bit upset when she walked out of here," he added.

"My friend?" I asked looking at him confused, leaning down to give Jon and Steve hugs.

"Justice," he replied. "She stared at me oddly when I started to introduce myself to her then said she knew who I was and ran out of the room."

"Oh Justice... She’s been upset all day, something to do with her parents," I lied. "She always get this way around the holidays."

"Oh cause it was almost like she expected me to remember her or something."

"Well does she reminded you of anyone?" I asked.

"No, should she? I’m afraid I don’t remember all your friends in Memphis that well."

"Hmm. No you probably didn’t see Justice very often."

"Randall, well hello," Mama said coming into the living room. "I didn’t realize you were in town."

"Lisa had some business she needed to attend to here in Orlando and we just sorta tagged a long so I figured we should stop by to see Justin," Dad answered.

"Well that’s great," Mama smiled. "Where’s Justice, Jus?"

"She went upstairs about twenty minutes ago, crying..." I answered.

"Crying? What happened, is she all right?"

"I dunno, I bumped into her on the stairs and Dad said she ran out of her crying," I told her.

"What happened, Randall?" she asked.

"I don’t know. All I did was introduce myself and she ran off."

"Hmm well I’m going to go check out her," Mama said leaving the room.

"So where’s that sister of yours? You don’t talk about her much anymore," Dad asked after a while. "She still living in Kansas with your uncle Edward?"

"You’re really serious about the fact that Justice doesn’t remind you of anyone, aren’t you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes, I don’t know who she’s supposed to remind me of but I don’t remember her."

"Try your daughter asshole," Justice said from the doorway. "You know the one you haven’t seen in six years because you didn’t want her."

"Belinda?" he asked looking at her.

"In the flesh."

"You look so different."

"Six years’ll do that to a person."

"I’m really proud-" he started.

"Save it, please. I don’t want you to be proud of me, it does nothing for me."

"I’m proud of you," I said to Justice after Dad had left.

"Thank you," she smiled, no doubt remembering the scene that took place earlier.

"So you ready to go house hunting?"


"Where we gonna look?"

"Well of course I want it out of the city with not to many houses around cause I like my privacy but I want it near enough to you that I don’t have to drive forever when I want to see you."

"We could start out here," I suggested. "Then I know there were some real nice houses in the areas where Chris lives and where Lance lives too," I added.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Why can’t you just choose a CD and stick with it?" I exclaimed as Justice changed CDs yet again.

Flipping to "The World Tonight" by Paul McCartney she answered, "Because that’s not how I listen to music. Why else do you think I’ve got some many CDs?"

"Because you love to waste money," I answered.

"You’re just mad I don’t pay that kinda money to buy your CDs," she teased as we reached the secluded area of Orlando where Lance lived, the last one of our trip.

"I still can’t believe you’re going to live here," I smiled looking at the spacious houses we passed.

"I can’t either but it’s time I moved out and I like the idea of not having to fly to see you when we’re both on vacation, ya know?"

"I know what you mean. I hated you living so far away, why do you think I decorated that room for you here? I was hoping you’d move in."

"You know I couldn’t move in. Yes Lynn and I have gotten over a lot of the issues but it’s still not to the level where I could live in the same house as her," she said looking at one of the houses we passed that had a for sale sign. "What do you think of that one?"

"It couldn’t hurt to come check it out," I shrugged, knowing she was right about not being able to live with Mama.

"I’ll add it to the list," she said scribing the address in her notebook.

We were nearing the end of the drive when her cell phone rang. "Hello? Hey Lance! What’s up bud?" she asked as we drove by his house. "I like that one, Justin. Make him sell it to me," Justice said pointing at it.

"Oh I think you could get him to at least let you move in with him, but hell yah he’d probably sell it to ya," I laughed.

"Your house, actually. We’ve decided, well I’ve decided it’s the prefect house for me so I want you to sell it to me," Justice giggled. "I’ve also decided I’m going to move to Orlando cause I miss being able to bother Timberdork at any moment of the day," she said after a pause. "Well we looked near Justin’s house in the crack head.. er the area where Chris lives, and now we’re checking out near your house. Sigh you three chose all the good areas to live in and now I’ll end up with one of you as a neighbor.... Those are all perks. Especially the one of those four not living out here. Lord knows what would happen if all of *NSYNC lived in the same part of town!... Better them then you though I suppose... Umm we’re meeting for dinner at Starlight at eight from there we’re gonna decided when everyone’s together... You better go. Who else will vote with me that we should go to Starship?"

After Lance and Justice finished talking we still had time before we were supposed to meet up with the others so we decided to go back by my house for a bit longer. When we found nothing else to do we decided to it was a the prefect time to answer some of the emails at the accounts we’d set up jokingly pretending to be each other then put the addresses out to see if we got any.

"You’re such a dork," I laughed looking over at Justice screen where she was entering *NSYNC concerts.

"Oh I’m a dork, huh?" she said glancing at my screen. "That’s why you’re entering a contest to win the sunglasses I wore in the ‘Guilty Pleasures’ video, huh?"

"They were MY sunglasses," I replied, shrugging.

"Oh yah, that’s why they were so ugly," she giggled going back to her e-mail account. "Here’s an interesting one for you. I found it yesterday and I thought I’d share it with ya," she said pulling one up.

"What’s it say?" I asked.

"Justin, I know this probably isn’t you but I went out on a limb figuring, what the hell, ya know? Anyway my roommate told me that she used to go to school with you back in Memphis and she swears up and down that Justice Randall’s real name is Belinda and she’s your twin sister. I’m sure she’s just lying but it was bothering me and I got this address from a friend that said she’s heard back from ya and it really seemed like ya... anyways... Kayla," Justice read. "So what should we tell our dear friend Kayla?"

"Tell Kayla that it’s a very interesting story and that sure we used to tell people we were twins but Justice isn’t named Belinda and I don’t have any sisters, only two younger brothers, but jazz it up a bit," I shrugged looking for one for her. "Any good ones? The rest of these are questions we don’t have time to answer right now."

"No, the rest are asking about the fan in St. Louis," she answered deleting them.

"Benda," I started, knowing we needed to talk about it.

"You don’t have to explain it to me, Justie. I’m still behind you 100%. I know how your fans can get and you just showed them you’re human and like most humans if you push too hard, too long, too much, you’re gonna get a reaction you aren’t gonna like," she cut me off.

"I just don’t want you to be upset with me. It just gets too much sometimes," I confessed.

"That’s why you’ve got a about 20 different ways to get a hold of me! If you gotta vent, talk to me, you aren’t gonna hurt my feelings," she said hugging me.

"If I called you every time it got too much do you know how much we’d be on the phone?"

"A lot, but that’s okay, I like hearing the Wabash Cannonball every five minutes," she smiled.

"I can’t believe you got your phone to play that," I laughed.

"What else should a KSU phone play?"

"That’s true… So you promise you aren’t upset with me?"


"Well this is the last one," I said when we pulled up in front of the house I found in Lance’s neighborhood.

"Yep," Justice smiled looking at it.

Justice and I followed the agent, Kara, thought the house silently looking at the things she pointed out. We looked at the house then Kara allowed use some time alone to look things over again.

"What do you think?" Justice asked me as we entered the master bedroom.

"I like it better than the other two but it’s a bit big for just you, don’t you think?"

"It’s my favorite of the three too and there’s so much I could do with it," she answered. "Sure five bedrooms is a bit large but it’s not like they won’t get used. Edward and all them will visit me, so will my friends from

Independence and Memphis," she added.

"That’s true," I nodded. "And it’s a great price too."

"And it’s only thirty minutes from you and Lynn."

"And only five from Lance," I added with a grin.

"You know that has nothing to do with nothing."

"What? I’m just saying you’ll know someone who lives close is all."

"Which is SO important since we’re both home SO much."

"Oh yah. At least we won’t have to go very far after one of his parties."

"We?" she asked, looking at me oddly. "You know you’re welcome to stay here anytime you want," she added laughing when I started to speak.

"Good cause your room would still be at my house," I smiled.

"Wonderful," Justice smiled back as we continued to check out the house.

"So?" Kara asked when we reached the kitchen again.

"Well I really like it, but I promised my uncle I’d let him check out anything before I bought so is it possible to schedule an appointment for sometime in January?"



"Call me?" Josh asked, giving me a kiss.

"The minute I land in Tennessee, I promise," I nodded. "I’m gonna miss you, babe."

"I’ll miss you too but we’ll talk everyday and it’s only for a week," he said hugging me.

"That’s too long," I pouted.

"Justice will be there in two days and then when you get back here we’ll be holed up in the studio together for months," he reminded me.

"Studio time," I smiled.

"Being in one place for more than a day," he added.

"Jus, baby, we gotta get to the airport," Mama said coming into the living room. "Have a safe trip home, JC, and tell your parents I said hello and wish them a Merry Christmas for me," she added.

"All right, Lynn, you have a good trip as well and a Merry Christmas," Josh said, giving me one last hug. "I will see you in one week."

"Seven days," I said.

"168 hours."

"That’s too long," I pouted again.

"It’ll fly by, I swear! Just you wait until you see Jon and Steve again," Josh said.

"You’re right. See you," I said kissing him again before we walked out to the car.

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