
"So how’s it going?" Justice asked, coming into my room where I was surrounded by CDs.

"I’ve narrowed it down to 18," I said handing her my list. "What do you think?"

"BBMak, 98 Degrees, Boyz and Girlz... geez what’d you do, raid my CDs?" Justice giggled, looking up.

"No one else has mushy girl CDs ‘cept you," I shrugged.

"Brit’s ‘Just One Kiss From You’, that’s cute," she laughed.

"If you’re gonna laugh at my songs, don’t help," I snapped. "I’m sorry," I apologized quickly. "I’m on edge, ya know?"

"I’d be on edge too if I were getting married in two days," Justice replied.

"So which song would you choose?"

"Personally I think they would all work," Justice answered.

"Hi guys," Britney said coming in my room with Chris behind her.

"Hey, what brings you here?" I asked, moving some CDs so that they could sit down.

"We’ve got secret information from the enemy," Chris said.

"What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"We um sorta traded information with Joey and Lance," Britney explained.

"What kind of information?"

"Well we told them about how you’re gonna read those diary entries about JC as part of your vows-" Britney started.

"You what?" Justice and I exclaimed.

"That was suppose to be a surprise! You know they’ll tell Josh," I pouted.

"But we had good reason to tell them," Britney said.

"What’d they tell you?"

"What JC was doing for a song," Chris smiled.

"Tell me!!" I exclaimed.

"Can’t, promised we wouldn’t," Britney shook her head. "Lance and Joey promised not to tell about the diary thing, either."

"But I wanna know," I pouted.

"You’ll find out in two days," Britney replied. "Now come on, we’ve got things to do."


"I think I’m gonna be sick," I said leaning against a wall in a bathroom at the compound two days later.

"You’re just nervous," Justice replied. "Stand up so you don’t get your tux dirty," she added.

"I can’t believe my baby boy’s gettin married," Mama said from where she sat. "Next thing you know, Belinda will get married, then Britney, you’ll get married, and then Joey and Kelly will get married, all my children will be married," she sighed.

"What about me?" Chris said.

"What about you, Dear?" she replied.

"You ain’t ever gonna find someone to marry you, Chris," I joked.

"Will so. Brit’s gonna marry me, aren’t you?" he said, wrapping an arm around her.

"Of course I will, Chris, assuming all the other heartthrobs are already taken," Britney teased.

"Does Wade count as a heartthrob?" I asked.

"He sure makes my heart throb," Justice giggled.

"Will you two stop? Wade and I don’t like each other that way," Britney replied.

"Sure you don’t," Mama said.

"See even Mama Lynn sees you like him," Justice said.

"Whatever," Britney replied, looking at the clock. "Everyone ready? It’s time for us to go downstairs."

With one last look in the mirror we all nodded and exited the room.


"I still can’t believe you got Monica to sing ‘Angel of Mine’," I told Josh as we sat looking out at the ocean.

"That was nothing compared to the entries you read with your vows," he replied.

I smiled. "I can’t believe we’re actually married."

"Me either," he agreed. "Are you disappointed we aren’t going anywhere for our honeymoon?"

"Disappointed? Why would I be? I get to spend two weeks with my husband in our house, what could be better?" I answered, looking around the house Josh and I had bought together in Orlando.

"That is pretty good," he nodded.

"It’s so quiet," I said after a while of us sitting together. "Just the two of us, no one else around."

"Yah but it’s a nice quiet and I could get used to it," he answered.

"What do you suppose the others are doing?" he asked after a while.

"Probably making bets about who’s um on bottom..." I said, blushing.

"Sad to say but yah I bet that’s exactly what they’re doing," he shook his head.

"Okay well enough about them, how about we go to our room and you um help me see what Joey thinks is so great about sex?" I suggested, slightly nervous.

"All right," he nodded, grabbing my hand, and bring it to his mouth to give a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you too," I mumbled into his neck, as I hugged him.

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