Chapter 2

"That was amazing, you guys," Rosie said when we were all sitting again.

"Is that on your new album?"

"Yup," I nodded. "Justice wrote the song last year and we were able to work it out so that we could record it together."

"That’s cool. That’s a beautiful song," she smiled.

"Lance, Joey, you sounded so good!!"

"Thank you, Rosie," Joey smiled.

"Thanks," Lance blushed from his seat behind Justice.

"So can we have this big news now or do we have to wait longer?" Rosie asked after she talked to us a bit longer.

"Justie, hon, ease up on my hand a bit please," Justice whispered in my ear as I gripped her hand tightly. "You know I’m here for you, but I’d like my hand to still work when I leave here." I nodded.

"Yah.. uhh.. this is really hard," I started looking at Josh who sat next to me.

"He’s not proposing to Britney," Chris said earning himself hits from Joey and Lance.

"Brit and I aren’t going out... we haven’t since the brief time we dated when we were on the Mickey Mouse Club," I said. "We just said that because..." I continued trailing off looking at Josh again and holding Justice’s hand tightly.

"Because we’re dating," Josh said looking straight into the camera, before grabbing my other hand.

The silence was deafening and seemed to last for hours. Justice wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly and smiled at Josh. The other three comforted us as well.

"I’m proud of you," Justice whispered in my ear.

"We’ve uh gotta go to commercial, we’ll be right back," Rosie said. "Congratulations," she added to us when the camera was off.

"Thank you," I said looking at her.

"How do you want to handle the rest of the interview?"

"It’s up to you.."

"Um okay, how about I ask you some questions then the audience can ask some?"

"That’s fine..."

She nodded. "All right we’re back," she said when she got her signal. "If you’re just joining us, you’ve missed a lot... *NSYNC’s JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake just announced they were a couple before we went to break. So how long have you been together?"

"We’ll have been together two years in June," Josh answered.

"Wow that’s a long time. I assume you’re happy?"

"Very," I nodded. "That’s why we’re doing this, we were sick of hiding."

"Are you worried about loosing fans?"

"Can I answer this one?" Lance asked.

"Of course," Rosie nodded.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say any fans we may loose because of this aren’t the kind of fans we want anyway."

"So you all support them?"

"Very much so," Joey nodded.

"They’re good for each other, that’s all that matters to me," Lance put in.

"Justice would hurt us if we didn’t," Chris said.

"She would, huh?" Rosie said, looking at Justice and laughing when she nodded. "So that answers my next question about whether or not you support them."

"I think I care more than they do sometimes," Justice blushed.

"Yah she wouldn’t talk to me for a week when she though I had broken up with him to go out with Britney," I put in.

"Speaking of Britney, who’s idea was that?"

"Britney’s, actually," I said.

"She asked me about it a couple of months ago, before she talked to Justin to make sure I wouldn’t have a problem with it," Josh continued. "We’re thankful to have such a thoughtful friend."

"Very cool," Rosie nodded. "How about some questions from the audience?"

"How do your families feel about this?"

"They’re all very supportive," Josh said.

"They’re glad we’ve found someone we can be happy with."

"Are you gay or bisexual?"

"I don’t usually try to label myself but if I had to I guess I would say bisexual," Josh answered.

"Same here."

"When did you come out?"

"I came out to my family when I was sixteen," Josh answered. "And the guys all knew when the group started."

"I told Justice, or well she informed me she knew when we were fifteen then when I was sixteen I told my parents and the group."

"Have either of you dated any other guys?"

"Josh is the only guy I’ve gone out with," I shook my head.

"I’ve gone out with a few but none were as serious as what Justin and I have."

"Any celebrities?"

"It’s not really my place to say..."

"We understand," Rosie said.


"Dude they’re not gay, get off it," I heard Justice yell when I reached her room.

"I don’t think they can hear you if you yell at them through the computer," I said coming into the room. "You still at this? It’s after eight, don’t you have plans with Lance?"

"That’s tomorrow," she replied not looking up. "And yes I’m still at this. I will not have people talkin trash on my brother and the guy he loves."

"Benda, hon, that’s sweet but you can’t change everyone’s mind about how they feel," I said wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"I can try."

"Girl, it’s not like we’re getting a bunch of terrible press or anything. Most people are very supportive."

"All your ‘fans’ should be supportive of you."

"As long as my number one fan still loves me, it doesn’t matter."

"Of course JC’s gonna love you."

"I thought you were my biggest fan," I said dropping my head on her shoulder looking at her laptop. "Look, see! That person supports us."

"Oh... well yah of course I’m gonna love you," she smiled. "She’s taking this a lot better than she did the idea of you being with Britney."

"She’d rather me be with a guy than Brit?" I asked with a raised eye brow.

"I wanted you with JC more than Brit," she said looking at me.

"Yah but you’re a freak so it makes sense," I teased.

"Whatever. I think the general public just loves the idea because you two are so perfect together and he’s not Brit."

"That’s kinda scary but hey I’m happy with Josh and if the fans can find some reason to be happy for us I guess that’s a good thing... If it’ll make you feel any better when Eminem comments on this you can deal with it."

"Ohh I like that idea!" she grinned.

"Is this a brother-sister moment or can we join you?" Josh asked peeking his head in the room along with Lance.

"I dunno, whatcha think, Benda?" I asked.

"I suppose they could join us. We’ll bring people in to decide which is the cuter couple involving a Timberlake."

"So you’re admitting you’re one of us now, huh?" I teased.

"Thanks to Randall I can’t deny it anymore," she shrugged.


"Go-Carts?" Josh laughed when I pulled into the parking lot.

"Don’t laugh, it’ll be a lot of fun," I said grabbing his hand.

"I can honestly tell you I didn’t think we’d spend our first public date here," he said following me inside.

"Nothin’s too good for my baby," I joked. "If you’re lucky I’ll even spring for McDonald’s before we head home."

"Go-Carts and McDonald’s, you are too good to me, Jus," he laughed.

"Such a charmer, my brother, huh?"

"Justice!!" I exclaimed turning around to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you," she shrugged. "Although I didn’t think of McDonald’s."

"When I said anything this isn’t exactly what I was thinking of," Lance said as he watched Justice buy more tickets. "And I didn’t think those two would be here," he added looking at Josh and me.

"What’s wrong with go-carts?" Justice asked. "And I didn’t think they’d be here either. Although I shouldn’t be surprised."

"Great minds think alike," I said. "This was where we always came to hang out, for big things too."

"Our first double date," Justice laughed.

"You, me, Brit, and what was his name?"

"Ben, I think."

"You two went on a double date here?" Josh asked looking at us like we were crazy.

"We were twelve, Josh," I shrugged.

"Arcades, go-carts, and skating are about the only thing we were all allowed to do."

"No movies?" Lance questioned.

"Not unless we wanted Lynn and Paul sitting a row behind us," Justice shook her head.

"Talk about a mood killer," Josh laughed.

"Seriously, we’d like actually have to watch the movie or something."

"Poor babies."

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