
"Benda, how are you?" I asked going over to her.

"I’m fine. How about you?" she asked hugging me.

"I’m good. It’s not all bad you know, at least we can admit to being brother and sister now."

"Yah that’s a plus," she nodded. "Although the buzz around the teeny bin is someone’s trying to rally them to hate me not only cause I’m Lance’s girlfriend but now I have the nerve to be your sister."

"You’re kidding, right?" Lance and I asked.

"Yah I am. They’re happy hating me just cause I’m dating Lance."

"They don’t hate you," Lance said. "And if they do, they’re not real fans so it doesn’t matter to me."

"Aw you’re sweet," she smiled pulling her hands up into the sweatshirt of mine she had on. "Could it be any colder in here??"

"You’re cold? I’m dying of heat," I said.

"Neither of you can ever be just fine, can you?" joked Mama.

"That’s impossible," Justice shook her head.

"Well they sent me in here to get you three so if you’re ready..."

"You ready?" I asked her.

"As ready as I’ll ever be," she nodded, grabbing Lance and my hands before following Mama out.

"I guess the reason we’re all here today is to discuss what was published in People last week," Renee said walking up in front of the crowd of reporters. "They published a very detailed story told to them by Randall Timberlake. This story told of the true relationship between Justice Randall AKA Belinda Timberlake-Bills and Justin Timberlake. It told of how they were not just best friends but also brother and sister. We will hear three other versions of that story this afternoon starting with Lynn Harless then Justin, and finally Justice. Please hold all questions until the very end."

Mama took Renee’s place before she began to speak. "Before I begin I feel I should apologize to Justice. I know no matter how many times I say it I can never make up for how I treated you the first thirteen years of your life," she said looking at me from where Justice sat.

When Mama was finished speaking it was my turn. I took a deep breath and looked to my right where Josh sat, he offered me an encouraging smile when I stood up in front of everyone. I glanced to my left to where Justice was sitting with Lance before I began to speak.

"People have always seemed to think I had so fairy tale childhood, even though my parents divorced they still loved me so much. I never had to want for anything, my parents always gave me everything I wanted. They were the parents all my friends wanted. None of them ever saw what went on, on the other side closed doors, they never saw how these supposedly perfect parents treated their daughter. They never had to watch them ignore her, or see the hurt in her eyes when it happened even though they stopped meaning anything to her really it still hurt her. Benda was so careful to try and keep her fights with our parents to when I wasn’t around but I could always tell when she spent the weekend fighting with our mom when I went to our father and I could sense the tension between her and our father when I stepped into the house if he arrived to pick me up before I got home.

"I had to watch the pain she went through and it was so terrible because I couldn’t do anything to stop it. She always did everything possible to make me happy and as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t make this go away and make my parents stop hurting her. It made me so sick to think that these people that loved me so much could be like this to her. When we were thirteen and she went to live with our uncle it was so hard to watch her go even though I knew it was going to make the pain stop. Edward would treat her right and she’d have a chance to live the life she deserved. I’ll always be sorry I couldn’t do anything for her back then, she didn’t deserve to get treated the way she was growing up. She deserved to be treated so much better."

Then it was Justice’s turn. She squeezed Lance’s hand and gave me a hug.

"I know that I’ve lied to each and everyone of you from the moment I stepped out into public, or at least that’s how some of you feel. I told stories of a friendship with one of today’s most popular icons, leaving out that it ran much deeper than friendship, that we were bond together forever as brother and sister. I told you of my childhood, creating imaginary people, not giving them their actual names. For me it’s always been about public appearances. Lynn and Randall were to appear as the prefect loving parents of Justin Timberlake. Justin was to appear as the sweet, lovable, talented, only son of Lynn and Randall. I was to appear as the best friend of Justin Timberlake who lived a shitty life but it only made her strong and more driven to achieve her goals. To an extent that was true. To Justin, Lynn and Randall were the prefect loving parents, Justin is sweet, lovable, and talented, and I am the best friend of Justin Timberlake who lived a shitty life that made me strong and more driven to achieve my goals, but that’s not the whole story. You’ve heard most of the story from Randall, from Lynn, from Justin, even a little from me but you don’t know it all. You don’t know how unloved I felt the first thirteen years of my life, how I clung to Justin and to Edward and Renee who loved me it seemed when no one else could. You don’t know how emotionally draining it is to go to school everyday and pretend life’s wonderful. Pretend your parents love you as much as they love your twin brother that you love so much yet always hated just as much because he had the one thing you wanted, your parents’ love," Justice said, only pausing to wipe away the tears as the ran down her face.

"There’s so much that no body knows about all those years, not Lynn, not Renee, not Edward, not even Justin, who has always known everything. You’ve heard all about how Randall and Lynn focused on Justin, barely noticing I was alive so I won’t tell you again. You’ve heard about the custody battle that went on with Lynn and Randall over which of them got Justin and in turn got stuck with the one neither seemed to want. What you haven’t heard of is all the chances I’ve spotted that could’ve probably changed things but I was so afraid at the time that someone would take them away so instead I took care of them myself. When I was ten I got an offer to go to one of the best music schools in the world to study dance and piano, but I turned it down because I knew Lynn would never let me do it, I wasn’t her little star so why should I be doing that? When Justin and I were eleven we both tried out for Star Search which you know Justin made. I made it too but the thought of competing against Justin made me sick to my stomach and I declined, knowing if I hadn’t Lynn would’ve for me. When we were twelve Lynn found out about the Mickey Mouse Club auditions and signed Justin up for them. I talked my uncle Edward into convincing Lynn to let me audition too. Justin again made the show. No one ever knew this but I was offered a place on the show and declined it," she paused again glancing at Mama and me.

"I know if I had done something different in all those points of my life, things would’ve been different. Lynn and Randall would’ve had to face up to it a long time ago that I wasn’t just someone there, I was someone who mattered, who had talent, who should be loved. But I know if I could do it all over again I’d do it just the same, except maybe I wouldn’t have bleached my hair, that I probably wouldn’t have done," she said earning the small chuckle. "Everything that has gone on in my life has made me who I am and I enjoy being me. I’ve always loved being me, when I didn’t have to live my public appearance."

When she returned to her seat, I wrapped my arms around her not believing everything I had just learned about her. We were going to have a very long talk when we got back to the hotel.

"Your theme song should be Stronger or something," I whispered and she laughed through her tears.

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