Chapter 7

"Happy anniversary, baby," I whispered when Josh opened his eyes.

"Happy anniversary, Jus," he smiled, giving me a kiss. "What are you doing up already?" he asked looking at the clock which read 9:30.

"Wanted to see you," I shrugged.

"How long have you been up?"

"About an hour."

"Why didn’t you wake me?"

"Cause just cause I got up early doesn’t mean you had to," I answered. "You feel like breakfast?"

"Yah but how about we order in so we can spend some time without the camera on us?" he suggested.

"Sounds good," I nodded.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him after he finished ordering our breakfast.

"I dunno, what about you?"

"Doesn’t matter, just as long as we’re together," I smiled.

"In that case, how about we just hide out here all day or at least until the guys realize we’re missing," he suggested.

"Good, but I’ve got a way to make it even better," I said reaching for the phone.

"Who are you calling?"

"Lance," I replied.


"Hello?" came a sleepy reply when the ringing stopped.

"Lance, hey, it’s Justin. Did I wake you?" I replied.

"No, not at all," he answered sarcastically.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, do you suppose I could talk you into keeping Joey and Chris away from me and Josh today?"

"Yah, I’ll try. If nothing else Randi’ll keep ‘em away," he replied.

"True, cool thanks though."

"No problem, enjoy yourselves."

"Will do. Later."


"I like the way you think," Josh smiled when I hung up.

"I thought you might," I smiled back.

"So what are you doing over break?" Josh asked when our breakfast had arrived.

"I hadn’t really thought about it, why?"

"Well my parents called and invited us to come spend a week with them if you’d like," he answered.

"I’d love to visit your parents, Josh," I said, somewhat shocked cause although Josh said his parents were supportive of us we’d never really spent time in their home. Usually they visited us in Orlando or on tour, or Josh visited them alone.

"Really?" he asked looking up at me.

"Of course! Why wouldn’t I?" I answered. "It’d be nice to spend some time with them."

"Yah it would," he smiled. "I’ll call them later then."



"Oh you look so cute," Justice joked when I opened the door of my hotel room later that night.

"I wasn’t going for cute," I replied.

"Now you know I can’t be calling you sexy, people think I’m weird as it is," Justice replied.

"Brit, do I look cute?"

"Naw you look sexy. all dressed up in that suit," she replied.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"How come you can’t dress like that for awards shows?" Justice asked.

"When you show up in a traditional dress I’ll dress normal, okay?"

"You know I hate sequence," she answered making a face. "So where are you and JC going?" she added as she and Britney sat on my bed.


"That’s it?" Britney asked.

"We’ve got a concert tomorrow so we agreed to make it an early night," I answered.

"Oh true. Besides you don’t want to spend your special day with a bunch of people," Justice said.

"Which leads me to wonder why you asked us to come," Britney continued.

"It’s kinda embarrassing," I replied. "But you two are the only ones I think would understand... Do you think that Josh and I should..."

"Should what, sweetheart?" Justice asked.

"You know..."

"Why is he pressuring you?" she asked sitting up, getting what I meant.

"No!! It’s nothing like that, chill, Benda," I replied quickly. "It’s just we’ve been together for two years now and well you know Josh isn’t a virgin and..."

"Jus, honey, you’re talking to two card carrying members of the virgins till married club," Britney cut me off. "Do you really think we’re gonna be like ‘yah go for it’?"

"I know, but I figured you’d understand. I mean you understand what a big deal it is and everything," I explained.

"We do understand, Justie, but you have to ask yourself if you’re ready for this," Justice said. "Brit’s right, if it were up to me I’d tell you no, you shouldn’t. But it’s not up to me."

"So do you think you’re ready?" Britney asked.

"I want to be but I keep remembering all those talks I’ve had with you two about how you’re saving it so that it’ll be so much more special for your wedding day and everything and I want it to be special for Josh and me but what if Josh doesn’t want to wait?"

"First of all breathe," Britney said. "And if JC loves you as much as we all know he does, he’ll wait until you’re ready."

"Really and just remind him if he doesn’t want to wait, I will hurt him," Justice replied.

"Thanks you two," I smiled, hugging both of them.

"That’s what we’re here for," Britney replied.

"That would be our cue to leave," Justice said when there was a knock at the door. "See ya."

"Bye," I replied walking with them to the door.

"Lookin se-exy," Justice whistled when she saw Josh.

"Dayum," Britney added.

"You save your x-rated thoughts for until we gone, Justie," Justice said when I opened my mouth. "Have a good time tonight," she added as she and Britney walked off.

"Not too good of a time though," Britney put in.

"Um okay," Josh said watching them walk off.

"Never mind them," I said grabbing his hand. "Lets go to dinner."

"That sounds like a good idea," he nodded.

"Don’t look now but I spy a camera man coming our way," I sighed, spotting the now all too familiar camera man, Kyle.

"Check this out," Josh said nodding toward Chris and Joey who joined him in the hallway.

"Kyle, hey man! Where ya goin?" Joey asked following him as he walked towards us.

"As much fun as it is to film you and Chris playing video games, the fans are gonna wanna see some footage of the others," he answered.

"Well Lance is downstairs, how about you go film him? I’m sure whatever he’s doing is more fun than what Justin and JC’s date will be," Chris said.

"Seriously!" Joey exclaimed. "I mean geez those two are just going to dinner. Who wants to watch them eat?"

"We should go ask the fans what they think is more interesting," Chris suggested.

"I saw some fans wondering around earlier, lets go find them," Joey said. leading Kyle the other way.

"Thanks guys," I called to them before getting on the elevator. "Thanks for getting them to do that," I added to Josh.

"They offered, actually," Josh confessed.

"I’m shocked! Those two offered to do something nice for us?"

"I was shocked too, but that didn’t stop me from agreeing."

"I’m glad," I smiled.

"Well I know I’ve always personally preferred two people dates as opposed to three-people dates."

"Me too."


"Man I’m glad we’re finished with that," Justice said sitting down on the bed in my hotel room, watching me pack for break.

"Me too. The camera man kept following Josh and me around," I said.

"That sucks. At least you’ve got the next two weeks to yourselves," she reminded me.

"One week," I corrected. "We’re going to his parents for a bit."

"Oh yah, I forgot, still won’t be as bad as the camera following you."

"True, it’s still a little weird around his family, just because they haven’t been around us a lot like Mama and everyone has, but it’s nothing compared to the camera following us," I agreed. "You excited about seeing Lance’s family?"

"Yah, a little nervous cause I haven’t seen them in ages, but it’ll be fun."

"Not too much fun, though."

"You better not either," she warned jokingly.

"Justice, Lance is looking for you, said it’s time to go," Josh said coming into the room.

"All right. I will see you both in a week then," she said giving us each a hug. "Have a good time."

"You too."

"Bye Justice/ Benda."

"Bye guys!"

"You ready?" Josh asked after Justice was gone.

"I think so," I nodded looking around the room.

"Lets go then," he said, hugging me. "Thanks for agreeing to go with me."

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