Chapter 5

"Belinda, sweetheart," my grandmother greeted Justice when she answered the door. "And Justin, baby, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever gonna show up! Your mother and friend were napping last time I checked, but come on in!"

"Friend?" Justice questioned me as we followed Grandma to the living room.

"Josh came," I smiled.

"Tell me later?" she mouthed.

I nodded and we waited for Grandma to bring Grandpa into the living room. I realized half way through our chat with our grandparents that I didn't come visit them as often as I should. We visited about Justice's life, how school was going, recording, and briefly about the lawsuit that was hanging over my head before Josh and Mama appeared in the living room, looking well rested. We bid each of them hello.

"Hello, Justice," Mama smiled.

"Hello, Lynn. Have a good nap?"

"It was nice," she nodded. "So what's the plans for tonight?"

"Justice and I talked about it while we were driving around. Since she still needs to go out to Edward and Amanda's to get her clothes for tonight and since we haven't seen the new house we thought it'd be nice to go out there and see them while Justice gets ready then go out for dinner," I answered.

"Sounds good to me," Mama nodded.

The three of us excused ourselves to go change clothes and freshen up quickly while Justice stayed in the living room talking with our grandparents. When Josh, Mama, and I were ready we said good-bye to them and loaded into Justice's jeep. The ride was rather quiet expect for the music coming softly from the stereo.

When we got to the house Justice noticed some cars in the driveway and suggested Josh and I went to her room. After she showed us where it was, she and Mama left to go find Edward. Josh and I sat in her room waiting for her, chuckling when we heard one of our songs coming from somewhere outside the room.

"Hmm I wonder if Benda has her demo here," I said getting off the bed walking toward her CDs.

"Justin, you know she's gonna kill you if she sees you going through her stuff," Josh said as I opened a desk drawer.

"If you be quiet, she'll never know," I replied.

"Justin Randall, you stop right now," Justice said pushing the door open.

"Justice? Uhh I'm sorry?" I offered blushing.

"You know if you want to see something you've just got to ask," she said shaking her head at me.

"He wants to listen to your demo cause he's had the song you did from Grease stuck in his head since we left Orlando and he left his copy at home," Josh said when I didn't answer her.

"'Hopelessly Devoted to You'?" she questioned.

"Yah, that one! Lance made us watch Grease last night and…" I said trailing off after I realized I had mentioned Lance.

"You can talk about him around me you know, Justin," she said shaking her head at me. "It's been ten months now."

"Well he's still bummed about it," I shrugged.

"He's not bummed about it, Justie. He's just upset that I kept something that big from him."

"And the fact that you went un-Gothic on him," Josh said.

"I'm an outta the public eye Goth, thank you very much," she replied.

"It's like we're not gay, C, we're bi," I said when Josh got a confused look on his face.

"Speaking of your sexuality's, how about you tell me what ol' Joshie's doin' here, Justin while I get ready?" Justice suggested. "Well only if it's for the reason I hope it is. Cause Lord knows just yesterday I heard you were with Brit."

"If you put in your demo I will," I answered.

"Fine," she sighed going over to her CD case and going through until she found it. "So get on with it," she said as it began to play.

While she went through the closet that had her dressier clothes in it, Josh and I told Justice how we'd finally told each other about our feelings for each other one night in June and decided to give it a try. I continued on to say that I hadn't told her because I wanted to tell her face to face and also I didn't want to tell her if things didn't work out between us.


"Justice, breathe," I said as I watched her get her make up done for the coronation.

"I'm so nervous, Justin! What if I mess up tonight??" she asked.

"Girl, you could sing that song in your sleep, don't worry about it," Josh said. "You're the best one they called to perform again tonight."

"Why am I so nervous? I performed in front of more people than this when I was in Europe and I'll play crowds 30 times as large when I go to Europe in June," she said.

"Because you want to win and you will win, Belinda, you look beautiful," Mama said.

"Thank you, Lynn," Justice smiled.

"Belinda, sweetheart, you look wonderful," Renee grinned when she came in a dozen or so yellow roses.

"Thank you, Renee," she repeated.

"These just came for you," she said added.

"Who are they from?" she asked smiling.

"Do you want to read the card?"

"Can you? My nails are wet," she answered.

"Justice, good luck tonight. Win or lose, you're still a winner to me. Yes I know that was way cheesy but I couldn't think of anything else except I hope we can continue to work together and become friends again. Hope you like yellow roses, couldn't find any blacks ones. Lance," Renee read.

"Aw how sweet," I teased.

"You're just jealous I got flowers and you didn't," Justice answered making a face at me.

"Jealous? Yah right! Why would I want Lance to send me flowers?" I replied making a face back at her.


I sat in the audience with Josh, Mama, Renee, and Edward watching the girls come through as the announcer spoke about them. Belinda would be the last to go through, but she came out mid show to performer her talent again, getting a wonderful response. When she came out the five of us began cheering loudly.

"Belinda Drew Bills is the 18 year old daughter of Edward Bills and Renee Austin. She has one brother, Justin. Belinda is sponsored by Jive Records. She's a three year member of French Club and Kays. Since moving to Independence in 1994 Belinda as held a 4.0 GPA. She performed a vocal solo to Marriah Carry's 'Hero' for us earlier tonight. Belinda has been in dance and piano lessons since the age of seven and vocal lessons since she was thirteen. After graduating Belinda plans to attend Kansas State University getting a bachelor's degree in Computer Science then transfer to the University of North Carolina for her master's degree in Computer Science," read the announcer as she walked down the runway.

Justice gave a small wave when she reached the end of the stage. I waved back not sure if she saw me or not. After she exited the stage the judges left the room and I excused myself to go see Justice. I paused and spoke to the few girls who stopped me along the way, offering them wishes of good luck. Justice was talking with one of her friends when I spotted her.

"You too, Erin," she called when I reached her.

"Your Highness," I said hugging her.

"Now I haven't won-"

"Yet but you will, I've got faith in you," I said. "You were good too, Kaydee," I added.

"Thank you," she smiled. "Well I'll let you two have your time together while I go find my mom."

"Good luck, Kaydee," Justice said giving her a small hug before she walked off.

Justice and I chatted quietly together until it was time for me to go back to my seat. I made it back to my seat just in time to see them all lining up on stage. My eyes stayed locked on Justice during the remainder. I could tell she was nervous and I understood how much winning this would mean to her.

"Miss Fashion is Kaydee Stevens," the announcer called out and the group of girls near her let out squeals and hugged her as she went to get her award.

When they were down to the final three awards Justice looked so unbelievable nervous. Mama was whispering to Edward that she hopped Justice won because it would mean a lot to Justice. Time slowed a bit as they began to name the final three.

"Second Runner Up is Jessica Williams."

"First Runner up is…," the announcer finally said and paused for what seemed eternity. "Lauren Masterson!"

"And Queen Neela the 59th is....," he said after everyone had quieted it down. "Belinda Drew Bills!!"

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